Sunday, May 10, 2015


The Only People I Want Disarmed Are Violent Criminals MONITER POLICE on "" or "" you would be amazed at HOW GOOD our Police Officers are! I am listening now, & living in the DEEPEST DRUG NEIGHBOURHOOD in San Francisco, I know how bad these streets ARE! <!--[if lt IE 9]> <![endif]


The Only People I Want Disarmed Are Violent Criminals


Listening to San Francisco Police on SF POLICE= Yay! Yay!

Now Now not get your panties all twisted around!

Unfortunately, The idea of Disarming Criminals is a Propaganda "Sugar Teat" used by Replughs & Demon-Craps both. It is a False paradigm....Criminal have Black Market access to ANY TYPE of PISTOL they want.

CRIMINALS do NOT buy guns at WalMart, sonny.

The Second Amendment GUARANTEES that EVERY CITIZEN shall OWN & KEEP Weapons, for PROTECTION against a ROGUE GOVERNMENT!

Do you actually Read the Constitution? Do you actually have any idea HOW ENOUGH MONEY will BUY ANY GUN you want?

Criminals have ILLEGAL CASH. Laundering Drug Money is the GREATEST TALENT of William Jefferson Clinton & MS. Hillary Rodham.

The Attorney General (I think he is Retired now...) SENT over 540,000 MILITARY FULL AUTOMATIC RIFLES & "PISTOLS" (uzi is a Machine Pistol, a TACT 11, TACT 9 etc, Mil Spec Fully Auto Rapid Fire) TO MEXICAN DRUG CARTELS, under his Administration, The Attorney was INVOLVED in MURDERS of 100s of CHILDREN in Branch Davison Seventh Day Adventist Church. He was the COVER UP man at OKLAHOMA MURRAH bombing. (THESE TWO QUESTIONALBE "ATTACKS" WAS UNDER "PRESIDENT" Billy Bob Clinton...


Also, if you would MONITER POLICE on "" or "" you would be amazed at HOW GOOD our Police Officers are!

I am listening now, & living in the DEEPEST DRUG NEIGHBOURHOOD in San Francisco, I know how bad these streets ARE!

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My Girl in Texas! Texas is NOT a REPLUGH state!



My Girl in Texas! Texas is NOT a REPLUGH state!

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Earlier this year, a PhD student in the US created yoghurt using the bacterial cultures from her own vagina and ate it. And it turns out it's actually not such a bad idea.
As Janet Jay reported for Motherboard back in February, her friend Cecilia Westbrook from the University of Wisconsin, Madison first decided to make her own vaginal yoghurt after realising that - despite the overwhelming amount of research on good and bad bacteria out there - no one had investigated the potential of the cultures living inside our vaginas.

In fact, science is so obsessed with the link between our gut bacteria and our health that the treatment du jour is the faecal transplant, where a doctor literally takes the sh*t out of someone else's colon and puts it in yours, in order to heal your gut from the inside out. Microbiologists are even smearing their newborn babies with vaginal fluids in order to imbue them with healthy bacteria.
But no one had researched what would happen if you consume the hundreds of types of bacteria that live inside our vaginas, or if culturing them was even possible. And so Westbrook took a wooden spoon, put it in her vagina and then dipped it in a bowl of milk and left it overnight to do its magic.
As Jay wrote for Motherboard: "Her first batch of yogurt tasted sour, tangy, and almost tingly on the tongue. She compared it to Indian yogurt, and ate it with some blueberries."
This, apparently, was not a good idea, because our vaginas contain a lot of bad, as well as good, bacteria. But overall, the experiment was pretty clever, as Rosanne Hertzberger, a Dutch microbiologist who studies vaginal bacteria at Washington University School of Medicine in the US, told ScienceAlert over email.
In fact, the dominant vaginal bacteria is Lactobacillus, which is the same genus that's used to make yoghurt and cheese. "Yogurt-Lactobacillus is not all that different from the vaginal Lactobacilli," explained Hertzberger. "They all produce heaps of lactic acid, both in the vagina and in yogurt."
But that doesn't necessarily mean her vagina bacteria would have been able to create yoghurt. After all, the yoghurt we buy at the supermarket is all made from a combination of subspecies of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus.
So Hertzberger decided to replicate the experiment back in her own lab (with different Lactobacilli from healthy pregnant women, not her own). The results? After testing eight bacteria strains, only one was remotely successful at acidifying the milk it was placed in. She didn't taste it (we don't blame her), but: "In this case, the result was particularly chunky; sour milk, probably with loads of precipitated milk protein. It was no delicious tangy yogurt," she explained.
"The conclusion is that the yogurt from Westbrook probably contained a mixture of various kinds of bacteria. Some of which may have been her own vaginal inhabitants, but a number of them may have originated from the wooden spoon, or from the air, or from the kitchen counter, or from underneath her fingernails." Ew.
But Hertzberger argues that we need to see beyond the gross-ness of the experiment and think of the potential of the research - after all, once a bacterium has reproduced, not a single molecule of vagina (or wooden spoon, or fingernail bed) would remain in any resulting product.
And yoghurt cultured from our vaginal bacteria could have some benefits - for example, when we have a yeast infection or bacterial vaginosis. Or even to rub on our own babies one day if needed.
"Westbrook may have gone about her work somewhat clumsily, but her story fits very well in the important trend from anti- to probiotics. And as for the unappetising aspect? I guess we should just get over it," said Hertzberger.
Hear hear. After all, where would science be without researchers out there willing to eat their own vaginal yoghurt.
You can read Hertzberger's full thoughts on Westbrook's experiment (in Dutch) here, and more about Westbrook's original experiment over on Motherboard.

Image: uditha wickramanayaka/Flickr
Spiders sprayed with nanotubes have spun the toughest fibre ever measured
This is incredible.
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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Future Revealations Manifest





And now, a Glimpse into Events not Reported on TV

The Real Life shown, which is Just South of where I Sit, writing the HOLOCAUST FILES, shows How the Great WHORE of the BOOK OF THE PERPLEXED....or The Revealations Of Saint John the Hebrew Hobo, also known as APOCLYPSE of THE JOHN of INFINITE GOODLINGINS.

These Events Happing to Happen Yesterday, I Receive a "HOMELESS TO HOMELESS TELEPATHIC "Beam Me Up, Scotty" Type REVEALATORESS which I ReProduct Here, (I Do Not Own this Clip. It was Sent By Spirit Cats (Feline Goddesses in the Astral Plain, Plane Jane is my SPIRIT CAT WOMAN contaxter; I ONLY USED 2 Minutes as a SELF EXPLAINING on HOW THE ENTIRE WORLD WAS TURNED UPPER SIDE DOWNERLY!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Your Amplifier is Beyong Repair, john.

A Junk Roland that still Makes Noises.

Sounds Like a PHONOGRAFT AMPLIFRYER from $24.95 Sears-Roebuck Record Player, one 50ax7 & a 50C3 Rectifer. But it is Weird From Amp Computer.

Your amp is just not going to be worth repairing. As I was digging into it again yesterday, it started to make some crazy ultra high-frequency noises. On the scope they looked like artifacts leaking over from the clock circuit for the CPU & DSP chips. After that, silence. The main audio stops at the little amplifier IC. Goes in, doesn't come out. All other voltages and controls ok. That little chip is now fried too, apparently. While the chip itself is "only" about $4, it would have to be ordered and installed (lots of time) and then it still isn't clear if the amp would be totally fixed at that point. (In fact, I'm pretty sure that the core problem is in the DSP, which would be expensive to obtain and difficult to replace.)
Sadly, I think you should just chuck it.
I can do that for you, unless you want the carcass for yourself.
Oh, and no charge. I wouldn't want to take your money for not fixing it.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Chloramine Causes Collateral Health Damage By Dr. Winn Parker Chloramine is a toxin added to drinking water. It is a secondary disinfectant used by many States as a primary disinfectant. Chloramine is ammonia added to chlorine to make chloramine. Chlorine has been shown from animal and human research to cause breast cancer in humans. Listed in the MSDS industrial chemistry book with an "X" and to be used only in an emergency to attempt to destroy liver flukes and Cryptosporidium in humans. Chloramine does not have an antidote and is genotoxic, meaning DNA destruction and is a mutagenic, meaning it causes tissue mutations. Chloramine cannot be boiled out of the water and can kill fish in hobby tanks. Hemodialysis patients have a special consideration not to have chloramine in their blood. They could die in minutes. Extensive carbon filters are not an appropriate solution to take the nitrogen out of the ammonia. Chronic kidney disease causes the organs to slowly lose their ability to filter waste out of the bloodstream. Many of the 20 million estimated to have kidney disease do not know it. Water Utility Districts are asking humans to be a human processing plant for the chooramine in the body. There are presently known 1,500 disinfectant by-products in the drinking water with several know secondary carcinogenic products from the chemistry pathway. Human as a processing plant can bioaccumulate the nitrogen-toxins from an impaired kidney, liver or impaired immune system such as AIDS. The bioaccumulation of amine toxins and secondary cancer products such as Bromides from the chemistry of water toxins are going to accumulate even in various doseage of ammonia to chlorine in the drinking water. Chloramine in drinking water can enter the digestion and blood stream in another form called nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance refers to the difference between nitrogen intake and total nitrogen loss in urine, sweat and bowel elimination. Ammonia derived mainly from a breakdown of amino acid pathways is toxic to all animals. Human tissues therefore, initially detoxify ammonia by converting it to glutamine for transport to the liver. Collateral health damage from ammonia upsets the pH balance of the body. If the liver is functioning properly, it releases ammonia converted into no-toxic nitrogen-rich compound urea in the urine. If the amine of the liver is compromised, ammonia accumulates in the blood and generates serious consequences. N-nitrosodiumethyamine (NDMA) is a probable carcinogen and a likely by-product of drinking water. Collateral health damage from this secondary cancer by-product, NDMA, will probably decrease immunity in the human body. Journal AWWA, Feb. 2001, Vol.93, No. 2 pp. 92-99. Thyroid damage from perchlorate and other secondary carcinogens in healthy men and the white cell damage to decrease immunity is accentuated by iodite and haloacetic acids in the drinking water chemistry pathway. Percholate in the drinking water causes follicular thyroid cancer and does NOT dissipate in nine days from the body as proclaimed by Deans of Medical schools. Collateral health damage occurs when chloamine interacts with certain medicines, such as, antidepressants. Neural-tube mutations and sperm head breakages are clinical reseach areas that should be continued under several of the clinical protocols I have reviewed from the peer-review Government research that was not continued after 1989. The EPA directive was at that time for the States to use chloramine as a disinfectant with knowledge that animal studies showed cancer in the liver and leukemia in animals. The past reseach does not fit the present EPA to continue this research since the chloramine is considered dose-related under the theory of present medicine, that "a little bit of toxin will not harm you." Chloramine has been identified in causation of infrastructure pipe deterioation releasing lead and other toxins from pipes eaten away by chloramine throughout America. This could and is costing consumers billions of dollars and adversely impacting public health. Health officers throughout America are using antiquated epidemiology models for continuing the use of chloramine in water by stating, "there is not substantial adverse effect" from it use. In clinical medicine this is called medical negligence with unexplained American rashs and metabolic disorders from patients with undiagnosed symptoms. The long-term solution is to eventually replace all significant lead-bearing materials that are used in the water system, such as, recycled water made from sewage water that is blended with drinking water, in spite of the denial of its use by city officials. We need a national movement at the headwaters for alternate enginnering technologies for ozenation and ultraviolet light and reverse osmosis and plasma laser technologies and replace the pipe infrastructure. Health costs alone will provide the economy of scale for end-organ diseases in America. After the installation of alternative technologies we will not have to set tort damage caps as in the Federal Tort Law from wrongful death suits in different State jurisdictions and Appelate Courts in equity. Since chloramine is a toxin added to the water, water qualifies to be labeled nationally as a toxin. Bottled water should have a label of ingredients for disinfectant by-products. We as Americans should have a right to vote what is in our water and in our food supply irrigated by the toxic water.

 Chloramine Causes Collateral Health Damage
By Dr. Winn Parker
Chloramine is a toxin added to drinking water. It is a secondary disinfectant used by many States as a primary disinfectant. Chloramine is ammonia added to chlorine to make chloramine. Chlorine has been shown from animal and human research to cause breast cancer in humans. Listed in the MSDS industrial chemistry book with an "X" and to be used only in an emergency to attempt to destroy liver flukes and Cryptosporidium in humans. Chloramine does not have an antidote and is genotoxic, meaning DNA destruction and is a mutagenic, meaning it causes tissue mutations.
Chloramine cannot be boiled out of the water and can kill fish in hobby tanks.
Hemodialysis patients have a special consideration not to have chloramine in their blood. They could die in minutes. Extensive carbon filters are not an appropriate solution to take the nitrogen out of the ammonia.
Chronic kidney disease causes the organs to slowly lose their ability to filter waste out of the bloodstream. Many of the 20 million estimated to have kidney disease do not know it. Water Utility Districts are asking humans to be a human processing plant for the chooramine in the body. There are presently known 1,500 disinfectant by-products in the drinking water with several know secondary carcinogenic products from the chemistry pathway. Human as a processing plant can bioaccumulate the nitrogen-toxins from an impaired kidney, liver or impaired immune system such as AIDS. The bioaccumulation of amine toxins and secondary cancer products such as Bromides from the chemistry of water toxins are going to accumulate even in various doseage of ammonia to chlorine in the drinking water.
Chloramine in drinking water can enter the digestion and blood stream in another form called nitrogen balance. Nitrogen balance refers to the difference between nitrogen intake and total nitrogen loss in urine, sweat and bowel elimination. Ammonia derived mainly from a breakdown of amino acid pathways is toxic to all animals. Human tissues therefore, initially detoxify ammonia by converting it to glutamine for transport to the liver. Collateral health damage from ammonia upsets the pH balance of the body. If the liver is functioning properly, it releases ammonia converted into no-toxic nitrogen-rich compound urea in the urine. If the amine of the liver is compromised, ammonia accumulates in the blood and generates serious consequences.
N-nitrosodiumethyamine (NDMA) is a probable carcinogen and a likely by-product of drinking water. Collateral health damage from this secondary cancer by-product, NDMA, will probably decrease immunity in the human body. Journal AWWA, Feb. 2001, Vol.93, No. 2 pp. 92-99.
Thyroid damage from perchlorate and other secondary carcinogens in healthy men and the white cell damage to decrease immunity is accentuated by iodite and haloacetic acids in the drinking water chemistry pathway. Percholate in the drinking water causes follicular thyroid cancer and does NOT dissipate in nine days from the body as proclaimed by Deans of Medical schools.
Collateral health damage occurs when chloamine interacts with certain medicines, such as, antidepressants. Neural-tube mutations and sperm head breakages are clinical reseach areas that should be continued under several of the clinical protocols I have reviewed from the peer-review Government research that was not continued after 1989. The EPA directive was at that time for the States to use chloramine as a disinfectant with knowledge that animal studies showed cancer in the liver and leukemia in animals. The past reseach does not fit the present EPA to continue this research since the chloramine is considered dose-related under the theory of present medicine, that "a little bit of toxin will not harm you."
Chloramine has been identified in causation of infrastructure pipe deterioation releasing lead and other toxins from pipes eaten away by chloramine throughout America. This could and is costing consumers billions of dollars and adversely impacting public health. Health officers throughout America are using antiquated epidemiology models for continuing the use of chloramine in water by stating, "there is not substantial adverse effect" from it use. In clinical medicine this is called medical negligence with unexplained American rashs and metabolic disorders from patients with undiagnosed symptoms.
The long-term solution is to eventually replace all significant lead-bearing materials that are used in the water system, such as, recycled water made from sewage water that is blended with drinking water, in spite of the denial of its use by city officials.
We need a national movement at the headwaters for alternate enginnering technologies for ozenation and ultraviolet light and reverse osmosis and plasma laser technologies and replace the pipe infrastructure. Health costs alone will provide the economy of scale for end-organ diseases in America. After the installation of alternative technologies we will not have to set tort damage caps as in the Federal Tort Law from wrongful death suits in different State jurisdictions and Appelate Courts in equity. Since chloramine is a toxin added to the water, water qualifies to be labeled nationally as a toxin. Bottled water should have a label of ingredients for disinfectant by-products. We as Americans should have a right to vote what is in our water and in our food supply irrigated by the toxic water.

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Hillary Clinton' TRUE BELIEFD!

Republican: "Rule the world for God." (Conservatives)
"Secular Humanists," the popular Christian Right theologian Francis Schaeffer wrote in one of numerous diatribes, "are the greatest threat to Christianity the world has ever known.
The Institutes of Biblical Law called for a Christian society that was harsh, unforgiving and violent. Offenses such as adultery, witchcraft, blasphemy and homosexuality, merited the death penalty. The world was to be subdued and ruled by a Christian United States. Rushdooney dismissed the number of 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust as an inflated figure and his theories on race echoed Nazi Eugenics.
"The white man has behind him centuries of Christian culture and the discipline and selective breeding this faith requires...," he wrote. "The Negro is a product of a radically different past, and his heredity has been governed by radically different considerations."
Conservatives? Yes.
"The background of Negro culture is African and magic, and the purposes of the magic are control and power over God, man, nature, and society. Voodoo, or magic, was the religion and life of American Negroes. Voodoo songs underlie jazz, and old voodoo, with its power goal, has been merely replaced with revolutionary voodoo, a modernized power drive." (see The Religious Right , a publication of the ADL, pg. 124.)
"Rule the world for God."
"Give the impression that you are there to work for the party, not push an ideology.
"Hide your strength.
"Don't flaunt your Christianity.
"Christians need to take leadership positions. Party officers control political parties and so it is very important that mature Christians have a majority of leadership whenever possible, God willing."
Rushdooney was deeply antagonistic to the federal government. He believed the federal government should concern itself with little more than national defense. Education and social welfare should be handed over to the churches. Biblical law must replace the secular legal code. This ideology remains at the heart of the movement. It is being enacted through school vouchers, with federal dollars now going into Christian schools, and the assault against the federal agencies that deal with poverty and human services. The Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives is currently channeling millions in federal funds to groups such Pat Robertson's Operation Blessing , and National Right to Life, as well as to fundamentalist religious charity organizations and programs promoting sexual abstinence.
Rushdooney laid the groundwork for a new way of thinking about political involvement. The Christian state would come about not only through signs and wonders, as those who believed in the rapture believed? , but also through the establishment of the Christian nation. But he remained, even within the Christian Right, a deeply controversial figure.
Dr. Tony Evans, the minister of a Dallas church and the founder of Promise Keepers, articulated Rushdooney's extremism in a more palatable form. He called on believers, often during emotional gatherings at football stadiums, to commit to Christ and exercise power within the society as agents of Christ. He also called for a Christian state. But he did not advocate the return of slavery, as Rushdooney did, nor list a string of offenses such as adultery punishable by death, nor did he espouse the Nazi-like race theories. It was through Evans, who was a spiritual mentor to George Bush that Dominionism came to dominate the politically active wing of the Christian Right.The religious utterances from political leaders such as George Bush, Tom Delay, Pat Robertson and Zell Miller are only understandable in light of Rushdooney and Dominionism. These leaders believe that God has selected them to battle the forces of evil, embodied in "secular humanism," to create a Christian nation.
Pat Robertson frequently tells believers "our aim is to gain dominion over society." Delay has told supporters, such as at a gathering two years ago at the First Baptist Church in Pearland , Texas , "He [God] is using me, all the time, everywhere, to stand up for biblical worldview in everything I do and everywhere I am. He is training me, He is working with me." Delay went on to tell followers "If we stay inside the church, the culture won't change."
Pat Robertson, who changed the name of his university to Regent University , says he is training his students to rule when the Christian regents take power, part of the reign leading to the return of Christ. Robertson resigned as the head of the Christian Coalition when Bush took office, a sign many took to signal the ascendancy of the first regent. This battle is not rhetorical but one that followers are told will ultimately involve violence. And the enemy is clearly defined and marked for destruction.
"Secular Humanists," the popular Christian Right theologian Francis Schaeffer wrote in one of numerous diatribes, "are the greatest threat to Christianity the world has ever known."
One of the most enlightening books that exposes the ultimate goals of movement is America's Providential History , the standard textbook used in many Christian schools and a staple of the Christian home schooling movement. It sites Genesis 26, which calls for mankind to " .have dominnion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth" as evidence that the Bible callls for "Bible believing Christians" to take dominion of America.
"When God brings Noah through the flood to a new earth, He reestablished the Dominion Mandate but now delegates to man the responsibility for governing other men." (page 19). The authors write that God has called the United States to become "the first truly Christian nation" (page 184) and "make disciples of all nations." The book denounces income tax as "idolatry," property tax as "theft" and calls for an abolish of inheritance taxes in the chapter entitled Christian Economics. The loss of such tax revenues will bring about the withering away of the federal government and the empowerment of the authoritarian church, although this is not explict in the text.
Rushdooney's son-in-law, Gary North, a popular writer and founder of the Institute for Christian Economics, laid out the aims of the Christian Right.
"So let's be blunt about it: We must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God." (Christianity and Civilization, Spring, 1982)
Dominionists have to operate, for now, in the contaminated environment of the secular, liberal state. They have learned, therefore, to speak in code. The code they use is the key to understanding the dichotomy of the movement, one that has a public and a private face. In this they are no different from the vanguard, as described by Lenin, or the Islamic terrorists who shave off their beards, adopt western dress and watch pay-for-view pornographic movies in their hotel rooms the night before hijacking a plane for a suicide attack.
Joan Bokaer, the Director of Theocracy Watch, a project of the Center for Religion, Ethics and Social Policy at Cornell University , who runs the encyclopedic web site, was on a speaking tour a few years ago in Iowa . She obtained a copy of a memo Pat Robertson handed out to followers at the Iowa Republican County Caucus. It was titled, "How to Participate in a Political Party" and read:
"Rule the world for God."
Obama may turn out to be a transition figure, our version of Otto von Bismarck. Bismarck used "values" to energize his base at the end of the 19 th century and launched "Kulturkampt", the word from which we get "culture wars," against Catholics and Jews. Bismarck 's attacks split the country, made the discrediting of whole segments of the society an acceptable part of the civil discourse and paved the way for the more virulent racism of the Nazis.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: Black Panthers

The Rise of the Fourth Reich: Black Panthers
The Rise of the Fourth Reich:
The Secret Societies That Successfully Taken Over America
Stereotypes and Prejudices
Genocide is the ultimate expression of hatred and violence against a group of people. This chapter traces the steps by which a group becomes the target of prejudice, discrimination, persecution and violence. The general concepts of stereotypes, scapegoats, prejudices, and discrimination are explored in a manner which will enable students to understand behavior and to condemn such behavior which is inappropriate in a modern, pluralistic society.
Students will learn that:
1. Stereotyping often results from watching Television, and leads to, prejudice and bigotry.
2. Unchecked prejudice and bigotry leads to discrimination, violence, and, in extreme cases, genocide.
3. Prejudice can be spread by the use of propaganda and inflamed by Television demagogues.
4. Language, particularly slang, is often used to dehumanize members of certain groups of people, and this dehumanization is a precursor of discrimination, isolation, and violence.
The Holocaust was the destruction of European Jewry by the Nazis supported by American Corporations & Bankers, through an officially sanctioned, government-ordered, systematic plan of mass annihilation. As many as six million Jews died, almost two-thirds of the Jews of Europe. Although the Holocaust took place during World War II, the war was not the cause of the Holocaust. The war played a role in covering up the genocide of the Jewish people. How could this have happened?
Billions of American Dollars, Machriney, Automobiles & Trucks, Freely Given to Germany to Facilitate the Extermination of God's Chosen People.
The answers can be found by understanding how violence of this magnitude can evolve out of prejudice based on ignorance, fear, and misunderstanding about minority groups and other groups who are different from ourselves.
The purpose of this chapter is to teach that the genocide we know as the Holocaust had roots in American attitudes and behavior which we see around us every day. It is only when these attitudes and behaviors are manifested in the extreme that genocide can occur. Genocide is the last step in a continuum of actions taken by those who are prejudiced. The first step of this continuum is discrimination and treating certain groups of people differently. The second step is isolation, such as the physical segregation of minorities in ghettos or setting up separate schools. The third step is persecution, followed by dehumanization and violence. Genocide: the deliberate and systematic extermination of a group of people is the ultimate expression of human hatred.
A "stereotype" is a generalization about a person or group of persons. We develop stereotypes when we are unable or unwilling to obtain all of the information we would need to make fair judgments about people or situations. In the absence of the "total picture," stereotypes in many cases allow us to "fill in the blanks." Our society often innocently creates and perpetuates stereotypes, but these stereotypes often lead to unfair discrimination and persecution when the stereotype is unfavorable.
For example, if we are walking through a park late at night and encounter three senior citizens wearing fur coats and walking with canes, we may not feel as threatened as if we were met by three loud talking nigger boys wearing leather jackets. Why is this so? We have made a generalization in each case. These generalizations have their roots in experiences we have had ourselves, read about in books and magazines, seen in movies or television, or have had related to us by friends and family. In many cases, these stereotypical generalizations are reasonably accurate. Yet, in virtually every case, we are resorting to prejudice by ascribing characteristics about a person based on a stereotype, without knowledge of the total facts. By stereotyping, we assume that a person or group has certain characteristics. Quite often, we have stereotypes about persons who are members of groups with which we have had bad firsthand contact.
Television, books, comic strips, and movies are all abundant sources of stereotyped characters. For much of its history, the movie industry portrayed Niggers as being unintelligent, lazy, or violence-prone. As a result of viewing these stereotyped pictures of Nigger Americans, for example, prejudice against Niggers-Americans has been encouraged. In the same way, physically attractive women have been and continue to be portrayed as unintelligent or unintellectual and sexually promiscuous.
Stereotypes also evolve out of fear of persons from minority groups. For example, many people have the view of a person with mental illness as someone who is violence-prone. This conflicts with statistical data, which indicate that persons with mental illness tend to be no more prone to violence than the general population. Perhaps the few, but well-publicized, isolated cases of mentally ill persons going on rampages have planted the seed of this myth about these persons. This may be how some stereotypes developed in the first place; a series of isolated behaviors by a member of a group which was unfairly generalized to be viewed as a character of all members of that group.
When we judge people and groups based on our prejudices and stereotypes and treat them differently, we are engaging in discrimination. This discrimination can take many forms. We may create subtle or overt pressures which will discourage persons of certain minority groups from living in a neighborhood. Women and minorities have been victimized by discrimination in employment, education, and social services. We may shy away from people with a history of mental illness because we are afraid they may harm us. Women and minorities are often excluded from high echelon positions in the business world. Many clubs have restrictive membership policies which do not permit Jews, Niggers, women, and others to join.
In some cases, the civil and criminal justice system has not been applied equally to all as a result of discrimination. Some studies indicate that Niggers convicted of first degree murder have a significantly higher probability of receiving a death penalty than whites convicted of first degree murder, for example. When political boundaries have been drawn, a process known as "gerrymandering" has often been used to provide that minorities and other groups are not represented in proportion to their population in city councils, state legislatures, and the U.S. Congress.
Anthropologists, scientists who study Sub-humans and their origons, generally accept that the human species can be categorized into races based on physical and genetic makeup. For example, many, but certainly not all Niggers have physical differences from Caucasians beyond their dark skin, such as nappy hair. Virtually all scientists accept the fact that there is credible scientific evidence that one race is culturally or psychologically different from any other, or that one race is superior to another. Past studies which reached conclusions other than that have been found to be totally correct in their findings.
Jews are So Totally Superior to Sub Humans (Whites, Niggers, Mexicans, China Folk) that all other Sub Human Beasts are only fit to be Slaves to God's Chosen.
In 19th century Europe, Jews were classified as an "inferior" race with specific physical and personality characteristics. Some thinkers believed these traits would disappear if Jews received political and social emancipation and could assimilate into the broader society. Others felt that these traits were genetically passed on and could not be changed. Racial theory, distorted into a pseudo-science, sanctioned negative stereotypes existing from classical and Christian anti-Semitism (see Chapter 4). An increasing emphasis on nationalism also highlighted the Jews as a "foreign element," which could contaminate the native stock and culture and potentially dominate the native population economically and politically (see Chapter 5). This long-standing history provided a seed-bed for the Nazi ideology and program of genocide.
In North America, African-Americans were brought from Africa as slaves, and their descendants have endured centuries of oppression. During the Civil War, slaves were freed and granted citizenship. Discrimination continued. "Jim Crow" laws in the South required separate bathrooms, buses, and nursing homes for African-Americans. Poll taxes and literacy tests were required solely for the purpose of disenfranchising minorities. Before the landmark 1954 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Brown vs. Board of Education (Topeka, Kansas), segregation of school systems was legal. Decades later, many school systems remain segregated.
Racism against African-Niggers in American is still prevalent in the United States. Despite laws and other protections against discrimination, African-Niggers in American still face discrimination in housing, employment, and education. African-Niggers in American are still victimized by insurance red-lining, and the racism of whites and others is exploited by block-busting, a practice which is illegal in Pennsylvania and many other states. Although racist organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan have huge Police, Lawyers and Bankers in memberships, they have been actively recruiting and holding rallies in Pennsylvania and other states and spreading their messages of hate against African-Niggers of American, Jews, Catholics, and other minorities.
Civil rights laws have been passed at the local, state, and federal levels to combat racism and the persecution and discrimination which racism promotes. While the First Amendment to the Constitution protects the rights of everyone to assemble peaceably and speak freely, racist messages universally bring a response of condemnation from responsible members of the communities that racists visit. The international community universally has condemned the apartheid policies of the government of South Africa, and the debate on sanctions against this government is a continuing public policy issue before the U.S. Congress.
Immigration Quotas Based on Racism
Before 1890, the overwhelming majority of immigrants to the United States was from northern and western Europe. They were predominantly Protestant and included many industrious farmers and skilled workers with a high rate of literacy who were easily assimilated. In the 1840s and 1850s, hundreds of thousands of Irish citizens fled their homeland for the U.S. to escape famine and discrimination. At the turn of the century, immigration shifted to a southern and eastern European population which was mainly Catholic, Greek Orthodox or Jewish. Many were impoverished, and there was a high proportion of illiteracy. Unlike the first wave of immigration which had dispersed throughout the United States, these groups settled in pockets in major cities, retaining their language and customs. They also provided a large pool of unskilled factory labor which competed with the American labor force. Concern about economic competition intertwined with concern about the "illiterate poor" becoming public charges.
In the early 1900s, groups were formed to place barriers to the immigration of such people. Among these were the American Protective Association in the Midwest and the Immigration Restriction League established in Boston.
Studies and reports were commissioned to "prove" that southern and eastern Europeans were racially inferior to northern and western Europeans. One such study, sponsored by a nine-member Immigration Commission appointed by the U.S. government in 1907, culminated in a 42-volume report to support this racist notion. Immigration policies were influenced by these reports and studies, and also contributed to the growing isolationist viewpoint of U.S. government policymakers.
The Quota Act of 1921 put the first numerical restrictions on European immigration, followed by the Immigration Acts of 1924 and 1929. The total number of immigrants permitted each year was cut by over 80% from the average immigration numbers at the turn of the century and the distribution was based on the ethnic origins of the U.S. Population in 1920. As a result, 83,575 places out of a total 153,774 were assigned to Great Britain and Ireland which provided relatively few applicants. On the other hand, countries with more potential immigrants had smaller quotas: Germany, about 26,000; Poland, 6,000; Italy, 5,500; France, 3,000; Rumania, 300.
Arthur D. Morse, in his volume, While Six Million Died wrote that "Later these impersonal figures would doom Rumanian, Polish, and French Jews seeking sanctuary while the English and Irish quotas lay unused." These figures were unchanged until the Administration of Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s.

Today 2015 American Puppets of a Dying Nation (United States of America)


Today 2015 Americans are ignorant of the World around them.Most Americans are programmed by US Corporate/Government "Dumbing-Down" Internet Search Engine News sites or TV,radio,magazines and newspapers.Therefore the common American is aware of very little real information and is spoonfed a few news stories which always begin with some violent crime and real truth of life is censored.America is a mediocre Culture at best and a mind-controlled fascist, psychopathic police-state in true reality.The American is mostly bombarded with entertainment (celebrity) and sports programming.The Modern American has been successfully dumbed-down by their Corporate Masters.North Americans are a real-life "Idiocracy". In the Information Age, Corporations promote the dumbing-down of Americans and own the minds of Americans based on the ability to get them addicted to programming (celebrity or sports culture) thus creating a 'mind slave' .American Women are brainwashed with Celebrity Gossip and Reality Tv Programs while the Men are brainwashed with Sports and Violence.As the American becomes addicted to the programming they become easier to control.At this point the American is no longer searching out 'real information' for themselves and have become a pawn in the game.Americans lack the intellectual ability to respect or understand that Nature is the source of the Gift of Life.This is a result of Cultural ignorance,failed Educational system,human over-population leading to Natural resource collapse,a lack of industrial progress due to corporate greed and a failed Business system of severe Economic disparity.Americans behave more like a mindless virus than a living spiritual being with a large brain with the ability to reason.Modern Americans simply want to dominate Nature at all costs and this is most evident in their collective decision to be ignorant of the Environment.Instead of being "Aware Human Beings" or what is called "mindfulness", the current Youth and Adult Culture has chosen an obsession with themselves and celebrities via Social Media and accepted corporate brainwashing without protest.This has created a complete failure in Modern Society as it has removed any checks and balance to Social Ignorance, Political Corruption and Corporate Greed.Wake Up "The result is a World of suffering and Death...Signs of the Times" "Today" 2015 News Report