Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Empire Of IG FARBIN


The Empire of I.G. Farben

The Standard Oil group of companies, in which the Rockefeller family owned a one-quarter (and controlling) interest,1 was of critical assistance in helping Nazi Germany prepare for World War II. This assistance in military preparation came about because Germany's relatively insignificant supplies of crude petroleum were quite insufficient for modern mechanized warfare; in 1934 for instance about 85 percent of German finished petroleum products were imported. The solution adopted by Nazi Germany was to manufacture synthetic gasoline from its plentiful domestic coal supplies. It was the hydrogenation process of producing synthetic gasoline and iso-octane properties in gasoline that enabled Germany to go to war in 1940 — and this hydrogenation process was developed and financed by the Standard Oil laboratories in the United States in partnership with I.G. Farben.


    * IG
    * Farben
    * Rockefellers
    * The
    * Holocaust
    * skull
    * bones
    * Illuminati
    * Blackwater
    * Schipp
    * KKK
    * NRA
    * NWO
    * IMF
    * CFR
    * betrayal
    * traitors
    * Bush


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    * As Seen On: As Seen On: nocensura.com

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      We are the sheep...

      erato99 2 years ago 20
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      Search 'profit-over-life the Nuremberg pharma tribunal' and you'll find a treasure of information collected by German Dr Mathias Rath about the trial against (Rothschilds & Rockefellers) IG Farben, without which the second world war would not have been possible.

      The zionists made possible the destruction of non-zionist jews during IG Farben's Holocaust.

      See also Rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl : 'Ten Questions to the Zionists' from 1948, available on site 'Jews United Against Zionism'.

      Hank48E 3 years ago 11
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      what video is this?

      how do I buy this video?

      desmondvick 4 months ago in playlist May 1st, Day Bavarian Illuminati Founded
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      The control of energy is what has been covered up - the pyramids were built with superior technology and powered by batteries that work on the same theories that Tesla created all of his devices. The 33rd parallel is on top if laylines that have water resources (used for crops and energy). Tesla invented it all over again - don't you wonder why GE is owned by the banks and controls energy throughout the world? Telsa is not given any credit?? Chase stopped his free energy? Why - control of profit

      agnoses 11 months ago
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      Klans members look like the guys hanging out at Bohemian Grove.

      badattitude77769 1 year ago
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      Why are we sheep fighting with each other? that's dumb. People unite. Put aside petty differences of color, ethnicity etc.

      macdelight 1 year ago
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      SCUM !

      SEABLUEMUSIC 2 years ago 4

        Farben was Hitler and Hitler was Farben. (Senator Homer T. Bone to Senate Committee on Military Affairs, June 4, 1943.)

    On the eve of World War II the German chemical complex of I.G. Farben was the largest chemical manufacturing enterprise in the world, with extraordinary political and economic power and influence within the Hitlerian Nazi state. I. G. has been aptly described as "a state within a state."

    The Farben cartel dated from 1925, when organizing genius Hermann Schmitz (with Wall Street financial assistance) created the super-giant chemical enterprise out of six already giant German chemical companies — Badische Anilin, Bayer, Agfa, Hoechst, Weiler-ter-Meer, and Griesheim-Elektron. These companies were merged to become Inter-nationale Gesellschaft Farbenindustrie A.G. — or I.G. Farben for short. Twenty years later the same Hermann Schmitz was put on trial at Nuremburg for war crimes committed by the I. G. cartel. Other I. G. Farben directors were placed on trial but the American affiliates of I. G. Farben and the American directors of I. G. itself were quietly forgotten; the truth was buried in the archives.

    It is these U.S. connections in Wall Street that concern us. Without the capital supplied by Wall Street, there would have been no I. G. Farben in the first place and almost certainly no Adolf Hitler and World War II.

    German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors)1 in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max War-burg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the United States. Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I. G., Farben's wholly owned U.S. subsidiary. In addition to Max Warburg and Hermann Schmitz, the guiding hand in the creation of the Farben empire, the early Farben Vorstand included Carl Bosch, Fritz ter Meer, Kurt Oppenheim and George von Schnitzler.2 All except Max Warburg were charged as "war criminals" after World War II.

    In 1928 the American holdings of I. G. Farben (i.e., the Bayer Company, General Aniline Works, Agfa Ansco, and Winthrop Chemical Company) were organized into a Swiss holding company, i. G. Chemic (Inter-nationale Gesellschaft fur Chemisehe Unternehmungen A. G.), controlled by I. G. Farben in Germany. In the following year these American firms merged to become American I. G. Chemical Corporation, later renamed General Aniline & Film. Hermann Schmitz, the organizer of I. G. Farben in 1925, became a prominent early Nazi and supporter of Hitler, as well as chairman of the Swiss I. G. Chemic and president of American I. G. The Farben complex both in Germany and the United States then developed into an integral part of the formation and operation of the Nazi state machine, the Wehrmacht and the S.S.

    I. G. Farben is of peculiar interest in the formation of the Nazi state because Farben directors materially helped. Hitler and the Nazis to power in 1933. We have photographic evidence (see page 60) that I.G. Farben contributed 400,000 RM to Hitler's political "slush fund." It was this secret fund which financed the Nazi seizure of control in March 1933. Many years earlier Farben had obtained Wall Street funds for the 1925 cartelization and expansion in Germany and $30 million for American I. G. in 1929, and had Wall Street directors on the Farben board. It has to be noted that these funds were raised and directors appointed years before Hitler was promoted as the German dictator.

    The Economic Power of I. G. Farben

    Qualified observers have argued that Germany could not have gone to war in 1939 without I. G. Farben. Between 1927 and the beginning of World War II, I.G. Farben doubled in size, an expansion made possible in great part by American technical assistance and by American bond issues, such as the one for $30 million offered by National City Bank. By 1939 I. G. acquired a participation and managerial influence in some 380 other German firms and over 500 foreign firms. The Farben empire owned its own coal mines, its own electric power plants, iron and steel units, banks, research units, and numerous commercial enterprises. There were over 2,000 cartel agreements between I. G. and foreign firms — including Standard Oil of New Jersey, DuPont, Alcoa, Dow Chemical, and others in the United States, The full story of I,G, Farben and its world-wide ae-tivities before World War II can never be known, as key German records were destroyed in 1945 in anticipation of Allied victory. However, one post-war investigation by the U.S, War Department concluded that:

        Without I. G.'s immense productive facilities, its intense re. search, and vast international affiliations, Germany's prosecution of the war would have been unthinkable and impossible; Farben not only directed its energies toward arming Germany, but concentrated on weakening her intended victims, and this double-barreled attempt to expand the German industrial potential for war and to restrict that of the rest of the world was not conceived and executed "in the normal course of business." The proof is overwhelming that I. G. Farben officials had full prior knowledge of Germany's plan for world conquest and of each specific aggressive act later undertaken ....3

    Directors of Farben firms (i.e., the "I. G. Farben officials" referred to in the investigation) included not only Germans but also prominent American financiers. This 1945 U.S. War Department report concluded that I.G.'s assignment from Hitler in the prewar period was to make Germany self-sufficient in rubber, gasoline, lubricating oils, magnesium, fibers, tanning agents, fats, and explosives. To fulfill this critical assignment, vast sums were spent by I.G. on processes to extract these war materials from indigenous German raw materials - in particular the plentiful German coal resources. Where these processes could not be developed in Germany ,they were acquired from abroad under cartel arrangements. For example, the process for iso-octane, essential for aviation fuels, was obtained from the United States,

        ... in fact entirely [from] the Americans and has become known to us in detail in its separate stages through our agreements with them [Standard Oil of New Jersey] and is being used very extensively by us.4

    The process for manufacturing tetra-ethyl lead? essential for aviation gasoline, was obtained by I. G. Farben from the United States, and in 1939 I.G. was sold $20 million of high-grade aviation gasoline by Standard Oil of New Jersey. Even before Germany manufactured tetra-ethyl lead by the American process it was able to "borrow" 500 tons from the Ethyl Corporation. This loan of vital tetra-ethyl lead was not repaid and I.G. forfeited the $1 million security. Further, I.G. purchased large stocks of magnesium from Dow Chemical for incendiary bombs and stockpiled explosives, stabilizers, phosphorus, and cyanides from the outside world.

    In 1939, out of 43 major products manufactured by I.G., 28 were of "primary concern" to the German armed forces. Farben's ultimate control of the German war economy, acquired during the 1920s and 1930s with Wall Street assistance, can best be assessed by examining the percentage of German war material output produced by Farben plants in 1945. Farben at that time produced 100 percent of German synthetic rubber, 95 percent of German poison gas (including all the Zyklon B gas used in the concentration camps), 90 percent of German plastics, 88 percent of German magnesium, 84 percent of German explosives, 70 percent of German gunpowder, 46 percent of German high octane (aviation) gasoline, and 33 percent of German synthetic gasoline.5 (See Chart 2-1 and Table 2-1.)
    Table 2-1: German Army (Wehrmacht) Dependence on I.G. Farben Production (1943):
    Product  Total German Production  Percent Produced by
    I.G. Farben
    Synthetic Rubber   118,600 tons   100
    Methanol  251,000 tons   100
    Lubricating Oil  60,000 tons   100
    Dyestuffs  31,670 tons   98
    Poison Gas 

    Nickel  2,000 tons   95
    Plastics  57,000 tons  90
    Magnesium  27,400 tons  88
    Explosives  221,000 tons  84
    Gunpowder  210,000 tons  70
    High Octane (Aviation) 
    Gasoline  650,000 tons  46
    Sulfuric Acid  

    707,000 tons


    Chart 2-1: German Army (Wehrmacht) Dependence on I.G. Farben Production (1943)

    Dr. von Schnitzler, of the I.G. Farben Aufsichsrat, made the following pertinent statement in 1943:

        It is no exaggeration to say that without the services of German chemistry performed under the Four Year Plan the prosecution of modern war would have been unthinkable.6

    Unfortunately, when we probe the technical origins of the more important of these military materials — quite apart from financial Support for Hitler — we find links to American industry and to American businessmen. There were numerous Farben arrangements with American firms, including cartel marketing arrangements, patent agreements, and technical exchanges as exemplified in the Standard Oil-Ethyl technology transfers mentioned above. These arrangements were used by I.G. to advance Nazi policy abroad, to collect strategic information, and to consolidate a world-wide chemical cartel.

    One of the more horrifying aspects of I.G. Farben's cartel was the invention, production, and distribution of the Zyklon B gas, used in Nazi concentration camps. Zyklon B was pure Prussic acid, a lethal poison produced by I.G. Farben Leverkusen and sold from the Bayer sales office through Degesch, an independent license holder. Sales of Zyklon B amounted to almost three-quarters of Degesch business; enough gas to kill 200 million humans was produced and sold by I.G. Farben. The Kilgore Committee report of 1942 makes it clear that the I.G. Farben directors had precise knowledge of the Nazi concentration camps and the use of I.G. chemicals. This prior knowledge becomes significant when we later consider the role of the American directors in I.G.'s American subsidiary. The 1945 interrogation of I.G. Farben director yon Schnitzler reads:

        Q. What did you do when they told you that I.G. chemicals was [sic] being used to kill, to murder people held in concentration camps?

        A. I was horrified.

        Q. Did you do anything about it?

        A. I kept it for me [to myself] because it was too terrible .... I asked Muller-Cunradi is it known to you and Ambros and other directors in Auschwitz that the gases and chemicals are being used to murder people.

        Q. What did he say?

        A. Yes: it is known to all I.G. directors in Auschwitz.7

    There was no attempt by I.G. Farben to halt production of the gases — a rather ineffective way for von Schnitzler to express any concern for human life, "because it was too terrible."

    The Berlin N.W. 7 office of I.G. Farben was the key Nazi overseas espionage center. The unit operated under Farben director Max Ilgner, nephew of I.G. Farben president Hermann Schmitz. Max Ilgner and Hermann Schmitz were on the board of American I.G., with fellow directors Henry Ford of Ford Motor Company, Paul Warburg of Bank of Manhattan, and Charles E. Mitchell of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.

    At the outbreak o£ war in 1939 VOWI employees were ordered into the Wehrmacht but in fact continued to perform the same work as when nominally under I.G. Farben. One of the more prominent of these Farben intelligence workers in N.W. 7 was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who joined Farben in the early 1930s after completion of an 18-month period of service in the black-uniformed S.S.8

    The U.S. arm of the VOWI intelligence network was Chemnyco, Inc. According to the War Department,

        Utilizing normal business contacts Chemnyco was able to transmit to Germany tremendous amounts of material ranging from photographs and blueprints to detailed descriptions of whole industrial plants.9

    Chemnyco's vice president in New York was Rudolph Ilgner, an American citizen and brother of American I, G. Farben director Max Ilgner. In brief, Farben operated VOWI, the Nazi foreign intelligence operation, before World War II and the VOWI operation was associated with prominent members of the Wall Street Establishment through American I.G. and Chemnyco.

    The U.S. War Department also accused I.G. Farben and its American associates of spearheading Nazi psychological and economic warfare programs through dissemination of propaganda via Farben agents abroad, and of providing foreign exchange for this Nazi propaganda. Farben's cartel arrangements promoted Nazi economic warfare — the outstanding example being the voluntary Standard Oil of New Jersey restriction on development of synthetic rubber in the United States at the behest of I. G. Farben. As the War Department report puts it:

        The story in short is that because of Standard Oil's determination to maintain an absolute monopoly of synthetic rubber developments in the United States, it fully accomplished I.G.'s purpose of preventing United States production by dissuading American rubber companies from undertaking independent research in developing synthetic rubber processes.10

    In 1945 Dr. Oskar Loehr, deputy head of the I.G. "Tea Buro," confirmed that I. G. Farben and Standard Oil of New Jersey operated a "preconceived plan" to suppress development of the synthetic rubber industry in the United States, to the advantage of the German Wehrmacht and to the disadvantage of the United States in World War II.

    Dr. Loehr's testimony reads (in part) as follows:

        Q. Is it true that while the delay in divulging the buna [synthetic rubber] processes to American rubber companies was taking place, Chemnyco and Jasco were in the meantime keeping I.G. well informed in regard to synthetic rubber development in the U.S.?

        A. Yes.

        Q. So that at all times I.G. was fully aware of the state of the development of the American synthetic rubber industry?

        A. Yes.

        Q. Were you present at the Hague meeting when Mr. Howard [of Standard Oil] went there in 1939?

        A. No.

        Q. Who was present?

        A. Mr. Ringer, who was accompanied by Dr. Brown of Ludwigshafen. Did they tell you about the negotiations?

        A. Yes, as far as they were on the buna part of it.

        Q. Is it true that Mr. Howard told I.G. at this meeting that the developments in the U.S. had reached such a stage that it would no longer be possible for him to keep the information in regard to the buna processes from the American companies?

        A. Mr. Ringer reported it.

        Q. Was it at that meeting that for the first time Mr. Howard told I.G. the American rubber companies might have to be informed of the processes and he assured I.G. that Standard Oil would control the synthetic rubber industry in the U.S.? Is that right?

        A. That is right. That is the knowledge I got through Mr. Ringer.

        Q. So that in all these arrangements since the beginning of the development of the synthetic rubber industry the suppression of the synthetic rubber industry in the U.S. was part of a preconceived plan between I.G. on the one hand and Mr. Howard of Standard Oil on the other?

        A. That is a conclusion that must be drawn from the previous facts.11

    I.G. Farben was pre-war Germany's largest earner of foreign exchange, and this foreign exchange enabled Germany to purchase strategic raw materials, military equipment, and technical processes, and to finance its overseas programs of espionage, propaganda, and varied military and political activities preceding World War II. Acting on behalf of the Nazi state, Farben broadened its own horizon to a world scale which maintained close relations with the Nazi regime and the Wehrmaeht. A liaison office, the Vermittlungsstelle W, was established to maintain communications between I.G. Farben and the German Ministry of War:

        The aim of this work is the building up o.[ a tight organ izatton for armament in the I.G. which could be inserted without difficulty in the existing organization of the I.G. and the individual plants. In the case of war, I.G. will be treated by the authorities concerned with armament questions as one big plant which, in its task for the armament, as far as it is possible to do so from the technical point of view, will regulate itself without any organizational influence from outside (the work in this direction was in principle agreed upon with the Ministry of War Wehrwirtschaftsant) and from this office with the Ministry of Economy. To the field of the work of the Vermittlungsstelle W belongs, besides the organizational set-up and long-range planning, the continuous collaboration with regard to the armament and technical questions with the authorities of the Reich and with the plants of the I.G.12

    Unfortunately the files of the Vermittlungsstelle offices were destroyed prior to the end of the war, although it is known from other sources that from 1934 onwards a complex network of transactions evolved between I.G. and the Wehrmacht. In 1934 I. G. Farben began to mobilize for war, and each I.G. plant prepared its war production plans and submitted the plans to the Ministries of War and Economics. By 1935-6 war games were being held at I.G. Farben plants and wartime technical procedures rehearsed.13  These war games were described by Dr. Struss, head of the Secretariat of I.G.'s Technical Committee:

        It is true that since 1934 or 1935, soon after the establishment of the Vermittlungsstelle W in the different works, theoretical war plant games had been arranged to examine how the effect of bombing on certain factories would materialize. It was particularly taken into consideration what would happen if 100- or 500-kilogram bombs would fall on a certain factory and what would be the result of it. It is also right that the word Kriegsspiele was used for it.

        The Kriegsspiele were prepared by Mr. Ritter and Dr. Eckell, later on partly by Dr. yon Brunning by personal order on Dr. Krauch's own initiative or by order of the Air Force, it is not known to me. The tasks were partly given by the Vermittlung-sstelle W and partly by officers of the Air Force. A number of officers of all groups of the Wehrmacht (Navy, Air Force, and Army) participated in these Kriegsspiele.

        The places which were hit by bombs were marked in a map of the plant so that it could be ascertained which parts of the plant were damaged, for example a gas meter or an important pipe line. As soon as the raid finished, the management of the plant ascertained the damages and reported which part of the plant had to stop working; they further reported what time would be required in order to repair the damages. In a following meeting the consequences of the Kriegsspiele were described and it was ascertained that in the case of Leuna [plant] the damages involved were considerably high; especially it was found out that alterations of the pipe lines were to be made at considerable cost.14

    Consequently, throughout the 1930s I. G. Farben did more than just comply with orders from the Nazi regime. Farben was an initiator and operator for the Nazi plans for world conquest. Farben acted as a research and intelligence organization for the German Army and voluntarily initiated Wehrmacht projects. In fact the Army only rarely had to approach Farben; it is estimated that about 40 to 50 percent of Farben projects for the Army were initiated by Farben itself. In brief, in the words of Dr, von Schnitzler:

        Thus, in acting as it had done, I.G. contracted a great responsibility and constituted a substantial aid in the chemical domain and decisive help to Hitler's foreign policy, which led to war and to the ruin of Germany. Thus, I must conclude that I.G. is largely responsible for Hitler's policy,

    Polishing I. G. Farben's Public Image

    This miserable picture of pre-war military preparation was known abroad and had to be sold — or disguised — to the American public in order to facilitate Wall Street fund-raising and technical assistance on behalf of I. G. Farben in the United States. A prominent New York public relations firm was chosen for the job of selling the I.G. Farben combine to America. The most notable public relations firm in the late 1920s and 1930s was Ivy Lee & T.J. Ross of New York. Ivy Lee had previously undertaken a public relations campaign for the Rockefellers, to spruce up the Rockefeller name among the American public. The firm had also produced a syncophantic book entitled USSR, undertaking the same clean-up task for the Soviet Union — even while Soviet labor camps were in full blast in the late 20s and early 30s.

    From 1929 onwards Ivy Lee became public relations counsel for I. G. Farben in the United States. In 1934 Ivy Lee presented testimony to the House Un-American Activities Committee on this work for Farben.15 Lee testified that I.G. Farben was affiliated with the American Farben firm and "The American I.G. is a holding company with directors such people as Edsel Ford, Walter Teagle, one of the officers of the City Bank .... " Lee explained that he was paid $25,000 per year under a contract made with Max Ilgner of I.G. Farben. His job was to counter criticism levelled at I.G. Farben within the United States. The advice given by Ivy Lee to Farben on this problem was acceptable enough:

        In the first place, I have told them that they could never in the world get the American people reconciled to their treatment of the Jews: that that was just foreign to the American mentality and could never be justified in the American public opinion, and there was no use trying.

        In the second place, anything that savored of Nazi propaganda in this country was a mistake and ought not to be under. taken. Our people regard it as meddling with American affairs, and it was bad business.16

    The initial payment of $4,500 to Ivy Lee under this contract was made by Hermann Schmitz, chairman of I.G. Farben in Germany. It was deposited in the New York Trust Company under the name of I. G. Chemic (or the "Swiss I.G.," as Ivy Lee termed it). However, the second and major payment of $14,450 was made by William von Rath of the American I.G. and also deposited by Ivy Lee in New York Trust Company, for the credit of his personal account. (The firm account was at the Chase Bank.) This point about the origin of the funds is 'important when we consider the identity of directors of American I.G., because payment by American I.G. meant that the bulk of the Nazi propaganda funds were not of German origin. They were American funds earned in the U.S. and under control of American directors, although used for Nazi propaganda in the United States.

    In other words, most of the Nazi propaganda funds handled by Ivy Lee were not imported from Germany.

    The use to which these American funds were put was brought out under questioning by the House Un-American Activities Committee:

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. As I understand you, you testified that you received no propaganda at all, and that you had nothing to do with the distribution of propaganda in this country?

        Mr. LEE. I did not testify I received none Mr. Dickstein.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. I will eliminate that part of the question, then.

        Mr. LEE. I testified that I disseminated none whatever.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. Have you received or has your firm received any propaganda literature from Germany at any time?

        Mr. LEE. Yes, sir.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. And when was that?

        Mr. LEE. Oh, we have received — it is a question of what you call propaganda. We have received an immense amount of literature.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. You do not know what that literature was and what it contained?

        Mr. LEE. We have received books and pamphlets and newspaper clippings and documents, world without end.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. I assume someone in your office would go over them and see what they were?

        Mr. LEE. Yes, sir.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. And then after you found out what they were, I assume you kept copies of them?

        Mr. LEE. In some cases, yes: and in some, no. A great many of them, of course, were in German, and I had what my son sent me. He said they were interesting and significant, and those I had translated or excerpts of them made.17

    Finally, Ivy Lee employed Burnham Carter to study American new paper reports on Germany and prepare suitable pro-Nazi replies. It should be noted that this German literature was not Farben literature, it was official Hitler literature:

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. In other words, you receive this material that deals with German conditions today: You examine it and you advise them. It has nothing to do with the German Government, although the material, the literature, is official literature of the Hitler regime. That is correct, is it not?

        Mr. LEE. Well, a good deal of the literature was not official.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. It was not I.G. literature, was it?

        Mr. LEE. No; I.G. sent it to me.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. Can you show us one scrap of paper that came in here that had anything to do with the I.G.?

        Mr. LEE. Oh, yes. They issue a good deal of literature. But I do not want to beg the question. There is no question whatever that under their authority I have received an immense amount of material that came from official and unofficial sources.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. Exactly. In other words, the material that was sent here by the I.G. was material spread — we would call it propaganda t by authority of the German Government. But the distinction that you make in your statement is, as I take it, that the German Government did not send it to you directly; that it was sent to you by the I.G.

        Mr. LEE. Right.

        Mr. DICKSTEIN. And it had nothing to do with their business relations just now.

        Mr. LEE. That is correct.

    The American I.G. Farben

    Who were the prominent Wall Street establishment financiers who directed the activities of American I.G., the I.G. Farben affiliate in the United States promoting Nazi propaganda?

    American I.G. Farben directors included some of the more prominent members of Wall Street. German interests re-entered the United States after World War I, and successfully overcame barriers designed to keep I.G. out of the American market. Neither seizure of German patents, establishment of the Chemical Foundation, nor high tariff walls were a major problem.

    By 1925, General Dyestuff Corporation was established as the exclusive selling agent for products manufactured by Gasselli Dyestuff (renamed General Aniline Works, Inc., in 1929) and imported from Germany. The stock of General Aniline Works was transferred in 1929 to American I.G. Chemical Corporation and later in 1939 to General Aniline & Film Corporation, into which American I.G. and General Aniline Works were merged. American I.G. and its successor, General Aniline & Film, is the unit through which control of I.G.'s enterprises in the U.S. was maintained. The stock authorization of American I.G. was 3,000,000 common A

    shares and 3,000,000 common B shares. In return for stock interests in General Aniline Works and Agfa-Ansco Corporation, I.G. Farben in Germany received all the B shares and 400,000 A shares. Thirty million dollars of convertible bonds were sold to the American public and guaranteed as to principal and interest by the German I.G. Farben, which received an option to purchase an additional 1,000,000 A shares.

    Table 2-2: The Directors of American I.G. at 1930:
    American I,G.
    Director  Citizenship  Other Major Associations
    Carl BOSCH   German   FORD MOTOR CO. A-G
    Max ILGNER   German  Directed I.G. FARBEN N.W.7  (INTELLIGENCE) office. Guilty at Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.
    F. Ter MEER  German  Guilty at Nuremberg War Crimes Trials
    H.A. METZ   U.S.   Director of I.G. Farben Germany and BANK OF MANHATTAN (U.S.)
    Herman SCHMITZ  German  On boards of I.G. Farben (President) (Germany) Deutsche Bank (Germany) and BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS. Guilty at Nuremberg War Crimes Trials.
     W.H. yon RATH   Naturalized  Director of GERMAN GENERAL U.S. ELECTRIC (A.E.G.)
    W.E. WEISS  U.S.  Sterling Products
    Source: Moody's Manual of Investments; 1930, p. 2149.
    Note: Walter DUISBERG (U.S.), W. GRIEF (U.S.), and Adolf KUTTROFF (U.S.) were also Directors of American I.G. Farben at this period.

    The management of American I.G. (later General Aniline) was dominated by I.G. or former I.G. officials. (See Table 9..9..) Hermann Schmitz served as president from 1929 to 1936 and was then succeeded by his brother, Dietrich A. Schmitz, a naturalized American citizen, until 1941. Hermann Schmitz, who was also a director of the bank for International Settlements, the "apex" of the international financial control system. He remained as chairman of the board of directors from 1936 to 1939.

    The original board of directors included nine members who were, or had been, members o[ the board of I.G. Farben in Germany (Hermann Schmitz, carl Bosch, Max Ilgner, Fritz ter Meer, and Wilfred Grief), or had been previously employed by I.G. Farben in Germany (Walter Duisberg, Adolph Kuttroff, W.H. yon Rath, Herman A. Metz). Herman A. Metz was an American citizen, a staunch Democrat in politics and a former comptroller of the City of New York. A tenth, W.E. Weiss, had been under contract to I.G.

    Directors of American I.G. were not only prominent in Wall Street and American industry but more significantly were drawn from a few highly influential institutions:

    The remaining four members of the American I.G. board were prominent American citizens and members of the Wall Street financial elite: C.E. Mitchell, chairman of National City Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Edsel B. Ford, president of Ford Motor Company; W.C. Teagle, another director of Standard Oil of New Jersey; and, Paul Warburg, first member of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and chairman of the Bank of Manhattan Company.

    Directors of American I.G. were not only prominent in Wall Street and American industry but more significantly were drawn from a few highly influential institutions. (See chart above.)

    Between 1929 and 1939 there were changes in the make-up of the board of American I.G. The number of directors varied from time to time, although a majority always had I.G. backgrounds or connections, and the board never had less than four American directors. In 1939 — presumably looking ahead to World War II — an effort was made to give the board a more American complexion, but despite the resignation of Hermann Schmitz, Carl Bosch, and Walter Duisberg, and the appointment of seven new directors, seven members still belonged to the I.G. group. This I.G. predominance increased during 1940 and 1941 as American directors, including Edsel Ford, realized the political unhealthiness of I.G. and resigned.

    Several basic observations can be made from this evidence. First, the board of American I.G. had three directors from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the most influential of the various Federal Reserve Banks. American I.G. also had interlocks with Standard Oil of New Jersey, Ford Motor Company, Bank of Manhattan (later to become the Chase Manhattan), and A.E.G. (German General Electric). Second, three members of the board of this American I.G. were found guilty at Nuremburg War Crimes Trials. These were the German, not the American, members. Among these Germans was Max Ilgner, director of the I.G. Farben N.W. 7 office in Berlin, i.e., the Nazi pre-war intelligence office. If the directors of a corporation are collectively responsible for the activities of the corporation, then the American directors should also have been placed on trial at Nuremburg, along with the German directors — that is, if the purpose of the trials was to determine war guilt. Of course, if the purpose of the trials had been to divert attention away from the U.S. involvement in Hitler's rise to power, they succeeded very well in such an objective.



        1German firms have a two-tier board of directors. The Aufsichsrat concerns itself with overall supervision, including financial policy, while the Vorstand is concerned with day-to-day management.

        2Taken from Der Farben-Konzern 1928, (Hoppenstedt, Berlin: I928), pp. 4-5.

        3Elimination of German Resources, p. 943.

        4Ibid, p. 945.

        5New York Times, October 21, 1945, Section 1, pp. 1, 12.

        6Ibid, p. 947.

        7Elimination of German Resources.

        8Bernhard is today better known for his role as chairman of the secretive, so-called Bilderberger meetings. See U.S. Congress, House of Representatives, Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain other Propaganda Activities. 73rd Congress, 2nd Session, Hearings No. 73-DC-4. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1934), Volume VIII, p. 7525.

        9Ibid p. 949.

        10Ibid p. 952.

        11Ibid p. 1293.

        12Ibid p. 954.

        13Ibid p. 954.

        14Ibid, pp. 954-5.

        15U.S. Congress. House of Representatives, Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities, op. cit.

        16Ibid, p. 178.

        17Ibid, p. 183.

        18Ibid, p. 188.

America Ponzi Evil-Masons and The Illuminati

The Illuminati Banks 2009

Anyone who condemns Sir. Allen Stanford, Bernard Madoff, or any of the other so could financial or White Collar Criminals, please  stop and ask yourself who how many American So Called Established Banks, Financial Company's, and Corporations are Guilty of this very act.

A financial wizard I will not pretend to be but let me ask a un-related question today if you went to your local bank and ask for a loan what would they say today for most Americans and most small business the answer is no, but yet we continue to allow our self to pay high fees and allow our little pennies as one JP MORGAN Branch Manger stated to stay deposited in these financial ponzi empire that needed the FEDS bailout and now can pay back the money thanks to what our fees.

Every small or little guy like myself should withdrawal every dime from the JP MORGANS CHASE, BANK OF AMERICAS, and deposit and bank, retirement funds all should move use the small community banks that are closely regulated maybe to a fault by the US GOVT but we all us little people must let our voice be heard take your money business to some one who cares because these so called to Big To Fail Banks are not for the little guys and gals.

OK back to my original point America One Big Ponzi-When debts are due and the money to pay them is lacking, whether because of bad luck or deliberate theft, debtors often make their payments by borrowing or stealing from other investors they have. It does not follow that this is a Ponzi scheme, because from the basic facts set out there is no indication that the lenders were promised unrealistically high rates of return via claims of unusual financial investments. Nor (from these basic facts) is there any indication that the borrower (banker) is progressively increasing the amount of borrowing ("investing") to cover payments to initial investors. Sounds familiar Congress, Bankers, Corporations have been doing this for years.

Knowingly entering a Ponzi scheme, even at the last round of the scheme, can be RATIONAL economically if government bails out those participating in the Ponzi scheme. However Ponzi Schemes cannot last forever.

One reason that the scheme initially works so well is that early investors — those who actually got paid the large returns — commonly reinvest their money in the scheme (it does, after all, pay out much better than any alternative investment). Thus, those running the scheme do not actually have to pay out very much (net)—they simply have to send statements to investors showing them how much they earned by keeping the money, maintaining the deception that the scheme is a fund with high returns.

Promoters also try to minimize withdrawals by offering new plans to investors, often where money is frozen for a longer period of time, in exchange for higher returns. The promoter sees new cash flows as investors are told they could not transfer money from the first plan to the second. If a few investors do wish to withdraw their money in accordance with the terms allowed, the requests are usually promptly processed, which gives the illusion to all other investors that the fund is solvent.

This simplistic notion of the Ponzi scheme is typically embellished with several (or many) feints that help prove seeming legitimacy to the ruse. For example, Ma-doff famously refused some investors' money, even when they begged him to take it. To an outside observer, these sorts of often high-profile "exclusivity" acts tend to discredit doubts — if it was a fraud, why would Ma-doff refuse more cash? Such illusions of normal business-as-usual reinforce a Ponzi scheme as a real investment.

So bottom line America has become one BIG PONZI Bear Sterns Merrill Lynch and all the rest of these places are evil and frankly could care less about us health reform while important a much more important issue if addressed by the President and Congress is true Banking regulatory reform, take a long look at the Patriot Act and how it is really hurting Americans, took a look at the practices of the So called independent credit bureaus who generate most the revenue they get from who the lenders talk about unfair stay focused move your money and do business with firms that care about your community.

Let me 1st say if you discover any errors in spelling or grammar let me say sorry but the message here is if they don’t care about you do not again do not leave your $$$$ with them have happy holiday and a great new Year

A Satanic Plot for a One World Government

The World Conspirators: the Illuminati

Who controls the monies?

The Pilgrims of Saint Michael firmly believe that the nucleus of all evil stems from those who control the monies of the world, whom we generally refer to as the International Bankers. But one word we seldom here about, much less understand is the Illuminati.

The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control, for evil purposes, the entire world. Their agentur are bred, educated, and trained to be placed behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.

Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and for Satan. They always remain in the dark, unidentified, and generally unsuspected. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes. They divide to conquer, supplying arms and money to both sides, instigating people to fight and kill each other, in order to be able to achieve their objectives. they foster the terrorism of atomic warfare and deliberately cause world famine. Their primary goal is to form a one world government to have complete control of the entire world, destroying all religions and governments in the process.

Recently I came across a tape entitled «The History of the Illuminati» by Myron Fagan in which Mr. Fagan explains in detail what the Illuminati is, how it started, and their conspiracy to form a one world government by the end of the 20th Century. Following are excerpts taken from this tape, based on William Guy Carr's book, "Pawns in the Game". The subtitles are from the "Michael" Journal.

Behind the United States and its Constitution is a small group of men whose sole objective is to enslave the whole world and humanity in their satanic plot for a one world govenment. Now to give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, back to the middle of the 18th Century, and name the men who put that plot into action.

This satanic plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name of the Illuminati. This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt who became a convert to Catholicism and later a Catholic priest. Then, at the request of the Financiers, he defected from the Catholic Church, and organized the Illuminati which was financed by the International Bankers.

Every war since then, beginning with the French Revolution, has been promoted by the Illuminati operating under various names and guises. I say under various names and guises because, after the Illuminati was exposed and became too notorious, Weishaupt and his co-conspirators began to operate under various other names.

But why did the world conspirators chose the word "Illuminati" for their satanic organization? Weishaupt himself said that the word is derived from Lucifer and means «holders of the light».

The Luciferian conspiracy

Weishaupt was a Jesuit-trained professor of Canon Law, teaching in InglecotUniversity, when he defected from Christianity to embrace the Luciferian conspiracy. This was in 1770. He began to write out the master plan that was designed to give the Synagogue of Satan, so named by Jesus Christ, ultimate world domination so they could impose the Luciferian ideology on what would remain of the human race after the final social cataclysm by use of satanic despotism.

Weishaupt completed his task on May 1, 1776. (Communist nations continue to yearly conduct celebrations on May 1st in honor of this great event.) That was the day Weishaupt officially completed his plan which required the destruction of all existing governments and religions. That objective was to be reached by dividing the masses of people into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on political, social, economic, and other issues, the very conditions we have in the United States today. The opposing sides were then to be armed, and incidents were to be provided which would cause them to fight and weaken themselves, gradually destroying national governments and religious institutions.

The plan of operation

The main features of the Weishaupt plan of operation required his Illuminati to do the following things to help them to accomplish their purpose:

·                  1. Monetary and sex bribery was to be used to obtain control of men already in high places in the various levels of all governments and other fields of endeavor. Once influential persons had fallen for the lies, deceits, and temptations of the Illuminati, they were to be held in bondage by application of political and other forms of blackmail, threats of financial ruin, public exposure, and physical harm, even death to themselves and loved members of their families.

·                  2. The Illuminati who were on the faculty of colleges and universities were to cultivate students possessing exceptional mental ability and who belonged to well-bred families with international leanings, and recommend them for special training in Internationalism. Such training was to be provided by granting scholarships, like the Rhodes Scholarship, to those selected by the Illuminati. All such scholars were to be first persuaded and then convinced that men of special talent and brains had the right to rule those less gifted on the grounds that the masses do not know what is best for them physically, mentally, and spiritually.

·                  3. All influential people who were trapped to come under the control of the Illuminati, plus the students who had been specially educated and trained, were to be used as agents and placed behind the scenes of all governments as experts and specialists. They would advise the top executives to adopt policies which would, in the long run, serve the secret plans of the Illuminati's one world conspiracy, and bring about the destruction of the governments and religions they were elected or appointed to serve.

·                  4. They were to obtain absolute control of the press so that all news and inforation could be slanted to convince the masses that a one world government is the only solution to our many and varied problems. They were also to own and control all the national radio and TV channels.

After reading these four points of strategy, we have to admit that our mass communications media is controlled at all levels, and that at all levels our governments are also infiltrated and controlled, just like Weishaupt had planned back in the 1700's. Unfortunately, few people are aware of this fact, which is why they make little sense out of many of the world events that take place today.

Let us now go back to the first days of the Illuminati.

Because Britain and France were the two greatest world powers in the late years of the 18th Century, Weishaupt ordered the Illuminati to foment the colonial wars, including the Revolutionary War in America, to weaken the British Empire. They were also ordered to organize the French Revolution in order to destroy the French Empire.

Weishaupt scheduled the French Revolution to start in 1789. However, in 1784, a true act of God placed the Bavarian Government in possession of evidence which proved the existence of the Illuminati. And that evidence could have saved France if they, the French Government, had not refused to believe it.

An act of God

What was this act of God? Let me explain.

It was in 1784 that Weishaupt had issued his orders for the French Revolution. A German writer named Zwack had put these orders into book form which contained the entire Illuminati story and Weishaupt's plan. A copy of this book was sent to the Illuminates in France, who were headed by Robespierre, whom Weishaupt had delegated to foment the French Revolution. The carrier was struck and killed by lightning as he rode on his way from Germany to France. The police found the subversive documents on his body, and turned them over to the proper authorities.

After a careful study of the plot, the Bavarian Government ordered the police to raid Weishaupt's newly organized lodges of the Grand Orient and homes of his most influential associates. All additional evidence thus discovered convinced the authorities that the documents were genuine copies of the conspiracy by which the Illuminati planned to use wars and revolutions to bring about the established. (Note: This is exactly in line with the United Nations plot of today.)

In 1785, the Bavarian Government outlawed the Illuminati, and closed the lodges of the Grand Orient. In 1786, they published all the details of the conspiracy, the English title of that publication being "The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati". Copies of the entire conspiracy were sent to all the heads of Church and State in Europe. But the power of the Illuminati was so great that this warning was ignored. Nevertheless, «Illuminati» became a dirty word, and it went underground.

At the same time, Weishaupt ordered Illuminates to infiltrate into the lodges of Blue Masonry, and form their own secret societies within all secret societies. Only Masons who proved themselves internationalists, and those whose conduct proved they had defected from God, were initiated into the Illuminati.

In order to infiltrate into Masonic Lodges in Britain, Weishaupt invited John Robison over to Europe. Robison was a high degree Mason in the Scottish Rite. He was a professor of natural philosophy at EdinburghUniversity and secretary of The Royal Society of Edinburgh. Robison did not fall for the lie that the objective of the Illuminati was to create a benevolent dictatorship, but he kept his reaction to himself so well that he was entrusted with a copy of Weishaupt's revised conspiracy for study and safekeeping.

Because the warnings about the Illuminati were ignored, the Revolution broke out in 1789, as scheduled by Weishaupt. In order to alert other governments to their danger, Robison published, in 1789, a book entitled "Proof of a Conspiracy to Destroy All Governments and Religions", but his warnings were also ignored.

The Napoleonic Wars

The men who had directed the French Revolution decided to engage in another international plot. This time they organized the Napoleonic Wars to topple several more of the Crowned Heads of Europe.

One branch of the Financiers financed Napoleon, while another branch financed Britain, Germany, and other nations. Of course, both branches received their orders from the masterminds of the Illuminati.

Immediately after the Napolionic Wars, the Illuminati assumed that all the nations would be so desperate and so weary of wars that they would be glad for any solution. So the stooges of the Illumiati set up what they called «The Congress of Vienna». At this meeting they tried to create the first league of nations, their first attempted one world government. They held the theory that all the Crowned heads of the European Government were so deeply in debt to them that they would willingly or unwillingly seve as their stooges. But the Czar of Russia caught on to the plot, and completely torpedoed it. The enraged Financiers then vowed that some day they would destroy the Czar and his entire family. And this very threat was later accomplished in 1917.

We must bear in mind that the Illumianti was not set up to operate on a short-range basis. Normally, a conspirator of any type enters into a conspiracy with the expectation of achieving his objective during his own lifetime. But that was not the case with the Illuminati. True, they hoped to accomplish their objective during their lifetime but, paraphrasing "the show must go on", the Illuminati operates on the very long-range basis. Whether it will take scores of years or even centuries, they have dedicated their descendants to keep the plot going until they hope the conspiracy is achieved.

The disastrous rebuff at the congress held in Vienna by the Czar of Russia did not by any means destroy the Illuminati conspiracy; it merely forced them to adopt a new strategy. Realizing that the one world idea was, for the moment, killed, the Illuminati decided that, to keep their power, they would have to tighten their control of the money system of the European nations.

To control the economy

Earlier, the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo had been falsified. The Financiers had spread a story that Napoleon had won that battle, which brought about a panic on the stock market in England. All stocks had plumped down to practically zero. The International Bankers then bought all the stocks for virtually a penny on its dollar value, which gave them complete control of the economy of Britain and, virtually, of all Europe.

Immediately after the congress held in Vienna, the International Bankers forced Britain to set up a new bank of England, which they controlled absolutely, and which they still control to this very day.

Weishaupt died in 1830, but prior to his death, he prepared a revised version of the age-old conspiracy of the Illuminati, which, under various names, was to organize, finance, direct, and control all international organizations and groups bu working their agents into executive positions at the top.

The revolutionary program

In 1848, Karl Marx wrote the Communist Manifesto, under the direction of one group of Illuminists, while Professor Karl Ritter of FrankfurtUniversity wrote the anti-thesis, under the direction of another group of Illuminists. the idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences of those two so-called ideologies to enable them to divide larger and larger members of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other. And, in particular, to destroy all political and religious institutions.

The work Ritter started was continued after his death and completed by the German so-called philosopher, Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Nietzsche helped to develop Racism and then Naziism, which was used to foment World War I and II.

In 1834, the Italian revolutionary leader, Giuseppe Mazzini, was selected by the Illuminati to direct their revolutionary program throughout the world. He served in that capacity until he died in 1872. But some years before he died, Mazzini had enticed an American general named Albert Pike into the Illuminati. Pike was fascinated by the idea of a one world government, and ultimately he became the head of this Luciferian conspiracy.

Between 1859 and 1871, Pike worked out a military blueprint for three world wars and various revolutions throughout the world which he considered would forward the conspiracy to its final stage in the 20th Century.

World wars

The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to destroy Czarism in Russia, as vowed by the International Bankers after the Czar had torpedoed his scheme at the congress held in Vienna, and to transform Russia into a stronghold of atheistic Communism. The differences stirred up by agents of the Illuminati between the German and British Empires would be used to foment this war. After the war would be ended, Communism was to be built up and used to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

The Second World War, when and if necessary, was to be fomented by using the controversies between fascist and political Zionists. During this war, International Communism was to be built up until it equaled in strenght that of the United Christendom. When it reached that point, it was to be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm.

The Third World War is to be fomented by using the so-called controversy agents of the Illuminati would stir up between political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world. That war is to be directed in such a manner that all of Islam and political Zionism, Israel, will destroy each other while, at the same time, the remaining nations, once more divided on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion - physically, mentally, spiritually, and economically. The stage will then be set to put the one world government into operation.

A one world government

In the final phases of the conspiracy, the one world government is to consist of a key dictator - the head of the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations (the Illuminati group in the U.S.), a few billionaires, the Communists, and scientists who have proven their devotion to the great conspiracy. All others are to be integrated into a vast conglomeration of monopolized humanity, becoming total slaves of the conspiracy.

In the United States, immediately after World War I, the Illuminati set up what they called the Council on Foreign Relations, commonly referred to as the CFR. This CFR is actually the Illuminati now operating in the U.S. Its hierarchy, the mastermind control of the CFR, to a very great extent, are descendants of the original Illuminati conspirators, even though many of them have changed their names to conceal this fact.

There is a similar establishment of the Illuminati in England, operating under the name of the British Institute of International Affairs. There are similar secret Illuminati organizations in France, Germany, and other nations operating under different names. All of these organizations, including the CFR, continuously set up numerous subsidiary or front organizations that are infiltrated into every phase of the various nations affairs. But at all times, the operation of these organizations were and are masterminded and controlled

If you think that the United States is run by a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) elite, think again. The reality is very much otherwise, according to an old-line American magazine that did, indeed, once rank as a voice of the so-called “WASP” establishment.

Vanity Fair—the stylish monthly now owned by the billionaire Zionist Newhouse family—has just published its annual list of the 100 most powerful people in America, what Vanity Fair calls “the New Establishment.”

What this amazing list reveals is a reality that many will find hard to accept: America’s “New Establishment” is overwhelmingly dominated by Jewish figures or those who are on the payroll of or dependent upon Jewish families and financial interests that bankroll the powerful Israeli lobby in America. That conclusion—however “offensive” or “controversial” in the eyes of some people—is inescapable.

Based on Vanity Fair’s listing from the position of 1-100, persons known to be Jewish occupy 53% of the power positions. However, there are actually 106 names on the list (with two names listed side by side in five places) and with the additional names (four of the six being Jewish), there are 57 individuals known to be Jewish listed.

So depending upon how one calculates, either 53% (or 54% including all those listed) of the most powerful members of “the New Establishment”—as perceived by Vanity Fair—are Jewish.And it should be noted that Vanity Fair’s assessment of who constitutes “the New Establishment” is one that critics would be hard-pressed to dispute.

The fact that a Jewish-owned publication has published the names of these Jewish power brokers (without specifically citing their ethnic and religious heritage) is interesting, especially since Israel’s prestigious newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, on Oct. 11, 2007, heralded publication of the list, saying in a headline that “Jewish power dominates [at the] Vanity Fair [list]. The reporter for the Post, Nathan Burstein, noted:

It’s a list of “the world’s most powerful people,” 100 of the bankers and media moguls, publishers and image makers who shape the lives of billions. It’s an exclusive, insular club, one whose influence stretches around the globe but is concentrated strategically in the highest corridors of power. More than half its members, at least by one count, are Jewish.
It’s a list, in other words, that would have made earlier generations of Jews jump out of their skins, calling attention, as it does, to their disproportionate influence in finance and the media.
Making matters worse, in the eyes of many, would no doubt be the identity of the group behind the list—not a pack of fringe anti-Semites but one of the most mainstream, glamorous publications on the newsstands. The list would seem to conform to all the traditional stereotypes about areas of Jewish overrepresentation.

Although the “mainstream” media in the United States has failed to note the Jewish predominance on the list— which can correctly be called predominance, since Jewish people are said to be less than even 3% of the American population—the news about the list has been commented upon in American Jewish community publications.

Joseph Aaron, editor of The Chicago Jewish News said that his readers should “feel very, very good about” the news that their co-religionists are so powerful in America. In the Vanity Fair list, which is reproduced here and annotated with factual details regarding those names on the list, AFP has indicated the Jewish names in boldface, although it is possible that there are other Jewish names on the list, but there is no firm research available confirming it. Also, note, for example, that media baron Rupert Murdoch— who appears at number one on the list—is not included here as being Jewish, for the reason that reports that his mother was Jewish have never been fully confirmed, although it has long been an article of faith on the Internet—perhaps in error—that Murdoch is Jewish).

Whatever his ethnic antecedents, Murdoch has been a front-line supporter of Israel and the global Zionist cause—no surprise considering the fact that his primary financial backers in his rise to power were the powerful Rothschild, Bronfman and Oppenheimer families—all very definitely Jewish. (An account of the rise of Murdoch and his media intrigues appear in The Judas Goats.)

Since the release of the list, several Internet sources have alleged that several other names on the list (that are not indicated here as being Jewish) are Jewish; however, AFP’s research does not indicate that this is so. The bottom line is that the preponderance of the names are indisputably Jewish, whether the disputed names are or are not.

Also significant is that the roughly 45-50% of the names on the list that are not definitely known to be Jewish or that are clearly non-Jewish are the names of individuals who are directly beholden to Jewish families and financial interests for their own power and privilege. Rupert Murdoch is perhaps the most prominent among this group.

Secondly, in this realm, is Warren Buffett—listed at No. 6. Buffet is not Jewish, but he has long been in partnership with the Rothschild family and is a primary of the powerful Washington Post-Newsweek media combine.

Although the Post is best known as the fiefdom of the American-based Jewish Meyer-Graham family, the evidence indicates that primary behind-the-scenes investors behind the influential Post empire have always operated in the sphere of Rothschild-connected banking interests operating on American soil. The Meyer/ Grahams, themselves, are related to the powerful San Francisco-based billionaire Jewish heirs of the Levi Strauss clothing kingdom.

Seventeen of those listed are either actors, entertainers and television and news media personalities who—while now wealthy as a consequence of their fame—owe their fame (and wealth) to the patronage of the owners of the mass media which made these 17 figures household names: for example, individuals such as Fox News agitator Bill O’Reilly and Steven Colbert, among others.

Three listed—Pinault, listed at 29, and Gagosian and Pigosi—listed at 84 and 86—are figures in the art world, which is known to be dominated by Jewish interests.

Eight others, such as Bernard Arnault (listed at 8), Giorgio Armani (listed at 37), Miuccia Prada (at 44), Karl Lagerfeld (at 52), Martha Stewart (at 54), Oscar de la Renta (at 53) Diego Della Valle (at 63) and Donatella Versace (at 81) are figures in the fashion and perfume industries—both of which are totally dependent on garment manufacturing (dominated almost exclusively by Jewish families and financial interests) and on department store distribution and the advertising industry, both of which are likewise dominated by the same elements.

Two of those listed—Bill Clinton and his former vice president Al Gore—are only politicians—note the clarification “only”—both of whom were installed in their positions of power through the patronage of Zionist financial interests. For his own part, Gore’s daughter, Karenna, has married the great-great grandson of Jewish plutocrat Jacob Schiff, a satellite of the powerful Rothschild family. Informed students of history know that Schiff was instrumental in financing the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Several others are officers of media giants dominated by Jewish financial interests, acting as well-paid “fronts” for the controllers behind the scenes. For example, Richard Parsons, an African-American, is listed at 18th place, but he is no more than a front man at Time-Warner.

And as those who know the history of Time-Warner are well aware, that media empire has been dominated since at least the late 1960s, of elements linked to the organized crime syndicate of Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky (who worked closely with Israel’s Mossad) and to the Lansky-connected liquor empire of Sam Bronfman, longtime chief of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and his son, Edgar Bronfman, who recently retired as head of the WJC.

It has been widely asserted that the idea that Jewish families and financial interests were very powerful was “an old wives’s tale,” a “ridiculous anti-Semitic canard with no basis in reality,” said to be the product of a “discredited czarist forgery.” However, the new Vanity Fair assessment suggests otherwise and seems to confirm the theme of this author’s work, The New Jerusalem, which had already documented in detail what Vanity Fair has now confirmed: “Zionist power in America.”

Top 100:
Vanity Fair's List of
`The New Establishment'

1. Rupert Murdoch, billionaire global media baron financed by the Rothschild, Bronfman and Oppenheimer empires. (Widespread belief that Murdoch is Jewish is disputed. See below.)
2. Steve Jobs, chief executive officer of the Apple computer conglomerate.
3. Sergey Brin and Larry Page, founders of Google, the Internet giant.
4. Stephen Schwarzman and Pete Peterson, founders of the Blackstone Group, a financial investment giant, representing shadowy cliques of plutocratic predators.
5. Warren Buffett, a longtime U.S. satellite of the European Rothschild family and one of the owners of the Washington Post publishing group.
6. Bill Clinton, former president of the United States.
7. Steven Spielberg, Hollywood producer and director, perhaps the most powerful man in the movie industry.
8. Bernard Arnault, French industrialist whose growing empire produces such luxury label items as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Dom Perignon, among others.
9. Michael Bloomberg, billionaire New York mayor and possible presidential candidate who made his fortune in the financial news information industry.
10. Bill and Melinda Gates, the husband-and-wife team who are the rulers of the Microsoft computer colossas.
11. Carlos Slim Helú, Fortune magazine says this Mexican billionaire of Lebanese descent is the world’s richest man, controlling 200 companies that account for 7% of Mexico’s gross domestic product.
12. H. Lee Scott, president and chief executive of Wal-Mart.
13. Ralph Lauren, fashion industry tycoon.
14. Oprah Winfrey, widely promoted television personality.
15. Barry Diller and Diane von Furstenberg (husband and wife). Diller is a Hollywood figure who is now a major player in the television home shopping business. His wife is a major fashion designer.
16. David Geffen, Hollywood business partner of aforementioned Steven Spielberg and a major movie industry figure in his own right.
17. Howard Stringer, chief executive of the Sony corporation.
18. Richard Parsons, African-American front man was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of directors for the Zionist rulers of the Time-Warner media empire. (Recently stepped down.)
19. Al Gore, former vice president of the United States and father-in-law of an heir to the Schiff international banking fortune that financed the Bolshevik Revolution.
20. Larry Ellison, chief executive officer of Oracle, the database software giant known for his patronage of Israeli causes.
21. Herb Allen, head of the influential privately owned investment house of Allen & Co; he convenes an annual conclave of elite industrialists at Sun Valley, Idaho.
22. Jeff Bewkes, recently became CEO at the Time-Warner media empire (which has long been under the influence of the Bronfman family and other Zionist elements).
23. Jeff Bezos, the founder of the Amazon.com book and video Internet powerhouse.
24. Peter Chernin, runs Fox News for Rupert Murdoch and Murdoch’s behind-the-scenes sponsors.
25. Leslie Moonves, head of CBS, the fiefdom of the Sarnoff family.
26. Jerry Bruckheimer, Hollywood producer— major films and weekly television.
27. George Clooney, film star and supporter of liberal causes.
28. Bono, rock star & global poverty activist.
29. François Pinault, luxury brands king/art collector
30. Roman Abramovich, Russian oilman and financial wheeler dealer.
31. Ronald Perelman, billionaire cigar monopoly kingpin and head of the Revlon cosmetics giant.
32. Tom Hanks, actor/producer
33. Jacob Rothschild, global banking tycoon of the famed Zionist family and major behind-the-scenes influence in the United States through such associates as non-Jewish Warren Buffett.
34. Robert DeNiro, actor/producer.
35. Howard Schultz, founder of the Starbucks coffee shop chain.
36. Robert Iger, head of the Walt Disney media conglomerate.
37. Giorgio Armani, fashion designer and clothing tycoon.
38. Jeffrey Katzenberg, partner of aforementioned Spielberg and Geffen.
39. Ronald Lauder and Leonard Lauder, rulers of the Estee Lauder cosmetics empire; major figures in theWorld Jewish Congress.
40. George Lucas, Hollywood producer (best known for the Star Wars films and marketing gimmickry empire).
41. Harvey Weinstein and Bob Weinstein, major Hollywood producers.
42. Diane Sawyer and Mike Nichols (husband and wife). Sawyer is a television and “news” personality; Nichols is an influential Hollywood producer and director.
43. Bruce Wasserstein, chief of the powerful Zionist investment house of Lazard and owner of New York magazine.
44. Miuccia Prada, famed fashion icon and handbag designer.
45. Steven Cohen, hedge-fund manager at SAC Capital Advisers.
46. Tom Cruise, actor/producer closely associated with an organization known to have been taken over from within by assets of Israel's intelligence service.
47. Jay-Z , rapper/entrepreneur
48. Ron Meyer, chief of Universal Studios, now under Bronfman family empire control.
49. Frank Gehry, architect.
50. Arnold Schwarzenegger, former actor-turned-governor of California, closely associated with Rothschild family associate Warren Buffett (see above).
51. Henry Kravis, leveraged buy-out king at Kohlberg, Kravis & Roberts; his wife is a major player in the Council on Foreign Relations, the New York-based adjunct of the Rothschild family’s London-based Royal Institute of International Affairs.
52. Karl Lagerfeld, head of the Chanel perfume empire.
53. Oscar and Annette de la Renta, fashion designers.
54. Martha Stewart, popular television personality and home products tycoon.
55. Mickey Drexler, chief of the J. Crew fashion company.
56. Michael Moritz, financier previously associated with Google and former journalist who was San Francisco bureau chef for Bronfman-controlled Time magazine. Holds an interest in Pay Pal and inYahoo.
57. Brian Roberts, heads Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company and second-largest Internet provider.
58. Roger Ailes, runs Fox News channel for Murdoch and associates.
59. Vivi Nevo, Israeli-born international investment tycoon who holds large takes in Time-Warner, Goldman Sachs and Microsoft. (One of his principal associates is Israeli arms dealer, Arnon Milchan, a major backer of Israel’s secret nuclear weapons development program.)
60. Mick Jagger, rock star.
61. Jeff Skoll, film producer.
62. Vinod Khosla, Indian-born, American-based major investor in “green” technologies such as solar, clean coal, fuel cells and cellulosic ethanol.
63. Diego Della Valle, major figure in the luxury accessories fashion industry, notably the Tod’s shoe company.
64. Stacey Snider, co-chief of DreamWorks, the Spielberg-Geffen-Katzenberg combine in Hollywood.
65. Brian Grazer and Ron Howard, major Hollywood producers.
66. John Lasseter, Disney-Pixar studios.
67. George Soros, infamous international wheeler-dealer.
68. Philippe Dauman, runs Viacom media giant for Zionist mogul Sumner Redstone (who also controls CBS).
69. John Malone, runs Liberty Media (Discovery Channel, USA network etc); formerly associated with Jerrold Electronics, founded by Milton Shapp, a devout Zionist who served two terms as governor of Pennsylvania.
70. Sumner Redstone, owner of the Viacom/CBS media giant.
71. Paul Allen, head of Vulcan investment house and co-founder, with Bill Gates (see above) of the Microsoft empire.
72. Eddie Lampert, money manager for major figures in the global elite; member of the secret Skull & Bones fraternity atYale.
73. Leon Black, major investor with controlling influence at Telemundo, Spanish-language broadcasting, Harrah’s casino empire, and Realogy, which controls real-estate companies such as Coldwell Banker and Century 21.
74. Jann Wenner, owner of Rolling Stone magazine
75. Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan Working Title Films, London
76. JerryWeintraub, Hollywood producer.
77. Donatella Versace, fashion empire head.
78. Thomas L. Friedman, New York Times columnist.
79. Tim Russert, NBC news commentator.
80. Charlie Rose, PBS television news commentator and talk show host.
81. Joel Silver, Hollywood film producer.
82. Frank Rich, NewYork Times commentator/ author
83. Jonathan Ive, designer of the iPod, iMac and Iphone.
84. Larry Gagosian, owner of art galleries in New York, London and Los Angeles, closely associated with Zionist billionaires such as David Geffen and S. I. Newhouse Jr., etc.
85. Charles Saatchi, owner of the famed Saatchi Gallery and longtime major figure in the public relations industry.
86. Jean Pigozzi, art collector and close associate of the Rothschild family.
87. Stephen Colbert, television-based political satirist/host.
88. Bill O’Reilly, Fox television conservative talk show host.
89. Jon Stewart, TV personality and pundit.
90. Steve Bing, film producer.
91. Eli Broad, billionaire investor and patron of Zionist causes.
92. Michael Milken, Wall Street predator, ex-convict, and devoted supporter of Israel.
93. Arthur Sulzberger Jr., owner of the NewYork Times media empire.
94. Ron Burkle, supermarket and media magnate (including Motor Trend and Soap Opera Digest).
95. Scott Rudin, Hollywood producer
96. Jimmy Buffett, singer and musician, branching into investments.
97. Steven Rattner, private equity and hedge fund investor, former reporter for The NewYork Times.
98. Arianna Huffington, writer and television personality.
99. Doug Morris, runs Universal Music for its owners, the Zionist Bronfman family and its wide-ranging empire.
100. Jimmy Iovine, head of Interscope Records and closely associated with aforementioned Zionist music tycoon David Geffen.

Nonreligious Americans or "Nones" are no longer a fringe group, researchers state in a new report.

Nones presently make up 15 percent of the total adult U.S. population and the statistic is even higher among young people. Twenty-two percent of 18-29 year olds claim the nonreligious label, a jump from 11 percent in 1990, according to TrinityCollege's American Nones: Profile of the No Religion Population.

If the younger generation remains nonreligious, researchers point out that the percentage of the U.S. population made up of Nones will continue to rise.

"Will a day come when the Nones are on top? We can't predict for sure," lead researcher Barry Kosmin told USA Today.

Kosmin and Ariela Keysar released statistics earlier this year revealing the rise in the number of Americans who do not identify with any religion over the past two decades. The Nones increased from 8.1 percent of the adult population in 1990 to 15 percent in 2008, findings from their widely reported American Religious Identification Survey showed.

The researchers released a follow-up report on Tuesday to provide a more detailed look at who the Nones are and offer predictions on the growing nonreligious population.

Nones may best be described as skeptics. Twenty-seven percent of Nones believe in a personal God. Hard and soft agnostics make up 35 percent of the None population and atheists account for only 7 percent of Nones. Contrary to what many believe, Nones are not particularly superstitious or partial to New Age beliefs. They are, however, more accepting of human evolution than the general U.S. population.

"American Nones embrace philosophical and theological beliefs that reflect skepticism rather than overt antagonism toward religion," the researchers state.

Compared to the general population, Nones are disproportionately male, younger, and more likely to be Westerners and political independents. But researchers found that they are increasingly similar to the general U.S. population in terms of their marital status, educational attainment, racial/ethnic makeup and income.

When it comes to religious roots, researchers found that the majority of Nones came from religious homes (73 percent) and are first-generation Nones or "(de)converts" to non-religion (66 percent).

Nearly a quarter (24 percent) of Nones are former Catholics and 11 percent are former Christians. Almost a third (32 percent) who are currently Nones were Nones at the age of 12.

Researchers note that among those who reported being Nones at 12 years of age, 41 percent switched to join a religion after the age of 12 and 59 percent remained nonreligious. Among those who identified with a religion at 12 years of age, only 12 percent switched to become a None. The retention rate is higher for the religious but the report points out that Nones are growing at the expense of the religious.

"Mathematically, Nones can lose a larger percentage than the religious and still grow as a percentage of the population because they are starting as a smaller percentage of the population," the report states.

If current trends continue, Nones can make up around a quarter of the American population in two decades. But the report highlights that the annual growth rate has slowed at the beginning of the 21st Century. Whereas 1.3 million adults were joining the ranks of the nonreligious in the 1990s, the number of Americans being added to the None population has halved to 660,000 a year since 2001.

Still, researchers caution that because of the Nones' similar social characteristics to the rest of the population, "the transition from a largely religious population to a more secular population may be so subtle that it can occur under the radar as happened during the 1990s."

Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams” video is simply viewed by most people as being “sexy” or “fashion” but not many get its occult meaning. Hidden in the symbolism of the video and the song’s lyrics are references to dark themes: possession and mind control.

“Sweet Dreams” is in perfect continuation with the dark themes surround Beyonce’s alter-ego: dark occultism, mind control, spirit possession, etc. The lyrics of the song and the imagery of the video have a supernatural and ethereal quality, where Beyonce professes her love to someone or something she calls a “sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare”.

Essential Information
So what is this song about? Love? Yes. Love of her mind controlled state and of her controller. Pretty disturbing.

What is mind control? It is a technique developed by the CIA to literally control a subject’s mind (google MK Ultra for more info). “Monarch Programming” uses extreme treatments (such as electroshock) to cause a major trauma in the victims psyche. Ron Patton describes the main precepts of “Monarch Programming” here:

Definition and Description

“The name MONARCH is not necessarily defined within the context of royal nobility, but rather refers to the monarch butterfly. When a person is undergoing trauma induced by electroshock, a feeling of light-headedness is evidenced; as if one is floating or fluttering like a butterfly. There is also a symbolic representation pertaining to the transformation or metamorphosis of this beautiful insect: from a caterpillar to a cocoon (dormancy, inactivity ), to a butterfly (new creation) which will return to its point of origin. Such is the migratory pattern that makes this species unique.

Occultist symbolism may give additional insight into the true meaning Psyche is the word for both “soul” and “butterfly” coming from the belief that human souls become butterflies while searching for a new reincarnation.

Some ancient mystical groups, such as the Gnostics, saw the butterfly as a symbol of corrupt flesh. The “Angel of Death” (remember Mengele?) in Gnostic art works was portrayed crushing the butterfly. A marionette is a puppet that is attached to strings and is controlled by the puppet master, hence MONARCH programming is also referred to as the “Marionette Syndrome.” “Imperial Conditioning” is another term used, while some mental health therapists know it as “Conditioned Stimulus Response Sequences.” Project MONARCH could be best described as a form of structured dissociation and occultist integration, in order to compartmentalize the mind into multiple personalities within a systematic framework. During this process, a Satanic ritual, usually including Cabalistic mysticism, is performed with the purpose of attaching a particular demon or group of demons to the corresponding alter(s). Of course, most skeptics would view this as simply a means to enhance trauma within the victim, negating any irrational belief that demonic possession actually occurs.”

Alters and Triggers

Another way of examining this convoluted victimization of body and soul is by looking at it as a complex computer program: A file (alter) is created through trauma, repetition and reinforcement. In order to activate (trigger) the file, a specific access code or password (cue or command) is required. The victim/survivor is called a “slave” by the programmer/handler, who in turn is perceived as “master” or “god.” About 75% are female, since they possess a higher tolerance for pain and tend to dissociate easier than males. Subjects are used mainly for cover operations, prostitution and pornography; involvement in the entertainment industry is notable. A former military officer connected to the DIA, told this writer, “In the ‘big picture’ these people [MONARCH victims] are in all walks of life, from the bum on the street to the white-collar guy”. In corroboration, a retired CIA agent vaguely discussed the use of such personnel to be used as “plants” or “chameleons” for the purpose of infiltrating a designated group, gathering information and/or injecting an ulterior agenda.

There are an inordinate amount of alters in the victim/survivor with numerous back-up programs, mirrors and shadows. A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis.

One of the main internal structures, (of which their are many) within the system is shaped like a double-helix, consisting of seven levels. Each system has an internal programmer which oversees the “gatekeeper” (demons?) who grant or deny entry into the different rooms. A few of the internal images predominately seen by victims/survivors are trees, the Cabalistic “Tree of Life,” with adjoining root systems, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors or glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons/monsters/aliens, sea shells, butterflies, snakes, ribbons, bows, flowers, hour glasses, clocks, robots, chain-of-command diagrams and/or schematics of computer circuitry boards.


MK Ultra Victim (1961) OK, this heavy stuff but there are some important points to note that are directly related to “Sweet Dreams”:

Monarch treatment gives a feeling of “light-headeness, as if one is floating”
It engenders a new creation, an alternate personality
The victim sees his controller as “god”
Dark occult rituals are involved in the process
Symbols relating to Monarch programming involve mirrors, glass shattering rainbows, robots and more.
I’m guessing that you’re starting to see where I’m going with this. All of these things are represented in Beyonce’s 4 minute video. How much can one honestly attribute to coincidence? The truth is: “Sweet Dreams” is a metaphor for mind control, Monarch Programming to be precise, and Beyonce sings from the point of view of the programmed slave.

Song Analysis
“Every night I rush to my bed
With hopes that maybe I’ll get a chance to see you
When I close my eyes I’m going out of my head
Lost in a fairytale, can you hold my hands and be my guide?”

Beyonce is looking forward to “go out of her head” and get “lost in a fairytale“. She is asking her controller to “hold her hand and be her guide“. The state of a mind controlled slave is often compared to a fairytale (they are said to be shown movies such as The Wizard of Oz). The controller will be her guide in the treatments.

“Clouds filled with stars cover the skies
And I hope it rains, you’re the perfect lullaby
What kinda dream is this?”

There is a real sense of a hazy state of mind. Beyonce says to her controller, who is causing in her this mental state, “you’re the perfect lullaby”.

“You could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Either way I don’t wanna wake up from you
(Turn the lights on)

Sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare
Somebody pinch me, your love’s too good to be true
(Turn the lights on)”

So this state of mind control can be a sweet dream, which is a blissful state where the boundaries between reality and fiction are blurred. It can also be a nightmare due to the traumatizing treatments, the mental anguish and the fact that being a Monarch slave is probably the worst thing that can happen to someone. Sweet dream/Beautiful Nightmare also describes the dichotomy between Beyonce and her dark alter-ego Sasha Fierce. As Patton stated about mind control:

“A division of light-side (good) and dark-side (bad) alters are interwoven in the mind and rotate on an axis.”

“My guilty pleasure, I ain’t going no where
Baby long as you’re here I’ll be floating on air”

“My guilty pleasure” refers to the fact that she knows that this state of synthetically bliss is false and ultimately harmful to her. But as long as her controller is there, she’ll be “floating on air”. This is especially significant when one knows that subjects to Monarch programming get a feeling of light-headeness, as if they’re floating.

“I mention you when I say my prayers
I wrap you around all of my thoughts
Boy you’re my temporary high”

There is here a mix of the “scientific” mind programming with the occult ritualistic aspect of it. The “controller” is often interchanged with Lucifer and “mind control” can be interchanged with spirit possession. As Ron Patton stated, ancient occult knowledge, rituals and magick are incorporated in the programming of the subject. The person sees the controller as a god, or Lucifer, who possesses his/her soul and thoughts. Beyonce says she mentions the name of her controller (or Lucifer) when she says her prayers. She wraps her controller around all of her thoughts which is a nice way of saying that the possessor is in control of her thoughts.

“Tattoo your name across my heart so it will remain
Not even death can make us part
What kind of dream is this?”

She is basically saying that she gave her soul to her controller aka Lucifer. “Not even death can make us part“, conveys an obvious spiritual meaning. The only thing that remains of us after death is our soul. She says that even after death, her soul will still be owned by her possessor.

Like all works of art, the lyrics could be interpreted in numerous ways. The video however confirms the mind control theme of the song by visually representing the steps, the symbols and even many “triggers” associated with Monarch programming.

Video Analysis
So what is the message of the video? Yes, I know Beyonce is “hawt”. Now that we got that out of the way, we can look past her hawtness…There’s way more to that video than hypnotic robot breasts.

The video starts with Beyonce sleeping to a creepy lullaby tune. A dove appears and levitates Beyonce from her bed while the lullaby gets increasingly menacing. This scene ends with a scream of terror.

In Christian symbolism, the dove represents the Holy Spirit. There’s however nothing “holy” about that scene. The scene is dark, the music is ominous, Beyonce is troubled and she gets lifted in what looks like a feat of black magick. To find to true meaning of that dove, one has to go into its occult meaning.

“Helena Blavatsky, an occultist, Luciferian, magician, Mason, and founder of the Theosophical Society, along with Masonic author Albert Pike, in their writings of this belief, that Lucifer is the holy spirit. Pike, referred to the Holy Ghost, when he wrote, “the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal Agent, [is] the Serpent…”

The Holy Spirit of Occult Orders, the liaison between the earth realm and the heavens is Lucifer. This is graphically represented on the lamen of the luciferian fraternity Ordo Templi Orientis.

Lamen of the O.T.O. Upside dove = Fall of Lucifer?

So in the first scene of the video, we see Lucifer lifting Beyonce from her bed and sending her to a kind of weird heaven. As stated above, the song is at the same time, about Lucifer and Beyonce’s mind controller. So the dove also represents the controller making Beyonce feel light-headed from Monarch programming.

Beyonce is sent into an “alternate world” with an omnipresent rainbow, a symbol associated with Monarch programming. We often see in the video multiple Beyonce’s colliding into one or the opposite, which represent her alters or minions. If you look closely at the backup dancers in one particular scene, they are literally broken in half, as if they are not activated.

Notice the rainbow, the importance of the light source (Lucifer = god of Light)…And is this a pale horse running in the background? In this symbolic scene, Beyonce is in a mirror room, not knowing who the “real Beyonce” is. This scene refers to the dissociative nature of mind control, not to mention that mirrors are an all-important symbol of Monarch Programming.

Mirror reflections symbolism She then shatters a mirror and fragments fly all over the place, which represents the fragmentation and compartmentalization of her consciousness, an important prerequisite in order to create a new alternate personality in Monarch programming.

Then it happens. The shiny new robot Beyonce, the new programmed alternate personality is born.

New controlled Beyonce trying in vain to get back the fragments of her consciousness What is a robot? It is a machine that is programmed to accomplish specific tasks. This description also describes a mind-controlled slave. So the video described the steps of mind control and the metamorphosis of the worm into a Monarch butterfly.

To Conclude
Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams” describes the blissful journey of a mind control subject towards its new persona. Even if that process is insanely painful and nightmarish, the subject is programmed to enjoy it, hence the phrase “either way, I don’t want to wake up from you“. Numerous symbols and mind control triggers are included in the video and, combined with the dissociative lyrics, the song leaves no doubt to those “in the know” of its occult meaning.

Why are there allusions to Lucifer and mind control in the video and many others? What’s the purpose of it? Is it supposed to have an effect on the viewers? Are those types of videos megarituals acting on the subconscious of music fans? Are they preparing (programming) the new generation to accept those things as a reality? Those are questions I’m still attempting to answer. One thing is for sure: when one realizes that Beyonce’s incredible beauty and talent are used to promote such horrors, the video becomes indeed a “beautiful nightmare”.

Ponzi scheme financier Bernard Madoff should feel fortunate that he got nabbed when he did. Now under house arrest in his $7 million Manhattan penthouse, he could be lying in a pine box, six feet under if some of the people he crossed got their hands on him.

Former funds manager Harry Markopolos told a House Financial Services subcommittee on Feb. 4 that Madoff had cheated some extremely dangerous figures out of millions of dollars.

“Mr. Madoff was running such a large scheme of unimaginable size and complexity, and he had a lot of dirty money,” Markopolos testified. “Let me describe dirty money to you. When you’re that big and you’re that secretive, you’re going to attract a lot of organized crime money, which we now know came from the Russian mob and the Latin American drug cartel. When you’re zeroing out mobsters, you have a lot of fear. He could not afford to get caught, because once he got caught. . . .”

Markopolos switched course to address his own fears of being murdered ifMadoff learned of his investigation:

“If he would’ve known my name and knew he had a team tracking him, I didn’t think I was long for this world. Mr. Madoff was one of the most powerful men on Wall Street, and he was in a position to end our careers, or worse.” He continued, “Mr. Madoff was already facing life in prison if he were caught, so he’d face little to no downside to removing whatever threats he felt we posed. My team and I surmised that if Mr. Madoff gained knowledge of our activities, he might feel threatened enough to seek to stifle us.”

As his research continued over a 10-year period, Markopolos found that Madoff’s operation rivaled the infamous BCCI scandal of the 1980s and 1990s. In addition to his association with Russian oligarchs and Colombian drug lords, Madoff was also linked to high-society stockbroker Robert M. Jaffe (now under investigation by Massachusetts security regulators and linked to New England mobster Gennaro Angiulo),
CaymanIsland money launderers, and corrupt pro-Israel financiers Sy Syms and Jacob Merkin.

Syms ran billions of dirty money through the Israeli Discount Bank of New York, while researcher Wayne Madsen wrote on January 14:

“Madoff is suspected of transferring much of his ill-gotten gain to Israeli banks, including one, Bank Leumi, that Madoff associate J. Ezra Merkin bought from the Israeli government when Ariel Sharon was prime minister and current PM Ehud Olmert was finance minister.”

Madoff was a past treasurer of the American Jewish Congress. Could these be the men Markopolos referred to when saying that Madoff “had been aided by an army of colleagues within his investment business in Manhattan”?

Government regulators still refused to act. “The SEC had enough to get Madoff,” Markopolos said. “I drew them pictures. I gave them a road map. I told them what questions to ask and who to phone.”

While hundreds of people lost their life savings, Wall Street continued its “code of silence.” In turn, the banking cartel’s elite pressured their subordinates to turn a blind eye. Former SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins confessed, “We were actively discouraged from going after Ponzi schemes, pump-and-dump schemes, and things that were considered small cases. Actively discouraged by our superiors.”

Markopolos said the SEC didn’t listen to his warnings because, “they’re too in-bed with the large derivative traders and investment banks. People lost money because they had faith in government.” The syndicate is flourishing between Washington and Wall Street.



What would be wrong with getting rid of all religions and having a one world goverment and where are you going with this satanic crap .... Bloody religious idiots.. Get a life there is no god or devil. Only you and about 7 billion others like you.

Religions are build on good foundations, but are corrupted by people like you into hate filling,devisive organistions.


Rothschilds were/are Famous Freemasons & baron knights of the empire, as with Rupert Murdoch. Because that is who runs the evil empire, just so we know who to blame.

Personally, I think the who Illuminati concept is OK, after all the average bogan cannot think or do anything for themselves, 99% of the population are mindless and only want 3 meals, a roof a beer, then die.
Someone has to run the planet, don't see god doing much, looks like we are home alone.
The Illuminati have done a lot of good with jobs, commodities, development, expansion etc, better than the Dark Ages, eh.

The whole Illuminati/one world government might sound good to some people at first. But when one starts to think about it,you can see its many, many flaws,and faults. First,this one w.gov. is not of,for or by the people. Rather, there is a select group of the elite, both powerful and rich, that have an agenda to enslave us. And they will do whatever it takes to do so. We do not get to pick anything.Whatever these elitist's want,they will do it. And, at any cost.

Think about the concept of "world peace"for a moment. At first it sounds fine, and right. But keep thinking. What do we have to do in order to achieve this?Try to imagine the entire world as one. It will never happen unless we:1-give up our freedom,2-give up all individual rights and the things that make us individuals,3-give up anything that does not serve the "World peace" agenda,4-adhere to the new world order, and it's new laws,5-throw out our present constitution and adopt a "new" one,6-set up a one world religion that everyone will have to follow,7-give up our freedom of choice, and have our beliefs dictated to us,8-give up freedom of thought/self expression,9-sacrifice the very concept of freedom as we know it, and 10-give all our power, and undying support to this one world government that will set up,establish, and finally rule a select number of individuals on the planet.

Obviously, this list does not cover everything we'd have to do, but it covers the big areas. And the thing is, this whole "one world govt." is not something that is a fad, or something that has only been around for 10 years or so. This goes way, way, way back-hundreds of years. We are watching Biblical prophecy unfold before our very eyes. It is all there, in black and white for anyone to read. Get your Bible and read the whole book of Revelation. Then do some research into the Illuminati, and you will be overwhelmed with the truth.

You may wonder, how the Illuminati, and the government could possibly pull off such a feat. Impossible? Crazy? No way?! Come on!? These are normal, intelligent responses. After all, they may be arrogant, but a one world gov't. would really take a lot of effort, right? Well, it takes time, and a lot of digging, but once you start you will find so many programs,gov. funding for crazy research, the entertainment industry, the music industry,banking tycoons,religious fronts for Illuminati businesses that have nothing to do with God, and cast a slur on His precious Name,and look at who is involved in these affairs, and who these people are connected to, and so on.

I started praying for the truth about 3 years ago. I mean, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. And God has answered me by showing me what is really going on behind the smoke, and mirrors. He has shown me things that were right in front of my face. For example, Oprah. I used to love watching her tv show. But then I started to feel like something wasn't quite right. She seemed cold,and started talking about how Jesus was not the only way to Heaven-but she still considered herself a Christian. I noticed how she mixes Biblical truths with things that were clearly not in the Bible. Then she came out with the church of Oprah, and the belief system she started "sharing" with her viewers. If you google "Oprah's Church",you will be horrified. Her stated beliefs, and goals, completely and utterly blaspheme the God of the Bible.

I am tired right now, and have to go, but I just barely covered the topic of the New World Order, and why it is death to us. We are their pawns. Ever heard of "Ethnic cleansing","forced abortions," or "Population control", etc? Yes, of course you have. I'll leave you with a thought, just why do you think that this is happening world wide? You're smart. Yes, because these elitist's want to eliminate as much of us as they can, so when they take power they can better rule a smaller crowd-so to speak. This is happening. And it is so scary, but if you have Jesus, His light, and His hope will save you. He will never abandon us. He will come back at the right time, and all will see Him in the clouds.(Matthew 24) God bless all of you-for whom Jesus died, and rose again, and whose kindness leads you to repentance and salvation in Him forever.

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