HOMELESS psychiatric patients are being murdered in California. Sunday, November 2, five homeless people were found shot to death in Long Beach, at least three of whom were mental patients. Last month an elderly Los Angeles homeless man, Robert McGraham, was burned to death by parties unknown who threw a canister with gasoline on him from a car, and followed it with a match.
Below is a report on this hate crime against the mentally ill and homeless by Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) and information on Laura's Law Now, which TAC believes would help to reduce the violence.
Treatment Advocacy Center
Five people were found shot to death early Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, in a makeshift homeless encampment covered by thick brush near the 405 Freeway in Long Beach, Calif., police said. Unconfirmed reports indicate that several of the victims suffered from severe mental illness.
The crime upset neighbors and puzzled police, who had no suspects and struggled to comb the rugged terrain surrounding the crime scene near the freeway's intersection with the 710 Freeway.
The incident follows the October death of another California homeless man, John Robert McGraham. McGraham was living on the street for six years, despite attempts by family members to get him treatment for his mental illness. McGraham was doused with gasoline and sent to a fiery death by a still unknown attacker. The incidents are focusing attention of the problems of both homelessness and mental illness in southern California.
The two attacks illustrate what statistics show, that people living with a mental illness are more likely than others to become victims. Victimization is a serious consequence of failing to treat mental illness.
The fact that people do not choose to be victims was pointed out by McGraham's sister after his death.
"I wish people better understood the mental turmoil a human being can go through that puts and keeps them in such a place that they can't seem to get out," Susan McGraham-Paisley wrote. Our family has tried for many, many years to help him but it seemed beyond our reach." McGraham-Paisley and other family members no longer live in the Los Angeles area, but still would visit John Robert and kept trying to get him helped he was unaware he needed.
"I hope the horrific crime against our brother will make people realize that homeless people are human, they do have family, they are cared for. Several people, when they had learned my brother was homeless for more than two decades would say, 'He chooses to live this way," a statement she takes strong issue with.
"I find that comment so offensive and so lacking compassion. Some might say we all choose to be where we are, but we don't all start on an even playing field, and we aren't all dealt the same cards. My brother didn't consciously choose to live out on the streets, he just didn't seem to know what to do with himself," she said. "Families of homeless are often helpless to make diagnoses, correct problems without intervention. Both my sister and my ex-husband contacted various agencies, but never with any success."
Putting in place assisted outpatient treatment may have helped the McGraham family save their brother. California has the ability to implement Laura's Law Now in each county.
Increased Awareness Needed
These two horrific tragedies did raise awareness about the problem. More needs to be done. You can help raise awareness too. Email ten friends and families members and let them know your concern.
Homeless man lighted on fire identified as John Robert McGraham
McGraham, 55, had lived 20 years in the mid-Wilshire neighborhood where he was doused and torched. The slaying is under investigation.
By Margot Roosevelt
October 13, 2008
The homeless man who died after being torched in a mid-Wilshire neighborhood Thursday was identified today by the county coroner’s office as John Robert McGraham. He was 55 years old.
A vigil is planned for 5 p.m today near the corner of 3rd and Berendo streets, where the victim of the gruesome killing had sat, near an empty dental office. By this morning, neighbors in the multiethnic neighborhood had mounted an impromptu shrine with dozens of candles, handwritten letters and other remembrances.
A photo was taped above the sidewalk, depicting a rotund, shoeless Caucasian man with a beard and a dirty oversized jacket; a sign bore the words “RIP John.” The victim had lived for two decades in the neighborhood and was known as a gentle, inoffensive person.
Police continued to investigate what LAPD Chief William Bratton called a “heinous” killing. One witness reported seeing several young men emerge from a Honda Civic and douse the victim with liquid from a red plastic container. Another reportedly saw a young man in his 20s with short brown hair and a large black T-shirt running from the scene after the attack, which occurred about 9:30 p.m.
* Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
* Court and Kingdom
* 2008_06_18@140235
* "I just made bad decisions"
* Sleeping Homeless Man
* _MG_4293
* un bogotano
* kickin it with my man
* The city and the bum, oblivious to one another
* sfaccettature di solitudine
HOMELESS psychiatric patients are being murdered in California. Sunday, November 2, five homeless people were found shot to death in Long Beach, at least three of whom were mental patients. Last month an elderly Los Angeles homeless man, Robert McGraham, was burned to death by parties unknown who threw a canister with gasoline on him from a car, and followed it with a match.
Below is a report on this hate crime against the mentally ill and homeless by Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) and information on Laura's Law Now, which TAC believes would help to reduce the violence.
Treatment Advocacy Center
Five people were found shot to death early Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, in a makeshift homeless encampment covered by thick brush near the 405 Freeway in Long Beach, Calif., police said. Unconfirmed reports indicate that several of the victims suffered from severe mental illness.
The crime upset neighbors and puzzled police, who had no suspects and struggled to comb the rugged terrain surrounding the crime scene near the freeway's intersection with the 710 Freeway.
The incident follows the October death of another California homeless man, John Robert McGraham. McGraham was living on the street for six years, despite attempts by family members to get him treatment for his mental illness. McGraham was doused with gasoline and sent to a fiery death by a still unknown attacker. The incidents are focusing attention of the problems of both homelessness and mental illness in southern California.
The two attacks illustrate what statistics show, that people living with a mental illness are more likely than others to become victims. Victimization is a serious consequence of failing to treat mental illness.
The fact that people do not choose to be victims was pointed out by McGraham's sister after his death.
"I wish people better understood the mental turmoil a human being can go through that puts and keeps them in such a place that they can't seem to get out," Susan McGraham-Paisley wrote. Our family has tried for many, many years to help him but it seemed beyond our reach." McGraham-Paisley and other family members no longer live in the Los Angeles area, but still would visit John Robert and kept trying to get him helped he was unaware he needed.
"I hope the horrific crime against our brother will make people realize that homeless people are human, they do have family, they are cared for. Several people, when they had learned my brother was homeless for more than two decades would say, 'He chooses to live this way," a statement she takes strong issue with.
"I find that comment so offensive and so lacking compassion. Some might say we all choose to be where we are, but we don't all start on an even playing field, and we aren't all dealt the same cards. My brother didn't consciously choose to live out on the streets, he just didn't seem to know what to do with himself," she said. "Families of homeless are often helpless to make diagnoses, correct problems without intervention. Both my sister and my ex-husband contacted various agencies, but never with any success."
Putting in place assisted outpatient treatment may have helped the McGraham family save their brother. California has the ability to implement Laura's Law Now in each county.
Increased Awareness Needed
These two horrific tragedies did raise awareness about the problem. More needs to be done. You can help raise awareness too. Email ten friends and families members and let them know your concern.
It's easy just click here.
Treatment Advocacy Center
200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 730, Arlington, VA 22203
703 294 6001/6002 (phone) | 703 294 6010 (fax) |
See an article about Mr. Graham's murder and his community's response to his death here:
Find more NowPublic.com articles regarding America's mentally ill citizens and other social issues at this link:
Mary Neal
Website: http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com
Author's Page http://www.care2.com/c2c/people/profile.html?pid=513396753
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. ~ Matthew 25:40
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Jennings David L
* reply
* news wrangler
Jennings David L
at 16:34 on November 7th, 2008
This is so sad, that people would hurt anyone, let alone defenseless and homeless people. Good reporting.
0 November 7th, 2008
Thank you, David. Mental patients and homeless people have a rough time. I report it and pray that someone with power and authority will help. This needs to CHANGE!
California Governor's Office:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )
Form for email - http://gov.ca.gov/interact
* reply
Thank you. I hope these stories help to change things for mental patients and their families who love them. In the case of homeless mental patients, their families may not even know where they are. I read a touching story about a homeless man whose family knew he was in New Orleans during Katrina, and they set out after the flood to search for him, hoping that somehow he survived.
Everyone is someone's sister, brother, son, daughter, father, mother, or friend. Moreover, we are all created by God, who is Holy. One day He will deal with the abusers. In the meanwhile, we are to love ye one another as He loves us.
I know first hand the horrors of being homeless and sick. I run a shelter with 30 beds and lives have been saved, but some fall victim to despair. Thank you for this article about a part of humanity that needs our compassion and support. Well done
Thank you, Mabone. We should take a lesson from The Great Depression and recognize we are all just one blessing away from homelessness, no matter how wealthy we are.
Everything about human life is fragile: our health, our finances, our faith and hope in the future. We should be cognizant of the fact that we all face disabilities in life if we live long enough.
Mental patients are the only citizens regularly killed and imprisoned for reason of a health condition. Let us come out of the 14th Century! Mental illness is treatable.
at 01:35 on November 8th, 2008
How was that killing a mentally retarded person? Inhuman activities will ruin the civilizations. Just throwing gasoline and followed it with a match was that easy to kill a person like us? Mental patients should be regarded as Gods, they don't knew what they were doing. Should be condemned by one and all. And police should act quickly and brought the killers before justice.
Good stuff duo. I used to be homeless myself and the variety of people I met who were also homeless; from ex army to former solicitor (lawyer) women fleeing domestic violence. A teenage girl fleeing an abusive homelife and also ex prisoners. To burn or shoot a fellow human being that has probably had more hardship in one year than most people have within an entire lifetime
Bipolar Disorder? Schizophrenia? Manic Depression? Alzheimer's? Dementia? PTSD? Post Partum Depression? Autism? See who else has/had mental disorders:
Buzz Aldrin (astronaut) · Adam Ant (musician) · Ludwig van Beethoven (composer) · Napoleon Bonaparte (political leader) · Tim Burton (artist, director) · Lord Byron (poet) · Dick Cavett (television journalist) · Winston Churchill (politician) · Charles Dickens (author) · DMX, Dark Man X (Earl Simmons) (musician, actor) · Robert Downey Jr. (actor) · Richardy Dreyfuss (actor) · Patty Duke (actress) · Ralph Waldo Emerson (author) · Carrie Fisher (Actress, writer) · Larry Flynt (publisher, activist) · Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Writer) · Connie Francis (singer) · Stephen Fry (actor, comedian writer) · Peter Gabriel (musician) · Alan Garner (novelist) · Matthew Good (musician) · Philip Graham (publisher, businessman) · Macy Gray (musician, actor) · Graham Greene (English Novelist) · Ivor Gurney (English composer, poet)· Sean LeVert (singer) · Patrick Kennedy (Congressman) · Elvis Presley (singer, actor) · Britney Speers (singer) · Somebody you love
Jenny Dooley
* reply
Jenny Dooley (not verified)
at 09:46 on November 8th, 2008
Such sad news! Shocking and frightening!
at 12:47 on November 8th, 2008
Just what is planned for the beautiful young men and women America sent to Iraqi deserts? Many are expected to transition home soon, and some will be suffering with grave pyschological disorders due to PTSD. Some were brain damaged when shells penetrated their skulls. What do we have waiting for them?
A nice cardboard box in an alley somewhere?
A prison cell living in their own filth in solitary confinement with prison guards equipped with Taser weapons and gas to keep them in line?
Murder by street hoodlums who prey on the homeless?
We need to CHANGE!
0r 9th, 2008
I have several family members who are mentally ill and I myself have been homeless at one time in my life. Trust me, no one wants to be mentally ill or homeless. No one deserves to be. When I was six or seven years old, then Governor Ronald Reagan closed most of the mental hospitals in California including the one my father was in. It was a mixed blessing. My father still suffers from schizophrenia and he has to deal with the scars on his brain from the electric shock therepy he was given. (Later, CA outlawed the practice.) Most of the homeless in Southern CA , that I am aware of are mentally ill. A sad legacy leftover from Ronald Reagan. The laws need to be changed so there is somewhere for the mentally ill to go to and certain tragedy can be averted.
As long as our most vulnerable citizens are used as commodies to benefit those who PROFIT from incarcerating 2.3 million Americans, including 1.25 million mental patients, the mentally ill will continue to suffer homelessness, prison, and death. Our mentally ill citizens are left on the street with taxpayers being told there is no money to house them and give them treatment and care. However, USDC Judge Henderson just decreed that California must spend $8 BILLION to build, equip, and staff seven PRISON hospitals and an additional $2.3 BILLION per year to operate in order to warehouse our sick citizens in jail, although it is much less expensive to give them treatment and care outside of prison - in mental hospitals, or in community care if they did no violent crimes.
Prison profiteers earn money when the mentally ill are left on the street, Ola. Sick people can then be arrested for vagrancy, disturbing the peace, and other petty offenses, and California taxpayers are expected to fork over $230,000 annually to imprison each individual sick inmate. How much less money do you think it would cost taxpayers for each non-violent mental patient to be allowed to rejoin their communities with basic subsistence (housing and food) and psychiatric care? Most American families of four don't have $230k income to live on in five years!
It is not a matter of there not being money to care for our mentally ill citizens, but rather, it is a matter of how the money is being used and who is profiting.
See: Is America's Prison System Legalized Slavery?
Thanks so much for your comments and sharing the information on your family. You are right about things needing to CHANGE!
* reply
MindStorm (not verified)
at 13:49 on January 7th, 2009
I am mentally ill, not to such a degree that I cannot function on my own, however. I have bipolar disorder. I also have a number of other health issues, in conjunction with my BP that makes it impossible to hold down a full or part time job. I have dealt with feelings of shame, remorse, depression and more, since I stopped working a few years ago. It was only a matter of time and I would have been let go due to my work performance and attendence. I wanted to avoid hard feelings and allow time for my replacement, so I arranged to leave work before they made the arrangement for me. Had I been completely on my own, I may well have become homeless. It is because of a supportive family that I have not had to face such adversity. I am having difficulty finding a doctor who will treat me due to the number of documented health conditions that I deal with. I had moderate success while working due to health insurance. Without it, doctors feel I'm too much to deal with, it seems. I've been turned away more times than I can count, and have resorted to long drives, to major cities with the same results. I simply cannot afford treatment and travel. Without my family, I would not just be suffering due to non treatment, I would be suffering due to non treatment on the streets. There simply are not enough medical options for the poor, unemployed or homeless. There are too many people willing to turn you away, especially when they realize they can't make a quick buck. Also, in some cases, I believe certain medical offices or venues can be over saturated, leaving little room or time for those who cannot pay. I beleieve many of the folks on the street, can lead more productive lives, if they were afforded proper treatement. As a whole, the U.S. has a poor attitude toward the homeless, the mentally ill, and the physically and mentally challenged. It is a poor matter of affairs to be sure. Yes... something needs done. If you find this to be of true concern, do not turn the other cheek... be proactive. Words can spread the news, however actions are what are needed to make the necessary change. There are organizations in which you can make donations... if you don't have money, you can donate time or services. Direct the message to your local government, pressure those who can make change to do so. Unfortunately, many people want things to be easy... It's easier to read the article, and say, "How unfortunate", and go about your day, then to act. That's why so many organizations have to spend extra time and effort to create "easy" ways for others to help out. Don't wait for an easy out, help is needed now.
* reply
at 15:30 on January 7th, 2009
Hello, Mindstorm. Thank you very much for writing in support of improved mental health services. If you read more of my articles, you will note that money that could and should be spent on preventive health care seems to be lacking, while our prison budget is approximately $185 billion annually.
We at Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill believe there is an awful connection between the gap in health care for the mentally ill and America's propensity to arrest mental patients and hold them as prisoners at a cost to taxpayers of around $150,000 per mentally ill offender per year. At that rate, if a 35-year-old mentally ill person commits a terrible offense, such as murder, and is sentenced to life in prison, the cost to taxpayers for imprisoning that one individual can exceed $6 million.
Congratulations on your efforts to get care that you need. Please confer with Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law and Treatment Advocacy Center and NAMI to see if there are services available you may be unaware of at this time. Some very important mental health laws passed in 2008, some late in the year, that may have a positive impact on the services now available. For instance, Medicare now recognizes mental health care on a par with physical illness. Since you are unable to work, have you applied for disability benefits and Medicare? If not, I urge you to do so. But do not wait to be accepted for Social Security before getting in touch with the agencies I mentioned to see if they can help you ascertain help. Don't be a sitting duck for jail. I fear that may be the plan for you and others who meet difficulty getting help timely.
Please join Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI") so that all the members can be made aware of your circumstances and work together to assist you. First, you must join Care2, which is a free online network with over 9 million members worldwide. Then, look at their human rights groups and select Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill - look for the red jail house building. Here are links to Care2 and to AIMI. Please write me again at this comment board if you have trouble accessing either of these links. Our work is greatly censored, as it seeks to assist people who are either incarcerated for mental illness or in danger of same.
Care2: http://www.care2.com/
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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Edith Rodriguez
to Resolve the Satanic threats....I have already been ADDRESSED on a
Short Wave Broadcast from DOVE NETWORKS on WWRB, 5050 KCs. By
Location, as a "enemy" of "progressive" peoples. The woman stated
"Well, can't they trace him & stop him?" I am a NEPHEW of Edward L.
Bernays, & am very familar with "Engineering Consent" and
"Propaganda." These were My Family's Contribution to Modern Society. I
am a MEMBER of a CULT! I follow a DEAD MAN who was a VERY
His name was JESUS CHRIST!
The "History repeats itsself" Syndrome is ACUTELY obvious to me.
& I have FLED the 4th. Reich AmeriKKKa to live in Tijuana!Report: Ignored patient could have been saved
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I am not able to PROMISE faithful service, OTHERWISE I WOULD BE
help! Oh, Lord....The DEVIL is TRUELY the PRINCE of the POWER of the
AIR! Hence, my ROCK is to SHUN the TELEVISION.
Your's is not the ONLY free speech outlet being ATTACKED! There is
TIME between, but the FREEDOM of IDEAS is being SLAIN!
7 October 2004
Thursday morning, US authorities issued a federal order to Rackspace
ordering them to hand over Indymedia web servers to the FBI.
Rackspace, which provides hosting services for more that 20 Indymedia
sites at its London facility, complied and turned over the requested
servers, effectively removing those sites from the internet.
Since the order was issued to Rackspace and not to Indymedia, the
reasons for this action are still unknown to Indymedia. Talking to
Indymedia volunteers, Rackspace stated that "they cannot provide
Indymedia with any information regarding the order." ISPs have
received gag orders in similar situations which prevent them from
informing concerned parties about what is happening.
It is unclear to Indymedia how and why a server that is outside US
jurisdiction can be seized by US authorities.
At the same time an additional server was taken down at Rackspace
which provided streaming radio to several radio stations including one
covering the European Social Forum in London, BLAG (a linux distro),
and a handful of miscellanous services.
The last few months have seen numerous attacks on independent media by
the US Federal Government. In August the Secret Service used a
subpoena in an attempt to disrupt the NYC IMC before the RNC by trying
to get IP logs from an ISP in the US and the Netherlands. Last month
the FCC shut down community radio stations around the US. Two weeks
ago the FBI requested that Indymedia takes down a post on the Nantes
IMC that had a photo of some undercover Swiss police and IMC
volunteers in Seattle were visited by the FBI on the same issue. On
the other hand, Indymedia and other independent media organisations
were successful with their victories for example against Diebold and
the Patriot Act. Today however, the US authorities shut down IMCs
around the world.
The list of affected local media collectives includes Ambazonia,
Uruguay, Andorra, Poland, Western Massachusetts, Nice, Nantes, Lilles,
Marseille, Euskal Herria (Basque Country), Liege, East and West
Vlaanderen, Antwerpen (all Belgium), Belgrade, Portugal, Prague,
Galiza, Italy, Brazil, UK, and Germany.
For more information, please contact press@indymedia.org
It is ironic that that this happens now, just days before Indymedia UK
is due to participate in the European Forum on Communications Rights
being held alongside the European Social Forum and several other days
of discussions about electronic civil liberties and community media.
For more information on these events see www.efcr2004.net
* A U.S. Government agency served a subpoena upon Rackspace,
requesting certain information (several have said FBI / some say it
was requesting hardware not information)
* We do not know what that information was.
* Rackspace handed over two computers to the agency to comply with
the subpoena (though i don't think it's clear exactly to who they gave
the hard drives – uk police / fbi reps?)
* Rackspace refuses to provide a copy of the subpoena on advice of counsel.
* Rackspace previously provided two dedicated servers to
Indymedia, which hosted a number of Indymedia and related sites,
including Nantes. The computers were located in the UK, but owned by
Rackspace, a U.S. company.
* Last week FBI asked for the Nantes post that allegedly contained
information about undercover swiss police to be removed, but admitted
no laws were violated.
Sixty-four years ago this month, six million Americans became
unwitting subjects in an experiment in psychological warfare.
It was the night before Halloween, 1938. At 8 p.m. CST, the Mercury
Radio on the Air began broadcasting Orson Welles' radio adaptation of
H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds. As is now well known, the story was
presented as if it were breaking news, with bulletins so realistic
that an estimated one million people believed the world was actually
under attack by Martians. Of that number, thousands succumbed to
outright panic, not waiting to hear Welles' explanation at the end of
the program that it had all been a Halloween prank, but fleeing into
the night to escape the alien invaders.
Later, psychologist Hadley Cantril conducted a study of the effects of
the broadcast and published his findings in a book, The Invasion from
Mars: A Study in the Psychology of Panic. This study explored the
power of broadcast media, particularly as it relates to the
suggestibility of human beings under the influence of fear. Cantril
was affiliated with Princeton University's Radio Research Project,
which was funded in 1937 by the Rockefeller Foundation. Also
affiliated with the Project was Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
member and Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) executive Frank Stanton,
whose network had broadcast the program. Stanton would later go on to
head the news division of CBS, and in time would become president of
the network, as well as chairman of the board of the RAND Corporation,
the influential think tank which has done groundbreaking research on,
among other things, mass brainwashing.
Two years later, with Rockefeller Foundation money, Cantril
established the Office of Public Opinion Research (OPOR), also at
Princeton. Among the studies conducted by the OPOR was an analysis of
the effectiveness of "psycho-political operations" (propaganda, in
plain English) of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the
forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Then, during
World War II, Cantril÷and Rockefeller money÷assisted CFR member and
CBS reporter Edward R. Murrow in setting up the Princeton Listening
Center, the purpose of which was to study Nazi radio propaganda with
the object of applying Nazi techniques to OSS propaganda. Out of this
project came a new government agency, the Foreign Broadcast
Intelligence Service (FBIS). The FBIS eventually became the United
States Information Agency (USIA), which is the propaganda arm of the
National Security Council.
Thus, by the end of the 1940s, the basic research had been done and
the propaganda apparatus of the national security state had been set
up--just in time for the Dawn of Television ...
Experiments conducted by researcher Herbert Krugman reveal that, when
a person watches television, brain activity switches from the left to
the right hemisphere. The left hemisphere is the seat of logical
thought. Here, information is broken down into its component parts and
critically analyzed. The right brain, however, treats incoming data
uncritically, processing information in wholes, leading to emotional,
rather than logical, responses. The shift from left to right brain
activity also causes the release of endorphins, the body's own natural
opiates--thus, it is possible to become physically addicted to
watching television, a hypothesis borne out by numerous studies which
have shown that very few people are able to kick the television habit.
This numbing of the brain's cognitive function is compounded by
another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television.
Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is
diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the
limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the
reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions,
such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to
distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television.
To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we
know on a conscious level it is "only a film," on a conscious level we
do not--the heart beats faster, for instance, while we watch a
suspenseful scene. Similarly, we know the commercial is trying to
manipulate us, but on an unconscious level the commercial nonetheless
succeeds in, say, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever
thing is being advertised--and the effect is all the more powerful
because it is unconscious, operating on the deepest level of human
response. The reptile brain makes it possible for us to survive as
biological beings, but it also leaves us vulnerable to the
manipulations of television programmers.
It is not just commercials that manipulate us. On television news as
well, image and sound are as carefully selected and edited to
influence human thought and behavior as in any commercial. The news
anchors and reporters themselves are chosen for their physical
attractiveness--a factor which, as numerous psychological studies have
shown, contributes to our perception of a person's trustworthiness.
Under these conditions, then, the viewer easily forgets--if, indeed,
the viewer ever knew in the first place--that the worldview presented
on the evening news is a contrivance of the network owners--owners
such as General Electric (NBC) and Westinghouse (CBS), both major
defense contractors. By molding our perception of the world, they mold
our opinions. This distortion of reality is determined as much by what
is left out of the evening news as what is included--as a glance at
Project Censored's yearly list of top 25 censored news stories will
reveal. If it's not on television, it never happened. Out of sight,
out of mind.
Under the guise of journalistic objectivity, news programs subtly play
on our emotions--chiefly fear. Network news divisions, for instance,
frequently congratulate themselves on the great service they provide
humanity by bringing such spectacles as the September 11 terror
attacks into our living rooms. We have heard this falsehood so often,
we have come to accept it as self-evident truth. However, the
motivation for live coverage of traumatic news events is not
altruistic, but rather to be found in the central focus of Cantril's
War of the Worlds research--the manipulation of the public through
There is another way in which we are manipulated by television news.
Human beings are prone to model the behaviors they see around them,
and avoid those which might invite ridicule or censure, and in the
hypnotic state induced by television, this effect is particularly
pronounced. For instance, a lift of the eyebrow from Peter Jennings
tells us precisely what he is thinking--and by extension what we
should think. In this way, opinions not sanctioned by the corporate
media can be made to seem disreputable, while sanctioned opinions are
made to seem the very essence of civilized thought. And should your
thinking stray into unsanctioned territory despite the trusted
anchor's example, a poll can be produced which shows that most persons
do not think that way--and you don't want to be different do you?
Thus, the mental wanderer is brought back into the fold.
This process is also at work in programs ostensibly produced for
entertainment. The "logic" works like this: Archie Bunker is an idiot,
Archie Bunker is against gun control, therefore idiots are against gun
control. Never mind the complexities of the issue. Never mind the fact
that the true purpose of the Second Amendment is not to protect the
rights of deer hunters, but to protect the citizenry against a
tyrannical government (an argument you will never hear voiced on any
television program). Monkey see, monkey do--or, in this case, monkey
not do.
Notice, too, the way in which television programs depict conspiracy
researchers or anti-New World Order activists. On situation comedies,
they are buffoons. On dramatic programs, they are dangerous fanatics.
This imprints on the mind of the viewer the attitude that questioning
the official line or holding "anti-government" opinions is crazy,
therefore not to be emulated.
Another way in which entertainment programs mold opinion can be found
in the occasional television movie, which "sensitively" deals with
some "social" issue. A bad behavior is spotlighted--"hate" crimes, for
instance--in such a way that it appears to be a far more rampant
problem than it may actually be, so terrible in fact that the "only"
cure for it is more laws and government "protection." Never mind that
laws may already exist to cover these crimes--the law against murder,
for instance. Once we have seen the well-publicized murder of the
young gay man Matthew Shepherd dramatized in not one, but two,
television movies in all its heartrending horror, nothing will do but
we pass a law making the very thought behind the crime illegal.
People will also model behaviors from popular entertainment which are
not only dangerous to their health and could land them in jail, but
also contribute to social chaos. While this may seem to be simply a
matter of the producers giving the audience what it wants, or the
artist holding a mirror up to society, it is in fact intended to
influence behavior.
Consider the way many films glorify drug abuse. When a popular star
playing a sympathetic character in a mainstream R-rated film uses hard
drugs with no apparent health or legal consequences (John Travolta's
use of heroin in Pulp Fiction, for instance--an R-rated film produced
for theatrical release, which now has found a permanent home on
television, via cable and video players), a certain percentage of
people--particularly the impressionable young--will perceive hard drug
use as the epitome of anti-Establishment cool and will model that
behavior, contributing to an increase in drug abuse. And who benefits?
As has been well documented by Gary Webb in his award-winning series
for the San Jose Mercury New, former Los Angeles narcotics detective
Michael Ruppert, and many other researchers and whistleblowers--the
CIA is the main purveyor of hard drugs in this country. The CIA also
has its hand in the "prison-industrial complex." Wackenhut
Corporation, the largest owner of private prisons, has on its board of
directors many former CIA employees, and is very likely a CIA front.
Thus, films which glorify drug abuse may be seen as recruitment ads
for the slave labor-based private prison system. Also, the social
chaos and inflated crime rate which result from the contrived drug
problem contributes to the demand from a frightened society for more
prisons, more laws, and the further erosion of civil liberties. This
effect is further heightened by television news segments and
documentaries which focus on drug abuse and other crimes, thus giving
the public the misperception that crime is even higher than it really
There is another socially debilitating process at work in what passes
for entertainment on television these days. Over the years, there has
been a steady increase in adult subject matter on programs presented
during family viewing hours. For instance, it is common for today's
prime-time situation comedies to make jokes about such matters as
masturbation (Seinfeld once devoted an entire episode to the topic),
or for daytime talk shows such as Jerry Springer's to showcase such
topics as bestiality. Even worse are the "reality" programs currently
in vogue. Each new offering in this genre seems to hit a new low. MTV,
for instance, recently subjected a couple to a Candid Camera-style
prank in which, after winning a trip to Las Vegas, they entered their
hotel room to find an actor made up as a mutilated corpse in the
bathtub. Naturally, they were traumatized by the experience and sued
the network. Or, consider a new show on British television in which
contestants compete to see who can infect each other with the most
diseases--venereal diseases included.
It would appear, at the very least, that these programs serve as a
shill operation to strengthen the argument for censorship. There may
also be an even darker motive. These programs contribute to the
general coarsening of society we see all around us--the decline in
manners and common human decency and the acceptance of cruelty for its
own sake as a legitimate form of entertainment. Ultimately, this has
the effect of debasing human beings into savages, brutes--the better
to herd them into global slavery.
For the first decade or so after the Dawn of Television, there were
only a handful of channels in each market--one for each of the three
major networks and maybe one or two independents. Later, with the
advent of cable and more channels, the population pie began to be
sliced into finer pieces--or "niche markets." This development has
often been described as representing a growing diversity of choices,
but in reality it is a fine-tuning of the process of mass
manipulation, a honing-in on particular segments of the population,
not only to sell them specifically-targeted consumer products but to
influence their thinking in ways advantageous to the globalist agenda.
One of these "target audiences" is that portion of the population
which, after years of blatant government cover-up in areas such as
UFOs and the assassination of John F. Kennedy, maintains a cynicism
toward the official line, despite the best efforts of television
programmers to depict conspiracy research in a negative light. How to
reach this vast, disenfranchised target audience and co-opt their
thinking? One way is to put documentaries before them which mix of
fact with disinformation, thereby confusing them. Another is to take
the X Files approach.
The heroes of X Files are investigators in a fictitious paranormal
department of the FBI whose adventures sometimes take them into
parapolitical territory. On the surface this sounds good. However,
whatever good X Files might accomplish by touching on such matters as
MK-ULTRA or the JFK assassination is cancelled out by associating them
with bug-eyed aliens and ghosts. Also, on X Files, the truth is always
depicted as "out there" somewhere--in the stars, or some other
dimension, never in brainwashing centers such as the RAND Corporation
or its London counterpart, the Tavistock Institute. This has the
effect of obscuring the truth, making it seem impossibly out-of-reach,
and associating reasonable lines of political inquiry with the
fantastic and other-wordly.
Not that there is no connection between the parapolitical and the
paranormal. There is undoubtedly a cover-up at work with regard to
UFOs, but if we accept uncritically the notion that UFOs are anything
other than terrestrial in origin, we are falling headfirst into a
carefully-set trap. To its credit, X Files has dealt with the idea
that extraterrestrials might be a clever hoax by the government, but
never decisively. The labyrinthine plots of the show somehow manage to
leave the viewer wondering if perhaps the hoax idea is itself a hoax
put out there to cover up the existence of extraterrestrials. This is
hardly helpful to a true understanding of UFOs and associated
phenomena, such as alien abductions and cattle mutilations.
Extraterrestrials have been a staple of popular entertainment since
The War of the Worlds (both the novel and its radio adaptation). They
have been depicted as invaders and benefactors, but rarely have they
been unequivocally depicted as a hoax. There was an episode of Outer
Limits which depicted a group of scientists staging a mock alien
invasion to frighten the world's population into uniting as one--but,
again, such examples are rare. Even in UFO documentaries on the
Discovery Channel, the possibility of a terrestrial origin for the
phenomenon is conspicuous by its lack of mention.
UFO researcher Jacques Vallee, the real-life model for the French
scientist in Stephen Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind,
attempted to interest Spielberg in a terrestrial explanation for the
phenomenon. In an interview on Conspire.com, Vallee said, "I argued
with him that the subject was even more interesting if it wasn't
extraterrestrials. If it was real, physical, but not ET. So he said,
'You're probably right, but that's not what the public is
expecting--this is Hollywood and I want to give people something
that's close to what they expect.'"
How convenient that what Spielberg says the people expect is also what
the Pentagon wants them to believe.
In Messengers of Deception, Vallee tracks the history of a wartime
British Intelligence unit devoted to psychological operations.
Code-named (interestingly) the "Martians," it specialized in
manufacturing and distributing false intelligence to confuse the
enemy. Among its activities were the creation of phantom armies with
inflatable tanks, simulations of the sounds of military ships
maneuvering in the fog, and forged letters to lovers from phantom
soldiers attached to phantom regiments.
Vallee suggests that deception operations of this kind may have
extended beyond World War II, and that much of the "evidence" for
"flying saucers" is no more real than the inflatable tanks of World
War II. He writes: "The close association of many UFO sightings with
advanced military hardware (test sites like the New Mexico proving
grounds, missile silos of the northern plains, naval construction
sites like the major nuclear facility at Pascagoula and the bizarre
love affairs ... between contactee groups, occult sects, and extremist
political factions, are utterly clear signals that we must exercise
extreme caution."
Many people find it fantastic that the government would perpetrate
such a hoax, while at the same time having no difficulty entertaining
the notion that extraterrestrials are regularly traveling light years
to this planet to kidnap people out of their beds and subject them to
anal probes.
The military routinely puts out disinformation to obscure its
activities, and this has certainly been the case with UFOs. Consider
Paul Bennewitz, the UFO enthusiast who began studying strange lights
that would appear nightly over the Manzano Test Range outside
Albuquerque. When the Air Force learned about his study, ufologist
William Moore (by his own admission) was recruited to feed him forged
military documents describing a threat from extraterrestrials. The
effect was to confuse Bennewitz--even making him paranoid enough to be
hospitalized--and discredit his research. Evidently, those strange
lights belonged to the Air Force, which does not like outsiders
inquiring into its affairs.
What the Air Force did to Bennewitz, it also does on a mass scale--and
popular entertainment has been complicit in this process. Whether or
not the filmmakers themselves are consciously aware of this agenda
does not matter. The notion that extraterrestrials might visit this
planet is so much a part of popular culture and modern mythology that
it hardly needs assistance from the military to propagate itself.
It has the effect not only of obscuring what is really going on at
research facilities such as Area 51, but of tainting UFO research in
general as "kooky"--and does the job so thoroughly that one need only
say "UFO" in the same breath with "JFK" to discredit research in that
area as well. It also may, in the end, serve the same purpose as
depicted in that Outer Limits episode--to unite the world's population
against a perceived common threat, thus offering the pretext for
one-world government.
The following quotes demonstrate that the idea has at least occurred
to world leaders:
"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how
much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside,
universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally
think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an
alien threat from outside this world." (President Ronald Reagan,
speaking in 1987 to the United Nations.
"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be
an interplanetary war. The nations of the earth must someday make a
common front against attack by people from other planets." General
Douglas MacArthur, 1955)
Some one remarked that the best way to unite all the nations on this
globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such
an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of
interest and purpose." (John Dewey, Professor of Philosophy at
Columbia University, speaking at a conference sponsored by the
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1917)
And where was this "alien threat" motif given birth? Again, we find
the answer in popular entertainment, and again the earliest source is
The War of the Worlds--both Wells' and Welles' versions.
Perhaps it is no coincidence that H. G. Wells was a founding member of
the Round Table, the think tank that gave birth to the Royal Institute
for International Affairs (RIIA) and its American cousin, the CFR.
Perhaps Wells intentionally introduced the motif as a meme which might
prove useful later in establishing the "world social democracy" he
described in his 1939 book The New World Order. Perhaps, too, another
purpose of the Orson Welles broadcast was to test of the public's
willingness to believe in extraterrestrials.
At any rate, it proved a popular motif, and paved the way for
countless movies and television programs to come, and has often proven
a handy device for promoting the New World Order, whether the
extraterrestrials are invaders or--in films like The Day the Earth
Stood Still--benefactors who have come to Earth to warn us to mend our
ways and unite as one, or be blown to bits.
We see the globalist agenda at work in Star Trek and its spin-offs as
well. Over the years, many a television viewer's mind has been
imprinted with the idea that centralized government is the solution
for our problems. Never mind the complexities of the issue--never mind
the fact that, in the real world, centralization of power leads to
tyranny. The reptile brain, hypnotized by the flickering television
screen, has seen Captain Kirk and his culturally diverse crew
demonstrate time and again that the United Federation of Planets is a
good thing. Therefore, it must be so.
It remains to be seen whether the Masters of Deception will, like
those scientists in The Outer Limits, stage an invasion from space
with anti-gravity machines and holograms, but, if they do, it will
surely be broadcast on television, so that anyone out of range of that
light show in the sky, will be able to see it, and all with eyes to
see will believe. It will be War of the Worlds on a grand scale.
Jack Kerouac once noted, while walking down a residential street at
night, glancing into living rooms lit by the gray glare of television
sets, that we have become a world of people "thinking the same
thoughts at the same time."
Every day, millions upon millions of human beings sit down at the same
time to watch the same football game, the same mini-series, the same
newscast. And where might all this shared experience and uniformity of
thought be taking us?
A recent report co-sponsored by the U.S. National Science Foundation
and the Commerce Department calls for a broad-based research program
to find ways to use nanotechnology, biotechnology, information
technology, and cognitive sciences, to achieve telepathy,
machine-to-human communication, amplified sensory experience, enhanced
intellectual capacity, and mass participation in a "hive mind."
Quoting the report: "With knowledge no longer encapsulated in
individuals, the distinction between individuals and the entirety of
humanity would blur. Think Vulcan mind-meld. We would perhaps become
more of a hive mind--an enormous, single, intelligent entity."
There is no doubt that we have been brought closer to the "hive mind"
by the mass media. For, what is the shared experience of television
but a type of "Vulcan mind-meld"? (Note the terminology borrowed from
Star Trek, no doubt to make the concept more familiar and palatable.
If Spock does it, it must be okay.)
This government report would have us believe that the hive mind will
be for our good--a wonderful leap in evolution. It is nothing of the
kind. For one thing, if the government is behind it, you may rest
assured it is not for our good. For another, common sense should tell
us that blurring the line "between individuals and the entirety of
humanity" means mass conformity, the death of human individuality.
Make no mistake about it--if humanity is to become a hive, there will
be at the center of that hive a Queen Bee, whom all the lesser
"insects" will serve. This is not evolution--this is devolution.
Worse, it is the ultimate slavery--the slavery of the mind.
And it is a horror first unleashed in 1938 when one million people
responded as one--as a hive--to Orson Welles' Halloween prank.
In a sense, those people who fled the Martians that night were right
to be afraid. They were indeed under attack. But they were wrong about
who was attacking them. It was something far worse than Martians. Had
they only known the true nature of the danger facing them, perhaps
they would have gone to the nearest radio station with torches in hand
like the villagers in those old Frankenstein movies and burned it to
the ground, or at least commandeered the new technology and turned it
towards another use--the liberation of humanity, inste
December 4, 2008
LOS ANGELES -- A Los Angeles County report acknowledges for the first time that a woman who died after writhing in pain on the floor of Martin Luther King-Harbor Hospital could have been saved, if she received the proper treatment.
Security video shows 43-year-old Edith Rodriguez lying on the floor as a janitor mopped around her in the early morning hours of May 9, 2007.
Rodriguez died from a perforated bowel shortly after she was arrested on an outstanding warrant instead of being treated.
The report, obtained by the Los Angeles Times when it was briefly and inadvertently made public in a court filing, said Rodriguez could have been saved, at least in
the early part of her detention."
The report was prepared by an outside firm hired by Los Angeles County to look into its liability.
"This is a case of medical negligence as to the medical treatment provided by medical staff at the facility," the report said.
Rodriguez's death helped to precipitate the closure of the hospital's emergency
room and inpatient care, based on a federal regulators' finding she had not received a minimum standard of care.
Her boyfriend had accompanied her to the emergency room and called 911 from a nearby pay phone but no one would help.
He was recently offered a $250,000 settlement by the county, the Times reported. '
A separate suit by Rodriguez's adult children could prove more costly.
The children want $45 million -- $1 million for each minute treatment was denied.
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Other ways to make pay instead of money
No amount of money is going to bring these kids their mother back or fill the void in their hearts ... So why even sue for the money. If the kids want payback or justice then they should have the hospital closed down, Have everybody's license"s taken away, nurses, doctors, police officers-fired, so that these people can't hurt another person ever again. The money isn't going to bring her back. Hopefully if her children do get any money they can donate it to some charity or clinic to provide better health care in their mother's name. Because if not that just goes to show you that these kids were greedy for the money and didn't care for their mother at all....
Posted by Why All The Millions.... at 12:35 am Dec 14, 2008
Posted by DRD at 12:08 pm Dec 10, 2008
I read in another article that she was homeless...funny how the kids are jumping to sue, but none jumped to take her off the streets. Greedy...? I AGREE!
Posted by JMHO at 2:55 pm Dec 05, 2008
To all you greed posters
They deserve every dime b/c if they get it, it will surely make headlines---and other hospitals will be forced to care for people or suffer the consequences of shelling out millions and closing their doors. It serves as a point of reference for others.
Posted by J at 1:16 pm Dec 05, 2008
Negligent at its Worst
This case needs to set an example to all hospitals/ER's/medical facilities. This happens more often than not - and how else can it be stopped. A lawsuit for punative damages is what is called for here. i hope you get every dime.
Posted by Nikki at 6:37 am Dec 05, 2008
I can't belive this. My mom died from the same thing on October 14th 2008. I just can"t belive this I didn't know of anyone else with this problem until now. Do everthing you can to the hospital and get what you dersive.
Posted by Mallory at 6:31 am Dec 05, 2008
Negligent Hospital Death II
Ditto everything Kevin said... in addition to to greed, money provides an avenue to perpetuate the cyclic disease of addiction suffered by Ms. Rodriguez and to which her children are predisposed.
Posted by Erin at 11:12 pm Dec 04, 2008
Sorry for your loss
But you are being Greedy Greedy Greedy!!
Posted by sick of million $ law suits at 10:04 pm Dec 04, 2008
hospital doesn't believe police?
She was brought to the ER by the police! Surely the ER staff didn't think they were lying!
Posted by Coaster at 9:31 pm Dec 04, 2008
If they took the 45 mil and invested it into a similar corporation such as hospitals that help the ill and injured in Edith's name would this not justify the situation that most judgmental sheeple see as greed? Think outside the box and "WE" "US" can change this outcome and future.
Posted by Food For Thought dont choke at 8:07 pm Dec 04, 2008
How callous can hospital staff be to ignore a woman writhing in pain and dying on the emergency room floor?If that had happened to my Mom there would be hell to pay!I would sur their unfeeling pants off too!
Posted by Kelly at 6:15 pm Dec 04, 2008
Negligent Hospital Death
While I fully support the removal of staff members involved, closure of the ER and inpatient care wing, I do not find any justification in the children suing for $45million. Will that money bring their mother back? No. Will they say to themselves "I sure miss mom, but thankfully I have $45million to ease my pain"- it makes no sense. This suit invalidates their suffering, and shows them to be nothing but money hungry children, that could care less about their mother, or the lack of treatment she endured. If they really cared about what happened, they would seek only to close the hospital. Greed is ugly, and makes us all uglier as a people.
Posted by Kevin at 3:07 pm Dec 04, 2008
I am sorry for your lost, but i will tell you one thing I hope you get every dollar you are asking for that dosen't make no sense to lose your mother over something that could have been treated. Why would someone go to hospital if there not sick. It"s sad that a tragedy had to happen to open there eyes.
Posted by California at 2:37 pm Dec 04, 2008
Posted by BOXCAR_HOBO_A#1 at 10:34 AM 0 comments
the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A
This was the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A history. The story received some newspaper coverage but there was a TV News Media blackout on the subject. For this reason, most Americans have never heard of it.
Former republican Senator John Decamp was involved in the production a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence" it was to air May 3, 1994 on the Discovery Channel. This documentary exposed a network of religious leaders and Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. At the last minute before airing, unknown congressmen threatened the TV Cable industry with restrictive legislation if this documentary was aired.
Almost immediately, the rights to the documentary were purchased by unknown persons who had ordered all copies destroyed. A copy of this videotape was furnished anonymously to former Nebraska state senator and attorney John De Camp who made it available to retired F.B.I. chief, Ted L. Gunderson. While the video quality is not top grade, this tape is a blockbuster in what is revealed by the participants involved. You can purchase a VHS copy at this link. Or you can view an online copy at this page. Franklin Cover up video page
Boy prostitutes 15 years old (and younger) were taking midnight tours of the Whitehouse. There are 19 more Washington Times articles in full text about this case available here at this link.
Newspaper scans or text are not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion.
The Washington Times, Pg. A3 July 26, 1989 Headline: Secret Service furloughs third White House guard
The story was also covered in the New York Times and other major east coast newspapers,
but because of the links to Whitehouse and control from the top the story was killed..
There are two main suspects in the child ring were Craig Spence and Lawrence E. King Jr. here are some pictures of them. Both were involved in the republican party. King sang the National athem at two republican national conventions during the 1980s. He served time in jail for bank fraud and is now living somewhere on the east coast.. Spence was an important republican lobbyist, he commited sucide. Several of his partners went to jail for being involved in the adult part of the homosexual sex ring. Democrats were also involved in this as well, so don't expect them to expose the sex ring.
Click on the images above to see full text large scans of the above newspaper and other one more story.
For a good complete overview of this story read
Chapter -XXI- Omaha George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography - by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin
The book is free online text form at this link Chapter -XXI
Decamp also wrote a book called the Franklin Coverup which is available from amazon and other places online. Here is a link to the Amazon page
In the Franklin Coverup book it talks about the possible killing of a child at the Bohemian Grove. Here is the link to scans from the book about the killing.
Update 3/26/2005
Bush Jr. continues in has father's Homosexual footsteps, by having callboys visiting the Whitehouse. Again the press plays the whole thing down.
You can read a great article about it here. Photographer for White House child sex ring arrested after Thompson suicide
From the article above:
"Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool reporter serving the younger Bush--before which Gannon had advertised himself on internet pornography sites as a male "escort" charging $200 an hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy Johnny Gosch--forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer "I believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person--but I am not in a position to know positively." "
"George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon--who had advertised himself as a male escort--could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences."
More Scans from the Washington Times circa 1989 added below. Showing how the GOP and Democrat Barney Franks were involved in the franklin coverup. Click to read
George W. Bush, the Male cheerleader.
Ever the showman, George W. Bush below, with a group of friends dressed in wigs in a skit
ANDOVER, Mass. -- Perhaps there have been other presidential candidates who have dressed in drag, flaunting their legs from beneath a (fairly short) white skirt. But George W. Bush is probably the only one who has done it in front of a camera.
A photograph showing George and friends wearing wigs and employing falsies to fill out their sweaters appears in a yellowed copy of the school newspaper of Phillips Academy here in Andover, near Boston. It was 1963, and George, then a high school senior and head cheerleader.
Bush's Male chearleader roommate.
You will note in The Atlantic article quoted earlier how “in 1984 Bush flew to Tennessee to accompany the Republican Senate nominee and Bonesman ('67) Victor Ashe on a seven-city tour.” Victor Ashe- besides having been a fellow Skull and Bones member, roommate and cheerleader with George W. Bush – has a public reputation of being a sodomite in Knoxville, Tennessee where he is mayor.
More top Republicans found to be Homosexuals. Mainstream media ignores it.
The Outing: David Dreier and his straight hypocrisy.
Dreier was living with his (Male) chief of staff, Brad Smith. “Brad was like an invisible presence,” she said. “They really have the routine down slick.”
It appears that he is the highest-paid chief of staff to any House committee chair. Smith’s $156,600 salary is just $400 less than that of White House chief of staff Andy Card and Bush political commissar Karl Rove.
David Dreier attends the Bohemian grove as well. Gingrich was travelling with one of his Congressional allies, Representative David Dreier (Republican, Claremont, California), who is seen at the left of the photo above right
Nixon Tape Discusses Homosexuals at Bohemian Grove
Nixon: "The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine"
Representative Ed Schrock... from Virginia, ended his re-election campaign last month after Rogers put on his Web site an audiotape of Schrock trolling for tricks on a gay chat line.
Congressman Ed Schrock returned to Capital Hill this week, a month after announcing he would not seek re-election in Virginia's 2nd Congressional District. Schrock said allegations made on a website that he solicited gay sex forced him remove himself from a re-election bid.
Newspaper scans or text are not for commercial use. Solely to be used for the educational purposes of research and open discussion.
Posted by BOXCAR_HOBO_A#1 at 10:28 AM 0 comments
Labels: the biggest scandal in the history of the U.S.A
HBO spews its hate for European-American
I finally watched the Morris
Dees HBO smear which has been generating so much email. Just a few quick
I've been subject to a few
professionally done smears in my life, but this one was a "masterpiece"
of lies and half-truths. I was particularly amused by the interview
with me, where I discuss the power of the Internet in providing an alternative
to the controlled media monopoly and as a vehicle for bringing "our
views" to millions of people who wouldn't otherwise have access to anything
but the politically fashionable point of view. Of course, my actual
views weren't included, since they weren't "hateful" enough for the
producers. Instead, they interspersed clips from other websites and
individuals who had nothing to do with Stormfront. Most of these clips
came from the Whitesonly.net website, whose owner openly declares himself
a Jew who hates "racists" and is trying to "parody" them with hate-filled
images. I guess the producers would call this blatant deception "chutzpah."
Morris Nigger not Jew!
Dees, whom I was not told would be narrator when I agreed to this
interview just over a year ago, is a huckster fundraiser. He's raised
120 million dollars milking liberal contributors with horror stories
about the threat of "racism," which he believes is strictly a disease
of White people. The much more common Black on White crime can not be
considered "hate crime," according to his distorted world view. HBO
has, with great fanfare, produced a film version of a Morris Dees fundraiser.
Color of Crime:
The Truth About Hate Crimes.
Report on racial crime statistics produced by the New Century Foundation. What
is racism?
The "racist" double standard: Whites are made to feel guilty and "hateful"
for loving their own people and culture.
Prof. Revilo P. Oliver collection
Here are 174 articles, previously unavailable on the Web, written between
1963 and 1993 by one of America's greatest patriots.
Previous articles
Archived articles previously featured.
Library Annex
Posted by BOXCAR_HOBO_A#1 at 10:25 AM 0 comments
The insane person who accuses everyone of being this fictional "Joanna d;Arc" person apparently doesn't have a job or much of a life. Based on the insane whining and ranting, I'm guessing this is a woman who is on welfare because she rants constantly about not having a job because Mexicans take them all. This person is also mentally deficient and unstable. Perhaps this person is on disability due to their diminished mental capacity. Here are a few things you should know when dealing with the insane jackass who accuses everyone of being "Joanna d;Arc"
1. If you say anything this whacko doesn't like, in any city, on any subject, you are "Joanna d;Arc".
2. If you say that you are not "Joanna d;Arc", it means you are "Joanna d;Arc".
3. If you agree with anyone else who has been accused of being "Joanna d;Arc", it means you are "Joanna d;Arc".
4. If you are one of the thousands who are accused of being "Joanna d;Arc", this insane person will make up lies about you and suggest you are a pimp, running a brothel for "illegals", that you are a homosexual, that you use crack cocaine, that you are a lawyer, that you own a bar & grill, that you live in a different city, that you post in other cities, that you are unwilling to hire American people if you also hire non-American people, etc.
5. If you are one of the thousands who are accused of being "Joanna d;Arc", you will be stalked, and every post you make will be recorded and re-posted months, or years later along with posts of other people in an unintelligible and idiotic posting suggesting that this proves you are "Joanna d;Arcnemisis".
6. This person obviously doesn't have the team of mental health personnel she desperately needs and doesn't take any medications she might be prescribed. She is awake at all hours, going through every craigslist city, and comes here to say "Joanna d;Arc is posting in Seattle!" or "Joanna d;Arc is posting in Boston!" or "Joanna d;Arc is posting in Dallas!" or Las Vegas, New York, Sacramento, etc.7. Eventually we are all accused of being "Joanna d;Arc", and the best thing you can do is just flag any post that mentions the word "gibbon" because we're not dealing with a sane person. Normally this is a joke or an insult, but not in this case. We're ealing with someone who is ACTUALLY Joanna d;Arc and Joanna d;Arc, and who is Joanna d;Arc.
So for those of us who hate San Francisco and Berkeley and everything they stand for, will we be hurt and trapped too?? I really hope not because I try to stay as far away from those cities and people as I can.
Posted by BOXCAR_HOBO_A#1 at 10:21 AM 0 comments
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Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
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* Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
* Court and Kingdom
* 2008_06_18@140235
* "I just made bad decisions"
* Sleeping Homeless Man
* _MG_4293
* un bogotano
* kickin it with my man
* The city and the bum, oblivious to one another
* sfaccettature di solitudine
HOMELESS psychiatric patients are being murdered in California. Sunday, November 2, five homeless people were found shot to death in Long Beach, at least three of whom were mental patients. Last month an elderly Los Angeles homeless man, Robert McGraham, was burned to death by parties unknown who threw a canister with gasoline on him from a car, and followed it with a match.
Below is a report on this hate crime against the mentally ill and homeless by Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) and information on Laura's Law Now, which TAC believes would help to reduce the violence.
Treatment Advocacy Center
Five people were found shot to death early Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, in a makeshift homeless encampment covered by thick brush near the 405 Freeway in Long Beach, Calif., police said. Unconfirmed reports indicate that several of the victims suffered from severe mental illness.
The crime upset neighbors and puzzled police, who had no suspects and struggled to comb the rugged terrain surrounding the crime scene near the freeway's intersection with the 710 Freeway.
The incident follows the October death of another California homeless man, John Robert McGraham. McGraham was living on the street for six years, despite attempts by family members to get him treatment for his mental illness. McGraham was doused with gasoline and sent to a fiery death by a still unknown attacker. The incidents are focusing attention of the problems of both homelessness and mental illness in southern California.
The two attacks illustrate what statistics show, that people living with a mental illness are more likely than others to become victims. Victimization is a serious consequence of failing to treat mental illness.
The fact that people do not choose to be victims was pointed out by McGraham's sister after his death.
"I wish people better understood the mental turmoil a human being can go through that puts and keeps them in such a place that they can't seem to get out," Susan McGraham-Paisley wrote. Our family has tried for many, many years to help him but it seemed beyond our reach." McGraham-Paisley and other family members no longer live in the Los Angeles area, but still would visit John Robert and kept trying to get him helped he was unaware he needed.
"I hope the horrific crime against our brother will make people realize that homeless people are human, they do have family, they are cared for. Several people, when they had learned my brother was homeless for more than two decades would say, 'He chooses to live this way," a statement she takes strong issue with.
"I find that comment so offensive and so lacking compassion. Some might say we all choose to be where we are, but we don't all start on an even playing field, and we aren't all dealt the same cards. My brother didn't consciously choose to live out on the streets, he just didn't seem to know what to do with himself," she said. "Families of homeless are often helpless to make diagnoses, correct problems without intervention. Both my sister and my ex-husband contacted various agencies, but never with any success."
Putting in place assisted outpatient treatment may have helped the McGraham family save their brother. California has the ability to implement Laura's Law Now in each county.
Increased Awareness Needed
These two horrific tragedies did raise awareness about the problem. More needs to be done. You can help raise awareness too. Email ten friends and families members and let them know your concern.
Homeless man lighted on fire identified as John Robert McGraham
McGraham, 55, had lived 20 years in the mid-Wilshire neighborhood where he was doused and torched. The slaying is under investigation.
By Margot Roosevelt
October 13, 2008
The homeless man who died after being torched in a mid-Wilshire neighborhood Thursday was identified today by the county coroner’s office as John Robert McGraham. He was 55 years old.
A vigil is planned for 5 p.m today near the corner of 3rd and Berendo streets, where the victim of the gruesome killing had sat, near an empty dental office. By this morning, neighbors in the multiethnic neighborhood had mounted an impromptu shrine with dozens of candles, handwritten letters and other remembrances.
A photo was taped above the sidewalk, depicting a rotund, shoeless Caucasian man with a beard and a dirty oversized jacket; a sign bore the words “RIP John.” The victim had lived for two decades in the neighborhood and was known as a gentle, inoffensive person.
Police continued to investigate what LAPD Chief William Bratton called a “heinous” killing. One witness reported seeing several young men emerge from a Honda Civic and douse the victim with liquid from a red plastic container. Another reportedly saw a young man in his 20s with short brown hair and a large black T-shirt running from the scene after the attack, which occurred about 9:30 p.m.
Five More Homeless Murdered in California Sunday - Several Mental Patients
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by duo | November 7, 2008 at 03:48 pm
638 views | 20 Recommendations | 17 comments
Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
see more
* Homeless Psychiatric Patients Are Being Murdered in California - Five Deaths Sunday
* Court and Kingdom
* 2008_06_18@140235
* "I just made bad decisions"
* Sleeping Homeless Man
* _MG_4293
* un bogotano
* kickin it with my man
* The city and the bum, oblivious to one another
* sfaccettature di solitudine
HOMELESS psychiatric patients are being murdered in California. Sunday, November 2, five homeless people were found shot to death in Long Beach, at least three of whom were mental patients. Last month an elderly Los Angeles homeless man, Robert McGraham, was burned to death by parties unknown who threw a canister with gasoline on him from a car, and followed it with a match.
Below is a report on this hate crime against the mentally ill and homeless by Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC) and information on Laura's Law Now, which TAC believes would help to reduce the violence.
Treatment Advocacy Center
Five people were found shot to death early Sunday, Nov. 2, 2008, in a makeshift homeless encampment covered by thick brush near the 405 Freeway in Long Beach, Calif., police said. Unconfirmed reports indicate that several of the victims suffered from severe mental illness.
The crime upset neighbors and puzzled police, who had no suspects and struggled to comb the rugged terrain surrounding the crime scene near the freeway's intersection with the 710 Freeway.
The incident follows the October death of another California homeless man, John Robert McGraham. McGraham was living on the street for six years, despite attempts by family members to get him treatment for his mental illness. McGraham was doused with gasoline and sent to a fiery death by a still unknown attacker. The incidents are focusing attention of the problems of both homelessness and mental illness in southern California.
The two attacks illustrate what statistics show, that people living with a mental illness are more likely than others to become victims. Victimization is a serious consequence of failing to treat mental illness.
The fact that people do not choose to be victims was pointed out by McGraham's sister after his death.
"I wish people better understood the mental turmoil a human being can go through that puts and keeps them in such a place that they can't seem to get out," Susan McGraham-Paisley wrote. Our family has tried for many, many years to help him but it seemed beyond our reach." McGraham-Paisley and other family members no longer live in the Los Angeles area, but still would visit John Robert and kept trying to get him helped he was unaware he needed.
"I hope the horrific crime against our brother will make people realize that homeless people are human, they do have family, they are cared for. Several people, when they had learned my brother was homeless for more than two decades would say, 'He chooses to live this way," a statement she takes strong issue with.
"I find that comment so offensive and so lacking compassion. Some might say we all choose to be where we are, but we don't all start on an even playing field, and we aren't all dealt the same cards. My brother didn't consciously choose to live out on the streets, he just didn't seem to know what to do with himself," she said. "Families of homeless are often helpless to make diagnoses, correct problems without intervention. Both my sister and my ex-husband contacted various agencies, but never with any success."
Putting in place assisted outpatient treatment may have helped the McGraham family save their brother. California has the ability to implement Laura's Law Now in each county.
Increased Awareness Needed
These two horrific tragedies did raise awareness about the problem. More needs to be done. You can help raise awareness too. Email ten friends and families members and let them know your concern.
It's easy just click here.
Treatment Advocacy Center
200 N. Glebe Road, Suite 730, Arlington, VA 22203
703 294 6001/6002 (phone) | 703 294 6010 (fax) |
See an article about Mr. Graham's murder and his community's response to his death here:
Find more NowPublic.com articles regarding America's mentally ill citizens and other social issues at this link:
Mary Neal
Website: http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com
Author's Page http://www.care2.com/c2c/people/profile.html?pid=513396753
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. ~ Matthew 25:40
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Most RecentMost Recommended Comments (17)
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Jennings David L
* reply
* news wrangler
Jennings David L
at 16:34 on November 7th, 2008
This is so sad, that people would hurt anyone, let alone defenseless and homeless people. Good reporting.
* reply
at 16:47 on November 7th, 2008
Thank you, David. Mental patients and homeless people have a rough time. I report it and pray that someone with power and authority will help. This needs to CHANGE!
* reply
at 19:08 on November 7th, 2008
California Governor's Office:
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger
State Capitol Building
Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-445-2841
Fax: 916-558-3160 ( new number )
Form for email - http://gov.ca.gov/interact
* reply
at 23:17 on November 7th, 2008
I like this story its good stuff
* reply
at 23:48 on November 7th, 2008
Thank you. I hope these stories help to change things for mental patients and their families who love them. In the case of homeless mental patients, their families may not even know where they are. I read a touching story about a homeless man whose family knew he was in New Orleans during Katrina, and they set out after the flood to search for him, hoping that somehow he survived.
Everyone is someone's sister, brother, son, daughter, father, mother, or friend. Moreover, we are all created by God, who is Holy. One day He will deal with the abusers. In the meanwhile, we are to love ye one another as He loves us.
* reply
at 23:25 on November 7th, 2008
I know first hand the horrors of being homeless and sick. I run a shelter with 30 beds and lives have been saved, but some fall victim to despair. Thank you for this article about a part of humanity that needs our compassion and support. Well done
* reply
at 23:54 on November 7th, 2008
Thank you, Mabone. We should take a lesson from The Great Depression and recognize we are all just one blessing away from homelessness, no matter how wealthy we are.
Everything about human life is fragile: our health, our finances, our faith and hope in the future. We should be cognizant of the fact that we all face disabilities in life if we live long enough.
Mental patients are the only citizens regularly killed and imprisoned for reason of a health condition. Let us come out of the 14th Century! Mental illness is treatable.
I appreciate your comments.
* reply
Sanku (not verified)
at 01:35 on November 8th, 2008
How was that killing a mentally retarded person? Inhuman activities will ruin the civilizations. Just throwing gasoline and followed it with a match was that easy to kill a person like us? Mental patients should be regarded as Gods, they don't knew what they were doing. Should be condemned by one and all. And police should act quickly and brought the killers before justice.
* reply
at 12:35 on November 8th, 2008
* reply
at 03:41 on November 8th, 2008
Good stuff duo. I used to be homeless myself and the variety of people I met who were also homeless; from ex army to former solicitor (lawyer) women fleeing domestic violence. A teenage girl fleeing an abusive homelife and also ex prisoners. To burn or shoot a fellow human being that has probably had more hardship in one year than most people have within an entire lifetime
* reply
at 12:38 on November 8th, 2008
Bipolar Disorder? Schizophrenia? Manic Depression? Alzheimer's? Dementia? PTSD? Post Partum Depression? Autism? See who else has/had mental disorders:
Buzz Aldrin (astronaut) · Adam Ant (musician) · Ludwig van Beethoven (composer) · Napoleon Bonaparte (political leader) · Tim Burton (artist, director) · Lord Byron (poet) · Dick Cavett (television journalist) · Winston Churchill (politician) · Charles Dickens (author) · DMX, Dark Man X (Earl Simmons) (musician, actor) · Robert Downey Jr. (actor) · Richardy Dreyfuss (actor) · Patty Duke (actress) · Ralph Waldo Emerson (author) · Carrie Fisher (Actress, writer) · Larry Flynt (publisher, activist) · Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald (Writer) · Connie Francis (singer) · Stephen Fry (actor, comedian writer) · Peter Gabriel (musician) · Alan Garner (novelist) · Matthew Good (musician) · Philip Graham (publisher, businessman) · Macy Gray (musician, actor) · Graham Greene (English Novelist) · Ivor Gurney (English composer, poet)· Sean LeVert (singer) · Patrick Kennedy (Congressman) · Elvis Presley (singer, actor) · Britney Speers (singer) · Somebody you love
Jenny Dooley
* reply
Jenny Dooley (not verified)
at 09:46 on November 8th, 2008
Such sad news! Shocking and frightening!
I've passed the news along to other outlets too.
* reply
at 12:47 on November 8th, 2008
Just what is planned for the beautiful young men and women America sent to Iraqi deserts? Many are expected to transition home soon, and some will be suffering with grave pyschological disorders due to PTSD. Some were brain damaged when shells penetrated their skulls. What do we have waiting for them?
A nice cardboard box in an alley somewhere?
A prison cell living in their own filth in solitary confinement with prison guards equipped with Taser weapons and gas to keep them in line?
Murder by street hoodlums who prey on the homeless?
We need to CHANGE!
Ola Cooney
* reply
Ola Cooney (not verified)
at 14:50 on November 9th, 2008
I have several family members who are mentally ill and I myself have been homeless at one time in my life. Trust me, no one wants to be mentally ill or homeless. No one deserves to be. When I was six or seven years old, then Governor Ronald Reagan closed most of the mental hospitals in California including the one my father was in. It was a mixed blessing. My father still suffers from schizophrenia and he has to deal with the scars on his brain from the electric shock therepy he was given. (Later, CA outlawed the practice.) Most of the homeless in Southern CA , that I am aware of are mentally ill. A sad legacy leftover from Ronald Reagan. The laws need to be changed so there is somewhere for the mentally ill to go to and certain tragedy can be averted.
* reply
at 22:47 on November 9th, 2008
As long as our most vulnerable citizens are used as commodies to benefit those who PROFIT from incarcerating 2.3 million Americans, including 1.25 million mental patients, the mentally ill will continue to suffer homelessness, prison, and death. Our mentally ill citizens are left on the street with taxpayers being told there is no money to house them and give them treatment and care. However, USDC Judge Henderson just decreed that California must spend $8 BILLION to build, equip, and staff seven PRISON hospitals and an additional $2.3 BILLION per year to operate in order to warehouse our sick citizens in jail, although it is much less expensive to give them treatment and care outside of prison - in mental hospitals, or in community care if they did no violent crimes.
Prison profiteers earn money when the mentally ill are left on the street, Ola. Sick people can then be arrested for vagrancy, disturbing the peace, and other petty offenses, and California taxpayers are expected to fork over $230,000 annually to imprison each individual sick inmate. How much less money do you think it would cost taxpayers for each non-violent mental patient to be allowed to rejoin their communities with basic subsistence (housing and food) and psychiatric care? Most American families of four don't have $230k income to live on in five years!
It is not a matter of there not being money to care for our mentally ill citizens, but rather, it is a matter of how the money is being used and who is profiting.
See: Is America's Prison System Legalized Slavery?
Thanks so much for your comments and sharing the information on your family. You are right about things needing to CHANGE!
* reply
MindStorm (not verified)
at 13:49 on January 7th, 2009
I am mentally ill, not to such a degree that I cannot function on my own, however. I have bipolar disorder. I also have a number of other health issues, in conjunction with my BP that makes it impossible to hold down a full or part time job. I have dealt with feelings of shame, remorse, depression and more, since I stopped working a few years ago. It was only a matter of time and I would have been let go due to my work performance and attendence. I wanted to avoid hard feelings and allow time for my replacement, so I arranged to leave work before they made the arrangement for me. Had I been completely on my own, I may well have become homeless. It is because of a supportive family that I have not had to face such adversity. I am having difficulty finding a doctor who will treat me due to the number of documented health conditions that I deal with. I had moderate success while working due to health insurance. Without it, doctors feel I'm too much to deal with, it seems. I've been turned away more times than I can count, and have resorted to long drives, to major cities with the same results. I simply cannot afford treatment and travel. Without my family, I would not just be suffering due to non treatment, I would be suffering due to non treatment on the streets. There simply are not enough medical options for the poor, unemployed or homeless. There are too many people willing to turn you away, especially when they realize they can't make a quick buck. Also, in some cases, I believe certain medical offices or venues can be over saturated, leaving little room or time for those who cannot pay. I beleieve many of the folks on the street, can lead more productive lives, if they were afforded proper treatement. As a whole, the U.S. has a poor attitude toward the homeless, the mentally ill, and the physically and mentally challenged. It is a poor matter of affairs to be sure. Yes... something needs done. If you find this to be of true concern, do not turn the other cheek... be proactive. Words can spread the news, however actions are what are needed to make the necessary change. There are organizations in which you can make donations... if you don't have money, you can donate time or services. Direct the message to your local government, pressure those who can make change to do so. Unfortunately, many people want things to be easy... It's easier to read the article, and say, "How unfortunate", and go about your day, then to act. That's why so many organizations have to spend extra time and effort to create "easy" ways for others to help out. Don't wait for an easy out, help is needed now.
* reply
at 15:30 on January 7th, 2009
Hello, Mindstorm. Thank you very much for writing in support of improved mental health services. If you read more of my articles, you will note that money that could and should be spent on preventive health care seems to be lacking, while our prison budget is approximately $185 billion annually.
We at Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill believe there is an awful connection between the gap in health care for the mentally ill and America's propensity to arrest mental patients and hold them as prisoners at a cost to taxpayers of around $150,000 per mentally ill offender per year. At that rate, if a 35-year-old mentally ill person commits a terrible offense, such as murder, and is sentenced to life in prison, the cost to taxpayers for imprisoning that one individual can exceed $6 million.
Congratulations on your efforts to get care that you need. Please confer with Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law and Treatment Advocacy Center and NAMI to see if there are services available you may be unaware of at this time. Some very important mental health laws passed in 2008, some late in the year, that may have a positive impact on the services now available. For instance, Medicare now recognizes mental health care on a par with physical illness. Since you are unable to work, have you applied for disability benefits and Medicare? If not, I urge you to do so. But do not wait to be accepted for Social Security before getting in touch with the agencies I mentioned to see if they can help you ascertain help. Don't be a sitting duck for jail. I fear that may be the plan for you and others who meet difficulty getting help timely.
Please join Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI") so that all the members can be made aware of your circumstances and work together to assist you. First, you must join Care2, which is a free online network with over 9 million members worldwide. Then, look at their human rights groups and select Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill - look for the red jail house building. Here are links to Care2 and to AIMI. Please write me again at this comment board if you have trouble accessing either of these links. Our work is greatly censored, as it seeks to assist people who are either incarcerated for mental illness or in danger of same.
Care2: http://www.care2.com/
AIMI: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/AIMI
AIMI: http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/AIMIsodomite in Knoxville, Tennessee where he is mayor.