Sunday, December 30, 2012

Basis of Elitism and “Divine Right” Rule by, Edouard de Legionnaire

About Posted on December 24, 2012 by homelessholocaust The Biological Basis of Elitism The ignorance of the Source of Evil power leads to tyranny. The reptile brain, the Vampirish ShapeShifter Lucificerian ANTI-SEMITERS are NOT candad, but to THOSE WITH KNOWLEDGE, they are ODIOUS! Tuesday, January 31, 2006 13BLOODLINES13 l Basis of Elitism and “Divine Right” Rule by, Edouard de Legionnaire On October 28th, 1998, a number of newspapers across the country ran an Associated Press article entitled “Presidential Hopefuls Share Blue Blood Lines.” The article, based on information put forth by Burke’s Peerage, claimed that every single President of the United States has had a notable amount of royal European ancestry, and in each Presidential race, the one with the most royal genes is the one who wins - every single time. This tendency has been noted in supposedly Democratic European politics as well, prompting some to charge that a global conspiracy exists to keep power within the hands of a specific gene pool. This charge is not entirely baseless, and many books have been written tracing modern aristocratic bloodlines back to the royal houses of Israel, Egypt, Sumer, and beyond. The charge is further supported by the fact that many of the supposed conspirators proudly boast about the ancient origins of their ancestry. The traditional explanation for why power is passed down through the ages by blood has been the mystical Divine Right of Kings. This dates back to the 17th century and states that a king is created by God, so therefore kingly authority resides in the blood irrespective of anything else. Many have claimed that there is a genetic characteristic carried in the blood itself which makes this so. But what would it be? Is there a legitimate physiological reason behind the Divine Right of Kings? Fields of the Nephilim The all-important element of the Divine Right is that it comes from God, or “the gods”, alternately. And who were these gods? Authors such as Zecharia Sitchin, Sir Laurence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere are authoritatively convinced that kingship was created by an advanced race of beings called the Annunaki, also called the Nephilim in the Old Testament. These were the ones who created the human race and interbred with a portion of it to create the kingly caste which until this day has still maintained control over the Earth. These celestial creatures have been variously identified with Dragons, Elves, Fairies, Gnomes, Leprechauns, Sprites, Nymphs, Pixies, Angels, Demons, Devils, Witches, Giants, Vampires, Werewolves, and just about every mythical being you can imagine. Some, like Gardner and Sitchin, claim that they come from another planet. Others, like de Vere, say that they’re multi-dimensional, or that they’re from the Hollow Earth. Some, like David Icke, say that they are humans inhabited by the spirits of multidimensional reptiles, capable of shapeshifting into reptile form at any time. Still others claim that they were humanoid, but more than human, with pale white skin. The human hybrid offspring that they created as the royal/priestly caste was, according to most, the Aryans, who usually had red hair with green eyes – in stark contrast to the traditional Hitlerian vision. Nicholas de Vere, the leader of an organization called The Dragon Court which claims to represent this royal Aryan caste, writes, “the depiction of the Aryan (Scythian) as a tall, ruddy-complexioned blonde racist yeoman-farmer-warrior-god has no basis in truth.” He further suggests that the “yeoman-farmer” Celtic, Gaulish and Pictish tribes which we now think of as Aryan were actually of a different race, but had hired the extra-human Aryans to be their leaders. These Aryans were also the masterminds behind the Indian, Hittite, Greek, Egyptian, Hebrew, Sumerian and Pre-Sumerian Ubaid civilizations. Many believe that their descendants can be found amongst the segment of the population with the RH Negative blood type, roughly 5% of the Earth’s population, most of them Europeans. These people are often born with an extra vertebrate, have a lower than normal body temperature, and can rarely mate with one another successfully, suggesting that they may indeed be a hybrid species. Conspiracy enthusiast Arizona Wilder takes it a step further by saying, “The Aryan bloodline is alien to this planet… There are 13 bloodlines from this kind of stock (the Merovingians being one), and all of them have to a greater or lesser degree the capacity to play host to the Shape Changer reptiles.” The other 12 families have been identified as Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn, with the rest of the European royal families being categorized as “Merovingian.” These are the people referred to by the fanatic group the Sons of Jared when they “pledge an implacable war against the descendants of the Watchers, who as notorious pharaohs, kings and dictators, have throughout history dominated mankind… like super-gangsters, a celestial Mafia ruling the world.” The Book of Enoch says that the sons of the Nefilim are destined to “afflict, oppress, destroy, attack, do battle and work destruction on the earth.” Nicholas de Vere, himself a Prince of the Dragon Blood, sees it quite differently. He sees them as the rightful shepherds of the human flock. “The fairies were tuned to a higher frequency of perception and activity generally. In the past, therefore, because the Fairies were, for millennia, physiologically bred and exhaustively trained to operate at a higher level than men, humans often invited the to become social navigators… A dragon was one who saw clearly, and the clarity of vision engendered was always classically associated with wisdom, which itself produces power….” The Annunaki and their quasi-human offspring are attributed remarkable traits. They lived for thousands of years, were capable of levitation, dimension-hopping, clairvoyance, and a million other magical powers, all a product of applied eugenics. “Selective unions gave the race the opportunity to breed outstanding magicians whose gift of natural perception and understanding: and whose ability to access the ‘Otherworld’, helped to produce and guide brilliant kings who ruled with elegant aplomb. The ability to perform magic was carried in the blood”, and “the Elves were relied upon by their client races to be able to see things and perform feats that these client races couldn’t.” Laurence Gardner, himself a former member of the Dragon Court, concurs. “In short, these people were bred to be leaders of mankind, and they were both mentally and physically maintained in the highward state.” But what property did they inherit in the blood which makes this possible? The experts are nearly unanimous about the fact that the answer is endocrinology. Says de Vere, “hormonal levels [are] influenced by genetic inheritance and that hormones [affect] the individual’s perceptions, psychological unicameralism and the subsequent ability to transcend and perceive the intricacies of the cosmos. Elven blood [is] rich in these substances.” Starfire Bloodfests “The best blood is of the moon, monthly…” -Aleister Crowley, The Book of the Law. The beneficial effects of the hormone melatonin have been part of the health supplement scene for some time, for high melatonin production is known to be synonymous with a high immune system, a low cancer risk, long life, energy, stamina, and according to many, enhanced spiritual awareness. Perhaps it is fitting then that this hormone is secreted by the pineal gland, a mysterious little item long believed by mystics to be the “Seat of the Soul”, “The Third Eye”, and the organ through which psychic powers are exercised. In fact it actually functions as an organ of sight in some reptiles, and it still seems to possess some sensitivity to light in higher mammals, as melatonin production increases when the person is exposed to darkness (thus melatonin means “night worker.”) Writes Laurence Gardner, “High melatonin production thereby increases the facility for receiving and transmitting high-frequency cosmic and local broadcasts, and leads to a greater state of cosmic awareness – a state simply of ‘knowing.’ In this regard, it is interesting to note that the Pineal Third Eye has been found to contain very fine granular particles, rather like the crystals in a wireless receiving set.” Many magical rites and meditation techniques are aimed at gaining control of this organ and the fluid it produces, the live melatonin. Rumor has it that the members of the super-secret society Skull & Bones, which both George Bush and George Jr. belong to, engage in a ceremony called “The Obscene Rite”, which involves the consumption of the live pineal gland of a human or animal sacrifice, in order to get the fresh secretions. Supplements bought over the counter are ineffective because, as Gardner explains, “their inherent secretions are obtained from the desiccated glands of dead animals and they lack the truly important elements which only exist in live human glandular manufacture.” But the Aryan overlords who ruled over mankind in ancient days had a simpler way of acquiring this fluid. Their ancestor-gods the Annunaki had endocrine systems that produced large amounts of this and other beneficial substances, so they drank it straight from the source: the menstrual blood and vaginal fluids of the goddesses themselves. This they referred to lovingly as “Starfire” and drank in a ritual ceremony called the Black Mass, after which the Catholic Mass is said to have been modeled. Later, as direct contact with the Annunaki ceased, the fluids were collected from sacred priestesses referred to as “Scarlet Women”, or “Grail Maidens.” Readers will recognize the Scarlet Woman as the Whore of Revelations, as well as the title which Aleister Crowley gave to all of his sex magick partners. “These sacred, royal princesses,”, writes de Vere, “virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood, at an optimum age would be chosen to act as feeding females”, whose essences contained such valuable substances as, “oxytocin, prolactin, melatonin, seratonin, adenosyne triphosphate, dopamine, telomerase, and retinol.” There is another important ingredient in the mix here. De Vere explains, ” many think that only men have semen , when in fact women also have it.” And so a Starfire ritual involves the use of a golden straw. “Such a device would have been inserted into the virgin’s urethra to the depth of about one inch, whilst the partner in the rite inserted his or her finger into the vagina and massaged the ‘roof of the mouth’ or uppermost wall of the cannel nearest the opening of the vagina, behind the public bone. After a few conducive moments perhaps, orgasm would occur and the fluid from the gland would discharge itself through the straw, either into the waiting mouth of the recipient, or onto a “grail platter’ or dish held next to the vulva.” Keen readers will recognize this as being identical to a sex magick ritual advocated by Aleister Crowley for members of his “Order or Oriental Templars” (OTO). The only difference is that his rite also involved the use of male semen which was called the “Red Tincture” or “coagulated blood”, while the female fluids were called “Gluten” or “The White Tincture.” Together they made “The Elixir of Life”, and in sexual alchemy blood and semen are the primae materia or first matter of the great work. “This is the true Key to Magick”, writes Crowley. “That is, by the right use of this secret man may impose his Will on Nature herself.” Monatomic Gold: The Substitute But according to de Vere and others, ingesting the fluids of mundane women has only a slight effect, certainly not enough to maintain a royal Dragon family in the manner to which they’re accustomed. And after a few thousand years the genetic purity of their Grail maidens began to deteriorate, so the Starfire lost it’s potency. This reportedly began around 1960 BC and is equated with the time that and edict was handed down to Noah by God demanding that the consumption of all blood cease immediately. (Gen. 9:4) Thus, a substitute had to be found, and so the alchemical process was created, as a means of artificially creating the Elixir of Life, the Philosopher’s Stone, also known as “potable gold.” This is created using a black powder known as occultum, the universal solvent which has the power to transmute metals. When placed against gold it converted it into a white powder which could be ingested. It is said to cause nothing less than immortality, as it sets off a self-correcting mechanism in your DNA that lasts for thousands of years. It also bestows the enhanced melatonin production and magical powers associated with Starfire, including clairvoyance, dimension-hopping and flying capabilities. It is believed that this “white gold” is the same as the “Shew-bread” and “Manna from Heaven” mentioned in the Old Testament. Today, there are those who publicly proclaim knowledge of the Philosopher’s Stone, and a man named David Hudson claims to have created a technique for manufacturing this white gold, which he’s pattented as ORME (Orbitally Rearrangede Monatomic Elements.) Ormus is a name associated with the Holy Grail, and so readers may not be surprised to learn that Hudson himself is related to the Merovingian Grail family, through Claude de Guise. Basically, the powder is created by putting gold into a higher atomic state through a series of intense heating an cooling sessions, during which it looses and gains weight radically, as though portions of the mass were being transferred into another dimension. David Hudson continues about the magical quantum properties of his white gold: “These M-state elements have been observed to exhibit superconductivity, superfluidity, Josephson tunneling and magnetic levitation… They may enhance energy flow in the microtubules inside every living cell. Ingesting m-state gold is different effects on the body than the effects of ingesting metallic gold. At 2 mg. it totally has gotten rid of Karposi Sarcomas on AIDS patients. Within 2 hours, their white blood cell count goes from 2500 to 6500. … Stage 4 cancer patients have taken it orally, and after 45 days have no cancer left anyplace in the body. It’s been used on Lou Gehrig’s disease, it’s been used on MS, it’s been used on MD, it’s been used on arthritis. It literally corrects the DNA.” Sympathy for the Devil All of this puts a nice, friendly face on the whole thing, a secret power held only by an elite caste of Aryans who use it to lord themselves over the rest of the human population. And there are those who would say that the “substitute” white gold never did away with the original practice of blood-drinking as a method for obtaining the substances they needed. David Icke and his associate, Arizona Wilder, have campaigned the globe to inform its citizens with Chicken Little-like hysteria that most of its financiers, politicians and aristocrats are actually under the control of Reptilian beings from another dimension, who are inhabiting their bodies. “To hold their human form, these entities need to drink human (mammalian) blood and access the energy it contains to maintain their DNA codes in their ‘human’ expression. If they don’t, they manifest their reptilian codes and we would all see what they really look like.” Icke believes that most of this blood is obtained in human sacrifice rituals engaged in by the Satanic Illuminati. “From what I understand from former ‘insiders’, the blood (energy) of babies and small children is the most effective for this, as are blond-haired, blue-eyed people. Hence these are the ones overwhelmingly used in sacrifice, as are red- haired people also.” His compatriot, Arizona Wilder, goes into a bit more detail when she writes, “They have a hypnotic gaze which fixes the victim – in a trance of terror – which promotes secretion of the pineal gland – at that point, they cannot hold human form any longer and begin to shapeshift in anticipation of supper.” Wilder, claims to have witnessed Laurence Gardner drinking blood and shapeshifting during a sacrifice at Montauk, New York, as well as a number of others who were transformed during similar bloodfests, including, “Bush and his two sons, Albright, Kissinger, Reagan and Nancy, J. Rockefeller, Ford, Carter and LB Johnson, Queen Mum, Queen Liz II, Princess Margaret, Charles, Tony Blair, Prince Philip, and Zecharia Sitchin.” She acknowledges that Starfire rituals go on as well. “In the underground vaults of his castle in the Alsace Region of France, green glowing fluorescent rocks turn stored menstrual blood black to be used at that special ritual. All the British House apparently have jewel-encrusted goblets to drink the blood from the symbolic female grail and a symbolic dagger to give it a bit of a stir. Some Spencers were at these rituals, but Diana would not attend… the smell of Diana’s periods would have caused Charles to shapeshift - especially whilst sleeping because the reptiles cannot retain their human form without concentration.” This may shed new light on Prince Charles’ reported desire to become a tampon. Aware of these charges, Laurence Gardner and Nicholas de Vere have tried to clear the record. They’ve acknowledged that vampirism does take place at their rituals, but maintain that they only drink the blood of their own family members, who participate willingly. “You cannot take the essences by force, they are only given in love”, writes de Vere, otherwise, “their systems will react by producing chemicals during one’s assault upon them that will completely knock out the chemicals traditionally required.” He claims that vampirism was originally the purview of a few noble families who practiced it in order to maintain their powers. “The most famous stories”, writes de Vere, “those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion.” He and Gardner enthusiastically embrace Dracula as one of their own. “This Sacred Prince, a Hemetic scholar and initiate, a student of magic, Magus, Witch Lord and Dragon Prince, counterbalanced the bloodlust of his forebears with a refined knowledge and advanced practice of Grail procedure.” This is because he was a member of Sigismund’s Dragon Court in Hungary, and therefore of the Grail blood, and he also attended a hermetic academy called the Austrian School of Solomon. “The orthodox establishment’s fear of Dracula,” writes, Gardner, “was not his treatment of enemies but his in-depth knowledge of alchemy, kingship and the ancient Star Fire customs.” As for the claim that they use these rituals to conjure up dragon ancestors from another dimension, de Vere calmly admits that this is the case, and that the participants have their bodies taken over by these spirits, who “rise from the dead to take possession of the witch’s soul!” He further explains that, “Any spirit, including the archangels, conjured by the witch or magician was actually the ancestor of the witch. …It was carried in the witch’s blood which, the purer it was through the unbroken descent from the Dragons, the stronger would be the return from the ancestors within. In other words, they brought together and spoke or gesticulated a series of mnemonics that would trigger off precontrived, imprinted states of consciousness that acted as doorways into deeper seats of consciousness.” The charge of Satanism is not entirely refuted either, but de Vere proffers that they are not worshipping Satan so much as honoring one of their forefathers, who they stick right in the family tree along with Jesus, David and the rest. “The Sabbatical Goat of the Black Mass was Chem Zoroaster,”, he writes, “one of the early ancestors of the ancient Dragon Families,” and, “Satan was also called by the witches ‘Christ, son Dei.’ …Jesus’ heredity and the descent of he druidic dynasties…was devilish, because the descent of both bloodlines was from the Sumerian Enki who was the Akkadian Samael: the Roman Lucifer and thus the Catholic Satan.” But the Dragon Court members make no apology for this, because, “To any intelligent person, to any true seer, concepts like white or black magic or good and evil are irrational, childish nonsense; both in terms of logic and actual fact.” Every Elf For Himself “This is our Law, and the Law of the Strong.” – Crowley, ibid. To the charges of “conspiring to take over the world”, the Dragons deny that they give two licks what the rest of humanity does with itself. Their primary concern is “the restoration of their own Tribes, their own Nation and their own Homelands…. the foundation of their own distinct society…re-introducing their old social structures and values.” This results in “The Grail Code”, a system of Egalitarian, Chivalric ethics that govern how dragons treat other members of their race. However, “it is not the code that efficiently orders the behaviour of the Dragon Families in their dealings with those not of the Grail Blood.” They acknowledge and defend their own elitist attitudes towards mankind, whom they regard as “thoroughly stupid and dim-witted, with a clear indication that this condition is genetically inherited.” Whereas in contrast, “The Elves were naturally transcendent of spirit and their queens and kings were insulated from the common round of nuisances and petty concerns by minds which were bred for deeper matters.” Despite their hated of humanity, they will kindly agree to be the guardians of our governments again (if they aren’t secretly doing so already), should the population choose to accept them, and offer them the thrones of the Earth, which de Vere and friends indicate are rightfully theirs anyway. They are just waiting for mankind to realize it again. Whether we choose to or not, we will have to deal with the fact that these “Elves” seem to be in possession of a material that bestows long life as well as fantastic physical, mental, and spiritual powers, giving them a distinct advantage which they are clearly attempting to lord over us, while they allow our populations to wallow in disease, death, and spiritual degradation. As an excuse, de Vere and Gardner claim that the Starfire and White Gold are only effective for those already of the Dragon Blood anyway, because the rest of the people “won’t have the right blood serum or the right connections in their cerebral lobes.” De Vere denies the claims of most people who believe themselves to be of this bloodline. “Some people argue that because of the out-breeding of the old families, there must be millions of people ‘of the fairy blood’ living today: but such a statement flies in the face of accepted fact of history. The genuine old royal families rarely outbred at all, whilst the later, fake parvenu, tinker nobility whom people now confuse with them often did.” So that leaves little hope for you and me of ever obtaining the fruits of this magnificent “Philosopher’s Stone”, which “gives youth to the old” and is described as “ The summation of the heart’s desire.” And if such a substance were available to the public, how much would it cost? Would it be obtainable by everyone, or only the rich and privileged? What if it could be administered for free in the water supply, or was available in tablet form at your local pharmacy, covered by your health insurance policy? What would happen to our already exploding population? As a species, mankind will have to decide how to deal with the information – provided that the information is aired in public someday, and provided our “thoroughly stupid and dim-witted” populace can figure out what to do with it. Will we take advantage of what could be our greatest opportunity to advance as a species, or will we allow it to be used against us by a caste of Aryan overlords who despise us (and who are literally the spawn of Satan!) Then again, will we perhaps wish to accept their rule, and the benefits of being lead by an advanced race whose powers and insight are greater than our own.? After all, there are those who believe that civilization is created by and can only be maintained by an established elite. Would we want to meddle with that, and allow positions of power to be overrun by inferior men? Perhaps it is worth considering whether an elite can truly be created by enhancing human faculties, or whether such powers are purely in the blood. posted by boxcarro @ 2:48 PM 0 comments Tuesday, September 26, 2000 THE REPTILIAN-HUMAN CONNECTION THE REPTILIAN-HUMAN CONNECTION By: John Rhodes81994 INTRODUCTION My name is John Rhodes and I am a researcher, explorer and lecturer in the realms of ufology, occulted archaeology and metaphysics. In this report, I will be providing you with compelling evidence, gathered over many years of research, as to our genealogical connections with the overlord reptilian alien race and the occulted historical archaeology that clearly demonstrates that these reptilian beings have coexisted on this planet Earth with us for thousands of years prior to our current era. The reason that I place an emphasis on archaeology and metaphysics is because, in my opinion, they are the key elements to unlocking the secrets of the UFO phenomenon that surrounds us all in these trying times of ours. The result of the research that I am about to provide to you is not compiled by myself alone. These theories those of individuals, like myself, that have endured immense difficulties and danger in order to unveil that which has been hidden from the public for many, many years. These individuals remain unknown at present due to reasons of survival, however, it is not only our duty, but it is time to unveil this information for all to hear, see and contemplate upon, for we are about to shift our shared reality. Today, we are all witnessing a simultaneous deterioration of geopolitical and geological stability, increase of UFO abduction related phenomenon and a rapidly changing climatological environment. The psychological pressure associated with these shifts in reality is compounded by the fact that many believe that we are experiencing the unfolding of prophecies handed down to us by generations passed. We have all been told through the prophecies of many religions and cultures around the world that our generation will witness the unveiling or the “revelation” of the true reality in which we live. Our species is struggling with impeding global disaster brought upon us by natural and man made causes, thus we find ourselves desperately reaching into the shadows for answers. I believe that this is no more evident than in our interest in “New Age.” The information that “New Age” is founded upon is not new at all. Long ago, secret societies made every effort to remove the truly powerful esoteric knowledge from public libraries so they could drunkenly abuse and use it to dominate Earth’s inhabitants. Many of the sacred mysteries that enable one to attain their true source of inner power have existed here in on the American continent for thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of years. UFOs, alien beings, cosmic cycles, atomic manifestation and other “mysterious phenomenon” still survive within the legend, myth and lore of the red race of beings known as the American Indian. By studying these stories and those of other ancient civilizations, we can translate the truth into modern day linguistics and expand our view of the reality in which we belong. Archaic wisdom transforms our spiritual link with corporeal matter. The words may change and the cryptic way in which brotherhoods have passed down secrets may have become more difficult to decipher, but “the truth is out there” for us to discover . . . if you want it. I do not question whether or not aliens or their craft are here on our planet. After all, historical documentation, video tapes, abduction cases, leaked government information and numerous other data confirm their existence. The most important question, in my opinion, happens to be “Who are the main players?” and “How do we fit into the ‘big’ plan?” Throughout the history of extraterrestrial contact, many different types of alien beings have reportedly stated that they are not able to interfere to any great extent with human beings or their affairs. If this is true, then why are we receiving an increasingly larger number of abduction and contactee reports that repeatedly describe two types of intelligent life forms, those of the Grey and Reptilian aliens? Why do they have exclusive rights to interfere with our species when other alien beings do not? If interaction between these beings and our own species has been occurring throughout history, as legend and myth would have us believe, then where is the supporting evidence as to their existence. Where are they from and why are they so interested in us? Before we proceed further, lets answer the questions as to who these beings are and where the historical connections are that reveal their presence. COLD BLOOD IN ANCIENT SUMERIA According to the ancient writings and petroglyphs of the area of our Earth considered to be the cradle of humanity, namely Mesopotamia or Iraq, there existed a god like race of beings that ruled over a region of the Tigris-Euphrates river valley known as Sumeria. This society apparently flourished around 3500 B.C. and was remarkably advanced in their culture. According to their sand pitted records, their rulers or “gods” were humanoid creatures of extraterrestrial origin that descended in magical crafts, or rocket like ships. Their image was cast into history in the form of reptilian-humanoid statuettes that over fired to a green hue color. The surviving clay tablets from this area of the world declare that before Homosapiens walked upon the Earth, these “gods” did much of their own manual labor. In order to achieve a higher standard of living, this nonhuman society genetically created a new form of life by mixing their own DNA with that of the evolutionary mammalian man or “Ape-Man.” The successful results of this experiment yielded a new breed of worker class known as Homosapiens. In the beginning, apparently, these god-like race of beings immensely enjoyed the benefit of having their slaves endure the hardships of manual labor. Excavation, farming, building and mining operations were the toil of this new born race. This labor, however, was not provided willingly. It was forced through the use of severe and ruthless governorship. These, not so bright, beings suffered greatly under the firm rule of their strange looking gods and their misery did not go unnoticed by a few of the nonhuman masters. According to the Sumerian tablets, inside the god society, a conspiracy was brewing to free Homo sapiens from their bonds of slavery and teach them the spiritual and scientific knowledge necessary to uplift their essence to a god-like stature. Apparently, the name of this rebellious reptilian being leader was Enlil or Ea. EA EXPERIMENTS IN HIS DEN The Sumerian tablets tell us that the rebel God called Ea was the extraterrestrial being that controlled the genetic creation of Homosapiens in abeyance to the instructions of his superiors. After his involvement with the original genetic experiment, his compassion for the plight of the slave race shifted his role as a genetic engineer to that of a freedom fighter. It is also related that Ea’s headquarters was in a swamp like area he called “Snake Marsh” because it was also a den to many reptiles or snakes. In other words, the first fight for freedom took place in an area known as Ea-Den. It’s an interesting point that, according to Biblical text, a snake or “reptilian” not only seduced Eve, the first female caretaker of the garden, away from the arms of Adam, but also gave them knowledge in a beautiful garden called E-DEN. We are also told that this was done against the wishes of his superior and, as punishment for this treasonous act, the progressive reptilian and his cohorts were ordered to remain underground, within the vast cavern systems of the earth. Along with this punishment, it was ruled that the reptilian was to never interfere with humans again and that their generations will not only not know of each other, but will learn to hate each other. This last declaration was initiated by changing the name of the reptilian being from “Lucifer” which literally means the bringer of light or knowledge to “Satan” or adversary. The Sumerian texts also relate a somewhat similar fate for the reptilian being called Ea. The teachings of the reptilian Ea, thereafter referred to as the esoteric mysticism of the snake brotherhood, caused a major shift in the perceptions of reality for the early Homosapiens. It is in the assorted descriptions of this turning point in human evolution that we get our first glimpse as to what these advanced beings actually looked like in comparison to our own physical characteristics. THE REBELLIOUS TEACHER For the sake of mental focus, the following example is taken primarily from the Christian Bibles Book of Genesis. It’s deeply rooted symbolism is thought, by some people, to be a compilation of occulted Genesis legend or physical beginnings from all spiritual beings around the world. This is important to remember because one must be aware of the fact that I am in no way attempting to push anyone religion in this presentation. The historical description of reptilian beings having had a monumental influence on human evolution can be seen in the multi cultural symbolism and myth surrounding the tree of knowledge. The symbolical tree of knowledge, the Palm tree in Ea-Den, is depicted as having a trunk around which a half-man, half-snake being is entwined. It is from this tree that the rebellious reptilian taught the human, Eve. As the information was absorbed by Eve and hence passed onto Adam, their perceptions of awareness and reality quickly shifted, rendering the two in a severe state of shock and fear (thus, it is said that a person who is totally unaware of the reality in which they live, resides in an “Edenic state”). The legend explains that, soon thereafter, they both ran from the voice of God, not because they had their first sexual relationship with each other or that they were shy of their nakedness, it was because they were suddenly aware that there was a profound physical difference between the Gods and themselves. The reptilians had scales covering their bodies as a form of protection from the elements and the Homosapiens suddenly realized that they didn’t. Until this time, the Homo sapiens had no conception that they were in any way physically different from their reptilian counterparts. They had finally leapt from their childlike ignorance of their situation into to the realization that they were intended, by design, to be tillers of the field and slaves to the other reptilian overlords. Years later other messengers also arrived upon the scene and, once again, attempting to free mankind from the bondage of slavery by teaching spiritual and magical knowledge. They also were punished severely by the rulers of the population. One difference was, however, that instead of being labeled “Satans” or adversaries, one was named Quetzalcoatl or “Feathered Snake” and the other the Savior Yashua, or Christ. The symbolism of the tree of knowledge is not limited to the Christians, but it is also represented by the Banyan tree from under whose branches the East Indian God Krishna sat upon a coiled serpent and bestowed upon man spiritual knowledge. Another reptilian God whose death upon a crucifix was etched into stone was that of Quetzalcoatl, the winged serpent god of the great Toltec and Aztec civilization. The wooden crucifix upon which those that endowed knowledge upon mankind are crucified represents, not only the sigil of the supreme God called the Tau or ankh, but the crucifix also represents the trunk and branches of the tree of knowledge. For their teachings, they were killed. The remarkable fact is that throughout all ancient and modern civilizations, the serpent or dragon bestowing knowledge upon the human race figures prominently in all religions and histories. The Christian reptilian or “fallen angel” LUCIFER, the Mayan serpent God QUETZALCOATL, the enormous plumed serpent God of the Hopi Indians, BAHOLINKONGA, the East Indian mystical human like reptilians known as NAGAS, the Egyptian serpent God KNEPH, The Phoenicians AGATHODEMON and even the Hebrews NAKHUSHTAN or Brazen Serpent that led Moses and the Israelites through the desert by pillar of cloud and fire. These are but a few of the vast amount of records that exist world wide and describe their early gods as having reptilian-human like physical features as well as having descended from the heavens or stars. From within the shadows and crevices of the earth their influence upon all mankind can be no more evident than when one considers the ancient British god who was considered “The Dragon-Ruler of the World.” His subjects called him HU – thus we call ourselves Hu-Man! REPTILIANS PRESENT – NO ARTISTS/PHOTOGRAPHERS ALLOWED! One might ask that if these reptilians once openly roamed the Earth with Homosapiens, why aren’t there any pieces of art that clearly depict them as bipedal snake gods? The answer to that may lay within one common religious law that most of these ancient cultures still adhere to, either by their own ignorance of the reptilians physical appearance or out of pure obedience, and that is the law that one is forbidden to make idols or drawings of anything that is in heaven. The Hopi Indians to this day refuse to recreate the images of their reptilian ancestors because they fear an instant death. The closest imagery that was ever allowed to remain was cryptically tucked away in the Hebrew or Christian works of the Books of Genesis and the Exodus. As we have already gone over the symbolism of the reptilian in the cradle of humanity or Garden of Eden, it can only be said that we must remember that Lucifer was considered an angel who fell from the heavens. Yet we are told at the same time that he was a snake. And although Moses declared that his God said not to make idols or images to false Gods, he placed a snake upon his staff and proclaimed to his people that he who looks upon this image will be healed. This is the origination of the physicians’ caduceus. Could it be that late one evening, during a solitary walk outside the Israelite’s encampment, Moses had an encounter with one of these reptilian beings that were flying this pillar of smoke and fire? Could this have been the reason he considered this snake upon his staff a real image of God and not a false one? It makes one wonder. Obviously, if these snake people or reptilians really did once openly live amongst the Homosapien population, they have gone to extreme extent not to be revealed since they went into hiding. Could it be that part of the great Biblical Revelation prophecy is the unveiling of the reptilian presence on Earth? THEY WHO HIDE TRUTH We are now aware that numerous societies record, as the Sumerians did, that the reptilian half-man, half-snake empowered Hu-mans with the knowledge necessary to be free from the grips of their slave masters. But, what happened to the spiritually powerful knowledge that was given to us “gardeners of the planet” by the original reptilian Ea as his cohorts? After all, his plans were to free us from slavery, right? Well, some would say that we are still enslaved within a carefully constructed illusion. I would tend to agree. So, what happened? What has kept us from reaching our fullest potential? Many of the individuals, in the course of written history, who have given the masses powerful information, whether it’s political or spiritual, have had either their credibility destroyed or their bodies destroyed. Most of the times it’s both. If the information has taken root before it can be erased, then history has demonstrated that newly founded “insurgence” groups or movements are quickly infiltrated by the opposition and allowed to flourish under the guidance of their own secret shadows. This is not only a premise by which groups struggle for control in affairs of war, secret societies and politics, but also the struggle of balance of power in religion. The mystical knowledge given to man by the snake brotherhood suffered under this same manipulation. For thousands of years, the high priests of religion encrypted the mystical knowledge that was passed onto the humans by the reptilian race and used that knowledge to control, manipulate and spiritually enslave those at the bottom of the pyramid. Reptilian beings displayed both benevolent and evil characteristics at different times in history. They have taught peace, love, spirituality, healing and knowledge of the sciences and, as the Delaware Indians describe in their ancestral mythology, they have rained down destruction upon the Earth in the name of God. This is why various cultures recognize the reptilian image as effigies of the balance of nature. In other words . . . Good-Evil, Negative-Positive. It is, perhaps, not to far out to imagine that on some other planet or in some other dimension, the human figure might also symbolize both aspects of good and evil, positive and negative. The symbolism and resemblances of each of these god-like beings from around the world is too similar to have been simple imaginary god-forms from totally unconnected parts of the planet. There had to be a more influential factor at work in ancient times, but what could it have been? There are three explanations which could answer this puzzling question. One, primitive cave dwelling settlements around the world were naturally drawn to the reptilian image because they had somehow retained a genetic memory of their reptilian heritage. Two, highly advanced spiritual beings that had reptilian physical characteristics assimilated themselves into various social structures in order to influence the trend of spiritual progression. Three, all of the ancient civilizations sensed their genetic connections to the reptile AND reptilian beings influenced their spiritual evolution throughout history. I believe, that both influences were at work and I will expand on and prove my theory in just a few moments. It is in this researcher’s opinion that these records, when carefully and open mindedly studied, reflect a historical foundation upon which all modern day extraterrestrial contacts or abductions can be based. We have evolved as a species and our progression has been carefully monitored by the elusive reptilian race that live within the cavernous Earth itself. If it is true that we are genetically descended from a mixture of ape man and a bipedal, intelligent reptilian species, then what evidence, other than legends and historical documentation supports our theory? Where lays the personal connection, the physical proof? To answer these questions, it is important to address a little known fact regarding the formation of the human embryo in the womb. THE PHYSICAL CONNECTION During the formative stages of intrauterine development, the fetus undergoes several different phases of genetically encoded evolution. Deep within the information pool of the gene, instructions are given to the forming cells to repeat the major evolutionary steps that link us to the non primate mammals, reptiles and fish before we finally reach the recognizable form of the human being. At one point, our primordial genetic information even creates gills for the embryo. These, of course, disappear as development continues. In the fourth week, the human embryo is remarkably similar to the embryos of birds, pigs and sheep and remains that way until the eighth week, then it takes on dissimilar physical characteristics. In some cases of evolutionary throwback, as according to the Oxford Monographs on Medical Genetics no. 27, the genetic chain of command sometimes forgets to continue onwards in their evolutionary reenactment, leaving some babies with actual tails. These “caudal appendages,” as they are called, form at the lower lumbar area and are generally hairless. Although most of these cases are immediately attended to by surgeons in order to protect the families from adverse ridicule, in some third worlds countries where surgery is unavailable, the children quickly adapt to their tails and live out normal lives. It is interesting to note that in some of these cases the tail wags during moments of excitation. Now that we have covered the fact that passing glimpses into our evolutionary heritage can be witnessed during the formation of our fetuses, we can proceed to discover which part of this re enactment was so pronounced that it permanently formed within us and provided our strongest primordial link. One late evening I happened to be watching a television interview with Carl Sagan in which the audience members were asking him questions. When asked what he thought of the crop circle phenomenon, He replied, and I’ll paraphrase here, “Don’t you know that it has been proven that all of these, so-called crop circles, are hoaxes created by two gentlemen in England. They’ve admitted it.” He went on to say that the media loves a UFO angle and that they purposely ignore the confessions of two older gentlemen in order to sensationalize. When I heard this, I thought that there’s no way that a man as intelligent as he claims to be could be so blatantly ignorant, that is unless he is the mouth piece of the federal government. If that was the case, then it is only human nature to wonder what’s in it for him. It is in my opinion that the information about our genetic heritage and relationship with the reptilian alien beings that live on our planet was shared with Mr. Sagan as a gift for his expected continued secrecy and servitude to certain authorities within the federal government. Accompanying this “gift” of truth, I believe, was a promise of increased fame and fortune in return for his performing the duties of disinformation in regards to the flying saucer phenomenon this is why he has continually ridiculed anything that even hints of extraterrestrial contact. As long as he plays “their” game of information management, he will be allowed to release certain information in a very unobtrusive and cryptic fashion. All this, of course, was done under the watchful eyes of his superiors. Evidence of a portion of this “leak” is written within the pages of his book The Dragons of Eden in which “speculates” upon the evolution of human intelligence. In Mr. Sagan’s aptly named book The Dragons of Eden, it is emphasized that in our search for the evolution of human intelligence, it is extremely important that we do not ignore the most ancient part of the human brain upon which all other segments are but additions. According to the neuroanatomist Paul MacLean, that ancient area of the “triune” brain, is driven by another prehistoric region that some neuroanatomist call the R-Complex or the Reptilian-Complex. It is called the R-Complex because we share this particular structure of the brain with reptiles. Mr. Sagan carefully points out the fact that the human brain develops from the inside out, building itself atop the brain stem and in order of evolutionary sequence. First, the neural chassis, which regulates the heart, blood and respiration, is grown. After this has occurred, the R-complex, the area of the brain that is thought to house the most primordial intelligence, is developed. The limbic system and neocortex are later additions to this central core. MacLean also states that the R-complex plays an important role in the aggressive behavior, territoriality, ritualism and establishment of social hierarchies. (which, by the way, are behavioral and social qualities that are frequently expressed by reptilian beings during abductions and contacts) Much or our own behavior as human beings is ruled by this archaic region of the brain, and as Mr. Sagan himself so eloquently phrases it . . . “It does no good whatsoever to ignore the reptilian component of human nature, particularly our ritualistic and hierarchical behavior. On the contrary, the model may help us understand what human beings are all about.” Throughout The Dragons of Eden, one can find other subtle hints as to his true knowledge of our genetic connection with the reptilian beings that have played an important role in our species existence. He mentions how much of our behavior is even expressed in reptilian terms, such as “cold blooded” killer and that the common human sounds commanding silence or attracting attention being that of hissing snakes. These and other clues pervade his book right down to the M.C. Escher illustration of two reptilian iguanas floating in a three-dimensional Star of David in space. Along with the fact that the pheromone of women and female iguanas are a chemical match(Omni, May 94), here lie the reasons why the reptilian beings are so interested in our genetic evolution. We are more physically and mentally connected to reptiles than previously understood, so their interest in us is justified when one realizes that we may be, as myth and legends have related, actual reptilian genetic offspring. This connection may now allow one to understand why the abductions and clinical experimentation on humans beings are being carried out by the elusive reptilian race. It may also be because some things never change, even since the days of Eden. I cannot, however, complete this discussion about Carl Sagan without quoting a passage from his book for it truly brings forth that which Mr. Sagan has tried to hide between the lines. G.K. Chesterton once wrote: “You can free things from alien or accidental laws, but not from the laws of their own nature . . . Do not go about . . . encouraging triangles to break out of the prison of their three sides. If a triangle breaks out of its three sides, its life comes to a lamentable end.” (By the way, I find it somewhat bewildering that someone who understands the reptilian part of the brain so well is named Sagan, because his name spelled backwards is that of the mystical east Indian reptilian Gods, the-NAGAS!) AS ABOVE, SO BELOW As reported in the beginning of this discussion, reptilians have coexisted on this planet with us since history began. And, as eluded to in Genesis, divisions of these reptilians remained behind in the cavernous regions of the Earth whilst the creators ventured outward across the face of the deep waters or space. Legends from different parts of the globe all tell of underworld inhabited by mystical beings of varied forms. I believe that the reptilian races, consisting of both benevolent and evil beings, still reside to this day underground, hidden away in the dark crevices of the Earth and in the depths of the oceans. The evidence supporting this proclamation is also available through recent reports and historical documentation. First, and most important, is our understanding that our own United States government has duped us to believe that the wonders of the universe lie beyond our reach. That our progress to understanding who and what we are as intelligent, life forms rest solely on the efforts of the inept workings of NASA, JPL and a myriad of other money sucking aerospace corporations. Almost fifty years of continued rat experiments outside the envelope of our planet and we are to believe that this is the ultimate pace of human exploration! This is absolutely not the case. Publicly viewed space exploration is nothing more that a magic show and, as most people realize, when the magician says to look at his right hand, his left is doing all the work. Such is the case with exploration. If you really want to get to see the big show, don’t look above your head, look below your feet. Investigation into the interior of the Earth began with map surveyors and explorers venturing out into unknown territory in order to chart the wilderness. Once in a while, they’d come across a cave or cavern and then descend into its depths to hopefully find treasures or artifacts. Once these hollowed out recesses of the Earth along the coastlines were discovered, their location was kept secret and certain groups of individuals purchased the properties. They used, and still use, their subterranean chambers for illegal activities, social gatherings or modes of concealed travel for reasons of their own. Some say that Washington, D.C. was purposely established above a huge catacomb, so certain Freemasonic fraternities and the like could utilize their hidden corridors while governing the nation. I believe that may have been the case. Large oil interests modernized seismic technology and geological exploration with an ever increasing pace. Due to this wave of subsurface exploration, more and more artifacts were discovered that defied mainstream historical and explanation. As these artifacts were collected by USGS and Smithsonian Institution employees, they were concealed from the public, carefully studied by unknown entities within and outside of the Federal administration and then mysteriously lost. As years wore on, more and more mystifying archaeological discoveries were made. Those who studied these artifacts were well aware of the fact that things were not as they appeared to be, so it must have been of little surprise to these scientists and archaeologists when Kenneth Arnold spotted his first UFO or flying DINO-Saucer vehicle while flying his private airplane over Washington state June 24th, 1947. It was also around this time that our government began to build a vast web bunker systems connected by tube shuttles. After all, they were now dealing with a highly advanced species that could wipe out a surface structure with no problem as well as a cold war threat with the former Soviet Union. Ensuring governmental survival was a priority. It was also around this time in history that underground nuclear testing was being performed for military and peaceful purposes. One such series of tests was called project Plowshare. DULCE BASE – ALTERNATE PERCEPTIONS In the early 1960s, a subterranean nuclear blast occurred about 30 miles southwest of Dulce, New Mexico right off U.S. 64. This nuclear blast was conducted under the umbrella project Plowshare, and was named project Gassbuggy. It has recently been alleged that this particular subsurface nuclear blast was used to create a hollowed out chute or chimney for development of a substation for a super secret tunnel system attached to an underground black book project base known as Dulce Base. According to Thomas Edwin Castello, a former Dulce Base security officer, this particular underworld city is a highly secret base operated by humans as well as reptilian aliens and their worker cast, the commonly encountered greys. It is here, apparently, that a multitude of experimentation projects are carried out. The projects are, apparently, primarily genetic in nature and are carried out either men, women or children that have been declared missing by authorities. There is a myriad of other specialty science projects taking place at Dulce base including, but not limited to, Atomic manipulation, cloning, studies of the human aura, advanced mind control applications, animal/human crossbreeding, visual and audio wiretapping, the list goes on. If it was true that this base existed long before human occupation, then it construction and layout may possibly tell us something about its original occupants, the reptilians. We know this because the sacred teachings of ancient metaphysics relate that imagery created by ritualistic and intelligent beings often contain information occulted in symbolism. The Dulce base floor plan was illustrated, as per the originals by Thomas Castello, and released in 1994. When inspected carefully, it’s layout appears to be extremely well planned. From a vertical viewpoint, it resembles a wheel with a central hub and corridors radiating outwards like spokes. This “hub” is the focal point of the entire base. It is surrounded by central security and extends through all levels of the base. I believe this core to be the Achilles heel of the entire facility. It probably contains fiber optic communications and power lines. This would justify its highly guarded and central location as well as explain its vertical continuation through all levels. With all communication lines and power lines focused towards the hub, it is possible that any level could be completely “locked down” by its own security or the security hubs from either above or below its own level. This would provide maximum control over the entire facility. The “spokes” or corridors radiating away from the central hub, lead to numerous other labs in five different directions. Connect the spokes and a pentagon is revealed in its design. From above, this base resembles the layout of the Pentagon in Washington, D.C. Complete with halls, walls and military insignias! Since we do not have the exact heading of its corridors, magnetic alignments are impossible to determine. When viewed laterally, its appearance takes on the look of a tree with a trunk at its center and its floors extending outwards like the branches. If this is a facility of science, then one could easily say that its lateral appearance is like that of the tree of knowledge. Was this purposely designed this way or does it just happen to be a coincidence? The overall design of this facility reminds one of a multi stacked subterranean Hopi Indian kiva. Although I believe that it’s somewhat of a disservice to the Hopi to even be spoken of in association with a cave of horrors like the Dulce Base, its similarity in design should not be forgotten. As cultures around the world tend to bring their own styles of architecture with them during periods of migration, so perhaps did the advanced civilization that original built Dulce Base. And, if the reptilian influence over man is as great as archaic documentation and myth would have one believe, then there have to be other subterranean dwellings similar to this in other locations. If we locate another subsurface habitation similar in appearance to the Dulce base and linked it to a reptilian or snake legend, we will have obtained supporting evidence as to the reality of the Dulce facility and our reptilian overlords. In my personal quest to investigate and discover these connections, my journey led took me to the mystical land of the North American Indians. The Four Corners of the world. HOPI – THE REPTILIAN EXAMPLE OF SPIRITUALITY? In the southwestern region of the United States, specifically the four corners area of Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico, one can find remnants of the most ancient of all American Indian cultures. The Hopi Indian tribe. The Hopi live out their fairly non progressive and ritualistic lives atop mesas on a reservation located in the north eastern portion of Arizona. They originated from the eastern part of the Grand Canyon and slowly migrated eastward to where they reside today. Surrounded by the progressive and formerly nomadic Navaho nation, they await the forthcoming Great Purification or, as many people call it, the day of Revelation. The religion and myth of the Hopi Indian are based upon the worship of the snake. Their legend of Genesis also recounts how reptilians or snake people played an important part in their ancestry. Today, the ancestors of the Hopi tribes are referred to as their Snake brothers or El-der brothers and their reverence towards their reptilian ancestors is evident throughout all ceremonies of the Hopi Indians. When their most sacred of all underground kiva rituals are performed, that of the Snake dance, rattlesnakes are present to hear their prayers. These snakes are then later released into the wilderness so as they can return to the gods of the Underworld with the tribes prayers. According to Hopi myth, they used to live in a great subterranean underworld alongside a race of beings called the Ant people. These Ant people, which might by today’s standards be considered grey aliens, helped feed and clothe the Hopi during their lives in the Underworld. One day, under the direction of their matriarchal Goddess Spider woman, they ascended to the surface by way of a hollowed bamboo shoot which sprung forth through an opening in the ceiling of their cave called the Sipapuni. They say that soon after their arrival on the surface, a mocking bird came along and confused the language of the Hopi, the results of which encouraged them to break up into small clans of different languages. This is remarkably similar to the story of the Tower of Babel. One day soon there after, an exceedingly bright star, or star-ship, appeared above them in the sky. Believing it was a God, they followed it during it’s journey across the sky. They did so until it stopped in one place. When it stopped, some of the Hopi remained and settled. When the star later appeared, the other Hopi followed it until it stopped once again. This continued until all the Hopi were settled. This is the Hopi description of the original planting of their race. The myths of the Hopi Genesis would be considered, as others, based upon fantasy and imagination if it wasn’t for one, solitary discovery that was made by a man traveling down the Colorado river aboard a skiff in the Grand Canyon almost ninety-five years ago. That mans name was Kincaid and his discovery was that of the Hopi Indian underworld or the Sipapuni. THE GREATEST STORY EVER ATTEMPTED TO BE TOLD On March 12th, 1909, a small article appeared in the Arizona Gazette newspaper announcing the arrival in of a man by the name of G.E. Kincaid, who had just completed a Colorado river rafting trip from Green River, Wyoming. He stated that he enjoyed his trip and planned on returning the following winter for another run at the Colorado River. He also mentioned his discovery of some “interesting artifacts” which he was mailing to the Smithsonian Institution. Three weeks, three days later on April 5th, 1909, a front page article appeared in the Arizona Gazette (article attached to this report) in which Kincaid is interviewed in detail about his archaeological find. This discovery of Kincaids, as notably remarked in the article, was to be considered the most significant archaeological find in the world throughout all history. As the article is quite long and detailed, I will only briefly repeat the most important facts concerning this discovery that will help us throw light upon our search. Mr. Kincaid had apparently discovered a massive underground city that was cut into a wall of the Grand Canyon with the precision equaled only to that of the Great Pyramid. The highly advanced civilization that inhabited this subterranean city was of unknown origin, although several different artifacts were found, such as a Buddha, mummies and hieroglyphics, that were of Oriental, Egyptian and central American origin. As the Smithsonian Institution archaeological team, spearheaded by a professor S.A. Jordan, continued their treks into the depths of this city, they discovered hundreds of rooms. Some rooms were as small as an average living room and others as large as several hundred feet in length and breadth. It was estimated that the area explored so far by the team could have comfortably housed fifty thousand people! The location of this discovery was veiled in secrecy because, as Mr. Kincaid put it “They don’t want to be disturbed.” His only clues were that is was about 42 miles north of the Crystal creek. After the completion of his interview and the printing of this story the next day in the Arizona Gazette newspaper, not a single thing was ever mentioned about it again publicly until the original article resurfaced once again three years ago. So spin the wheels of secrecy and conspiracy. THE DULCE-SIPAPUNI-REPTILIAN CONNECTION Upon reviewing the article in detail, I was able to discern Three immensely important clues as to whom the occupants and their rulers may have been. The first clue has to do with the Sipapuni’s builders or stone masons. If there is an underground city in the Grand Canyon that is large enough to house fifty thousand people, as Kincaid would have us believe, then the engineering skills needed to construct such a underworld would have rivaled those used to create the Great Pyramid of Gizeh and the other highly engineered stone fortresses and temple platforms that are scattered across the Earth. Except for Kincaids remarks as to the antiquity of this underground citadel, he said that it appears to have been built many years previous to the Christian era. Could it have been built in the same era as was the Great Pyramid? Could it have been created by the same hands that built the other anomalous structures around the world? These questions become even more intriguing when one realizes another absolutely fantastic “coincidence.” It has been seriously speculated by many well-known researchers and archaeologists that the original great Pyramid may have been built under the direction of the Sumerian reptilian gods and by the labor of the first Mediterranean and world travelers called the Phoenicians. Is it just another coincidence that not far from this area of Arizona lies the great city if Phoenix and that the inhabitants refer to themselves as Phoenicians? Was this some strange coincidence or is it an occulted signature from those in the know? The second clue is the fact that is that when Kincaid discovered the Sipapuni, he discovered a floor plan that was remarkable similar to that of the Dulce Base. In Kincaids own words that he describes the Sipapuni floor plan as having “a mammoth chamber from which radiates scores of passageways, like the spokes of a wheel.” This is the same configuration as to that of Dulce Base, the underground facility that is reported to have been originally occupied by the reptilian being species. The third, and most important, factor is that both underground worlds are associated with reptilian beings. Thomas Castello, the man claiming to have been a former security officer in the Dulce Base, said that the commanders of the nonhuman grey alien beings were humanoid reptilian creatures that were tall and had vertical slit pupils. The Hopi mythology and oral traditions, on the other hand, state that their EL-der brothers had snake forms and were the rulers of the underworld. These two perspectives are strikingly similar, with the only difference being that one is derived from history and the other from our present era. In all, there exists a combination of three important elements that are apparently shared by both underground facilities or cities. One, they are both huge underground cities. Two, they both have a similar floor plan design and Three, they are both associated with reptilian overlords. Are these associations coincidental or are we beginning to reveal a pattern of some sort? Most importantly, after three years of intense research and field explorations into the Grand Canyon area, I believe that I have finally located the Hopi Sipapuni underworld that G.E. Kincaid initially discovered in 1909. I have acquired physical evidence indicating anomalous activity occurring during that time period, new interpretations of an ancient Hopi prophecy supports the “story” of Kincaids discovery and I, and a close colleague of mine, have stood upon the same ground where Kincaid once stood in awe. Evidence of this recent discovery has been relayed to several key people across the United States for security purposes. A more detailed report of this discovery is forthcoming and will be made available to the public in the very near future. SUMMATION Various pieces of evidence accumulatively indicate a strong relationship between the human and reptilian species. Mytho-histories of aboriginal tribes across the world record their presence on the surface of the Earth. Underground cities that are reported to exist in the southwestern United States, such as Dulce base and the Hopi Indian Sipapuni, appear to have been constructed by reptilian beings, experiencer reports continue to describe contacts with nonhuman life forms that have a reptilian anatomy and the human brain reminds us of how the human race evolved from reptiles.. This reptiliform influence is more than just symbolism. It appears to be a manifested reality in our lives that refuses to disappear. The reptilian beings are on Earth now, they always have been on this planet and, if we can overcome our inherent fear of the reptilian image and understand how it has been used against us, we will one day realize that, although we are physically different, we are from the same primordial essence. I LEAVE YOU WITH ONE LAST THOUGHT I end this article with one last thing for you to think about and that is that as we near the end of the millennium, several prophecies appear to be becoming fulfilled. The most important one being witnessed in Mexico City which is built upon the ancient Aztec capital Tenochtitlan. It is here that during the solar eclipse in 1991, a gradually escalating wave of UFO sightings began and continue to this day. Could this signal, as once promised long ago, the return of the plumed feathered serpent God Quetzalcoatl? Time will tell posted by boxcarro @ 3:56 AM Monday, June 26, 2000 from CBNKnowledgeBase Website The Star-Fire Ceremony The Templar flag Columbus and da Gama traveled under was the dominant economic (and therefore if for no other reason) force in the three centuries before they set sail. Not just in Europe as we have shown, but in the entire world, these progeny of the Phoenician Brotherhood ended feudal socio-political strangleholds and opened the way for new possibilities. For these reasons and the eventual weakening of the church influence and Inquisitions (though that is what the church started against THEM!) we can truly be thankful. This superficial evaluation is only one aspect of what we analyzed with input from all available quarters and presented a real and true threat from the continued macho or competitive nature of those in pursuit of power. Their progeny has lost much of the righteous underpinnings of the Templar zeal. Needless to say their influence has not been exposed in the cultural history of our various media including schools. Therefore constant harping on the subject is somewhat warranted. I only seek to set the stage for their specific history and influence on the time of Marco Polo and another ’fiction’ that was used to create the impression that there was a need for ’discovery’ of the ’New World’. The idea that the land of the Dragons in China was not part of a world order continues to the present. There are many perspectives on the origin of the Templars and why they were given Papal ’carte-blanche’ but let me quote Gardner again to see something far more ancient than most scholars purporting to know when Templars or Masons became a part of our cultural fabric. He is talking about a re-structuring of much more ancient mystery schools at this juncture. “It has long been a customary Jewish practice to hang meat for blood-letting before cooking and consumption, but in contrast the Christian faith is especially concerned with the figurative ingestion of blood. In the Christian tradition it is customary to take the Communion sacrament (the Eucharist), wherein wine is drunk from the sacred chalice, symbolically representing the blood of Jesus, the life-blood of the Messianic line. Could it be, therefore, that the modern Christian custom is an unwitting throwback to some distant pre-Noah rite of actually ingesting blood? If so, then since we also know that the chalice is a wholly female symbol which has always been emblematic of the womb, might this even have been an extract from divine menstrual blood which, as we have seen (Chapter 10), was revered as life-giving ’Star-Fire’? The answer to these questions is yes, that was precisely the custom – but it was not so unsavoury as it might seem. (1) Few of us think to enquire about the ultimate sources of many of today’s bodily supplements, and those in the know are generally reluctant to tell us. The premarin hormone, for example, is made from the urine of pregnant mares, while some forms of growth hormone and insulin are manufactured from ’E.coli’, a human faecal bacterium. Before considering this ancient practice in detail, it is worth reminding ourselves that the edict to abstain from blood came not from Enki the Wise but from Enlil-Jehovah, the god of wrath and vengeance who had instigated the Flood, wrought havoc in Ur and Babylon and endeavoured to deceive Adam with regard to the Tree of Knowledge. This was not a god who liked people and the Sumerian records are very clear in this regard. If he forbade the intake of blood, this was not likely to have been an edict for the benefit of Noah and his descendants – it was most probably to their detriment. The menstrual Star Fire (’Elixir Rubeus’) of the goddess, being essentially regarded as fluid intelligence, was symbolically represented as the all-seeing eye (the circle with a dot again), or as the fiery cross (the ’rosi-crucis’ – the Circle with the cross), precisely as depicted in the Mark of Cain. The emblems were later used by the mystery school of ancient Egypt, particularly that of the priest-prince Ankhfn-khonsu (c.2170 BC – Check out Crowley’s Book of the Law and the name at the end of it), which was formally established as the Dragon Court by the twelfth-dynasty Queen Sobeknefru. Another of the most prominent mystery schools was the Great White Brotherhood of Rameses III (c. 1450 BC) – so called, it is often said, because of their white raiment, but actually named because of their preoccupation with a mysterious white powder (Through ’high-spin’ atomic attunement able to levitate the pyramid blocks, he says). According to the Supreme Grand Lodge of the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis, there were thirty-nine men and women on the High Council of the Brotherhood, who sat at the Temple of Karnak in Luxor. (2) A branch off this Order became more generally known as the Egyptian Therapeutae, who in Heliopolis and Judaea, were identified as the Essenes. (3) It was into this White Brotherhood of wise therapeutics and healers (the original Rosicrucians) that Jesus was later initiated to progress through the degrees, and it was his high standing in this regard which gained him the often used designation of ’Master’… ’essaios’: that is, something secret or mystic. (In the Norse tradition, the gods are called the ’Asen’, the guardians of purity, and the word has a similar root.)… In the hermetic lore of the ancient Egyptian mystery school, this process of achieving enlightened consciousness was of express importance, with spiritual regeneration taking place by degrees through the thirty-three vertebrae of the spinal column (including the tail bones or sacrum and coccyx) until reaching the pituitary gland which invokes the pineal body. The science of this regeneration is one of the ’Lost Keys’ of Freemasonry, and it is the reason why ancient Freemasonry was founded upon thirty-three degrees. (4) Though they have impressive pedigrees and lots of nice myths I am sure their knowledge is limited by the lack of ethics entailed in the elitist attitudes and acts of their members. Levitation and use of cosmic thought field potentials including one dimensional harmonic force and the probable ’Lost Chord’ pre-dates these people, in my mind or point of view. MacDari is a Masonic linguist who suggests this time was even before the building of the Sphinx, and he says Phre-Masonry of the Lord Sun God Iesa was an early Brotherhood of Man that Jesus was named after. Gardner admits to ’pre-Noah’ knowledge and probably has an open-mind about earlier roots, but his story focuses on the Bible and the Pendragon Grail legends. References 1) Pritchard, James B. (ed), ‘Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament’, Princeton University Press, NJ, 1955, pp. 63 and 160. 2) Lewis, H. Spencer, ‘The Mystical Life of Jesus’, AMORC, San Jose, Cal., 1982 pp.191-2. This Crowleyan group created by H. S. Lewis later tried to suppress their sex magic rites and has split into two groups. They now advertise and try to make money for their current leader who I’ve heard is facing some legal issues. 3) Ibid, pg.194. 4) Genesis of the Grail Kings, By Sir Laurence Gardner, Element Books, Bantam Publishing, London, 1999, pgs.126-9. posted by boxcarro @ 12:54 PM 0 comments About Me My Photo Name: boxcarro Location: Tijuana. Col.Aleman, B.C., Mexico View my complete profile Links Google News Edit-Me Edit-Me Previous Posts 13BLOODLINES13 THE REPTILIAN-HUMAN CONNECTION from CBNKnowledgeBase Website The Star-Fire Cer… Archives Po

Friday, December 28, 2012

The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future.

The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, organizations, actions and incidents — both present and still-to-come. In a white paper, the company says its temporal analytics engine “goes beyond search” by “looking at the ‘invisible links’ between documents that talk about the same, or related, entities and events.”

The idea is to figure out for each incident who was involved, where it happened and when it might go down. Recorded Future then plots that chatter, showing online “momentum” for any given event.

“The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases,” says company CEO Christopher Ahlberg, a former Swedish Army Ranger with a PhD in computer science.

Which naturally makes the 16-person Cambridge, Massachusetts, firm attractive to Google Ventures, the search giant’s investment division, and to In-Q-Tel, which handles similar duties for the CIA and the wider intelligence community.

It’s not the very first time Google has done business with America’s spy agencies. Long before it reportedly enlisted the help of the National Security Agency to secure its networks, Google sold equipment to the secret signals-intelligence group. In-Q-Tel backed the mapping firm Keyhole, which was bought by Google in 2004 — and then became the backbone for Google Earth.

This appears to be the first time, however, that the intelligence community and Google have funded the same startup, at the same time. No one is accusing Google of directly collaborating with the CIA. But the investments are bound to be fodder for critics of Google, who already see the search giant as overly cozy with the U.S. government, and worry that the company is starting to forget its “don’t be evil” mantra.

America’s spy services have become increasingly interested in mining “open source intelligence” — information that’s publicly available, but often hidden in the daily avalanche of TV shows, newspaper articles, blog posts, online videos and radio reports.

Secret information isn’t always the brass ring in our profession,” then CIA-director General Michael Hayden told a conference in 2008. “In fact, there’s a real satisfaction in solving a problem or answering a tough question with information that someone was dumb enough to leave out in the open.”

U.S. spy agencies, through In-Q-Tel, have invested in a number of firms to help them better find that information. Visible Technologies crawls over half a million web 2.0 sites a day, scraping more than a million posts and conversations taking place on blogs, YouTube, Twitter and Amazon. Attensity applies the rules of grammar to the so-called “unstructured text” of the web to make it more easily digestible by government databases. Keyhole (now Google Earth) is a staple of the targeting cells in military-intelligence units.

Recorded Future strips from web pages the people, places and activities they mention. The company examines when and where these events happened (“spatial and temporal analysis”) and the tone of the document (“sentiment analysis”). Then it applies some artificial-intelligence algorithms to tease out connections between the players. Recorded Future maintains an index with more than 100 million events, hosted on servers. The analysis, however, is on the living web.

“We’re right there as it happens,” Ahlberg told Danger Room as he clicked through a demonstration. “We can assemble actual real-time dossiers on people.”

Recorded Future certainly has the potential to spot events and trends early. Take the case of Hezbollah’s long-range missiles. On March 21, Israeli President Shimon Peres leveled the allegation that the terror group had Scud-like weapons. Scouring Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah’s past statements, Recorded Future found corroborating evidence from a month prior that appeared to back up Peres’ accusations.

That’s one of several hypothetical cases Recorded Future runs in its blog devoted to intelligence analysis. But it’s safe to assume that the company already has at least one spy agency’s attention. In-Q-Tel doesn’t make investments in firms without an “end customer” ready to test out that company’s products.

Both Google Ventures and In-Q-Tel made their investments in 2009, shortly after the company was founded. The exact amounts weren’t disclosed, but were under $10 million each. Google’s investment came to light earlier this year online. In-Q-Tel, which often announces its new holdings in press releases, quietly uploaded a brief mention of its investment a few weeks ago.

Both In-Q-Tel and Google Ventures have seats on Recorded Future’s board. Ahlberg says those board members have been “very helpful,” providing business and technology advice, as well as introducing him to potential customers. Both organizations, it’s safe to say, will profit handsomely if Recorded Future is ever sold or taken public. Ahlberg’s last company, the corporate intelligence firm Spotfire, was acquired in 2007 for $195 million in cash.

Google Ventures did not return requests to comment for this article. In-Q-Tel Chief of Staff Lisbeth Poulos e-mailed a one-line statement: “We are pleased that Recorded Future is now part of IQT’s portfolio of innovative startup companies who support the mission of the U.S. Intelligence Community.”

Just because Google and In-Q-Tel have both invested in Recorded Future doesn’t mean Google is suddenly in bed with the government. Of course, to Google’s critics — including conservative legal groups, and Republican congressmen — the Obama Administration and the Mountain View, California, company slipped between the sheets a long time ago.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt hosted a town hall at company headquarters in the early days of Obama’s presidential campaign. Senior White House officials like economic chief Larry Summers give speeches at the New America Foundation, the left-of-center think tank chaired by Schmidt. Former Google public policy chief Andrew McLaughlin is now the White House’s deputy CTO, and was publicly (if mildly) reprimanded by the administration for continuing to hash out issues with his former colleagues.

In some corners, the scrutiny of the company’s political ties have dovetailed with concerns about how Google collects and uses its enormous storehouse of search data, e-mail, maps and online documents. Google, as we all know, keeps a titanic amount of information about every aspect of our online lives. Customers largely have trusted the company so far, because of the quality of their products, and because of Google’s pledges not to misuse the information still ring true to many.

But unease has been growing. Thirty seven state Attorneys General are demanding answers from the company after Google hoovered up 600 gigabytes of data from open Wi-Fi networks as it snapped pictures for its Street View project. (The company swears the incident was an accident.)

“Assurances from the likes of Google that the company can be trusted to respect consumers’ privacy because its corporate motto is ‘don’t be evil’ have been shown by recent events such as the ‘Wi-Spy’ debacle to be unwarranted,” long-time corporate gadfly John M. Simpson told a Congressional hearing in a prepared statement. Any business dealings with the CIA’s investment arm are unlikely to make critics like him more comfortable.

But Steven Aftergood, a critical observer of the intelligence community from his perch at the Federation of American Scientists, isn’t worried about the Recorded Future deal. Yet.

“To me, whether this is troublesome or not depends on the degree of transparency involved. If everything is aboveboard — from contracts to deliverables — I don’t see a problem with it,” he told Danger Room by e-mail. “But if there are blank spots in the record, then they will be filled with public skepticism or worse, both here and abroad, and not without reason.”

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Introduction to the Tavistock InstituteThe Beatles aka "The Fabricated Four" (Dozen) » The Beatles: Their Reason and Purpose » Introduction to the Tavistock Institute

Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Mar 7, 2012, 9:33pm

The Science of Mass Manipulation Through Crisis Creation: An Introduction to the Tavistock Institute


Created at Oxford in 1921 by the Royal Institute for International Affairs, with later funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the nerve center for the global manipulation of human consciousness.

Not long after Tavistock was set up by co-founder John Rawlings Reese and others, it became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau, studying the effects of shell shock on British soldiers. Tavistock also played a crucial role in the creation of the OSS (precursor to the CIA), under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, with help from Allen Dulles, the German NAZIs, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Mar 7, 2012, 9:34pm


"Research into the use of microwave weapons and their use for mind control began in the 1950s at Tavistock. The UK institute was researching into ways of mind-controlling the British population without them knowing."- Tim Rifat, "Microwave Mind Control".

Aside from helping to create the CIA, Tavistock was also the major force behind the formation of NATO and is deeply connected to the Club of Rome. "My own doubts came when DDT was introduced. In Guyana, within two years, it had almost eliminated malaria. So my chief quarrel with DDT, in hindsight, is it greatly added to the population problem." - Club of Rome Co-Founder Alexander King

The Club of Rome works with Tavistock to create propaganda and crisis in order to manipulate the world's population in a pre-determined direction, towards a collectivist, one world, socialist dictatorship. It was Tavistock, under the direction of Kurt Lewin, that pioneered the concept of deprogramming an individual of their traditional beliefs through trauma to allow for reprogramming according to the controllers' wishes. This would become the origin for the concept of "future shock", written about and popularized by Alvin Toffler in his book of the same title. This concept was presented by Toffler as a spontaneous response, when in fact, the exact opposite is true.

Today, Tavistock operates through a vast network of think tanks, NGOs, universities and media outlets to influence public opinion, while breaking down the moral fabric that has held the West together, using scientifically-crafted techniques of manipulation. (Beatles?).... MIT, one of Tavistock's largest U.S. institutions , works through several clients, including NASA, US Navy/ Army/ Department of State, U.S. Council of Churches, National Academy of Sciences, Sylvania.

An important part Tavistock has played in the corporate world, via the National Training Laboratories, is the sponsoring of group "sensitivity" and "diversity" designed to erase a person's individuality so that they become a "team player". The fact is that "political correctness" is all about creating uniformity. Individualism is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of the New World Order. They want a public that is predictable and conditioned to do as it's told without asking questions.

Tavistock portrays itself as a non-political/ non-governmental organization, but this is simply not the case when you look at how deeply entrenched it is with governments and organizations connected to government, both here in the U.S. and abroad.
Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Dec 5, 2012, 11:32am

(Tavistock)...became the core of Britain's Psychological Warfare Bureau. It was Tavistock-designed methods that got the United States into the Second World War and which, under the guidance of Dr. Kurt Lewin, established the OSS, the forerunner of the CIA. Lewin became the director of the Strategic Bombing Survey, which was a plan for the Royal Air Force to concentrate on bombing German worker housing while leaving military targets, such as munition plants, alone. The munition plants on both sides belonged to the international bankers who had no wish to see their assets destroyed. The idea behind saturation bombing of civilian worker housing was to break the morale of the German worker.

It was not designed to affect the war effort against the German military machine. Lewin and his team of actuaries reached a target figure, that if 65% of German worker housing was destroyed by nightly RAF bombing, the morale of the civilian population would collapse. The actual document was prepared by the Pru-dential Assurance Company. The RAF, under the command of "Bomber" Harris, carried out Lewin's plans, culminating in the terror firestorm bombing of Dresden, in which over 125,000, mainly old men, women and children, were killed.

The truth of "Bomber" Harris's horror raids on German civilians was a well kept secret until long after the end of WW II. Today its primary mission is to establish a global brainwashing and opinion forming network. This institute is the originator of the Aquarian Conspiracy, designed to weaken the nations of the world by encouraging drug use, free sex, homosexuality and lesbianism. It has been very successful in the United States. It works through many research institutes and think tanks. The principal ones in the United States are the Stanford Research Institute, Rand Research and Development Corporation, the Institute For Policy Studies, the Aspen Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Brookings Institute. Tavistock runs over 30 research institutions in the United States.

These Tavistock-U.S. institutions have in many cases grown into gargantuan monsters, penetrating every aspect of our government agencies and taking command of all policy making. One of Tavistock's chief wreckers of our way of life was Dr. Alexander King, a founder member of NATO and a favorite with the Committee of 300, as well as an outstanding member of the Club of Rome.

When it was decided that a super-body would control European affairs, the RIIA founded the Tavistock Institute, which in turn created NATO. For Five years NATO was financed by the German Marshall Fund. Dr. King was assigned by the Club of Rome to destroy America's education by taking control of the National Teachers Association and working in close conjunction with certain law makers and judges. Scientists engaged in the process of conditioning are called "social engineers" or "new-science social scientists" and they play an integral part in what we see, hear and read. The "old school" social engineers were Kurt K. Lewin, Professor Hadley Cantril, Margaret Meade, Professor Derwin Cartwright and Professor Lipssitt who, together with John Rawlings Reese, made up the backbone of new-science scientists at Tavistock Institute.
Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Dec 5, 2012, 12:00pm

Tavistock Institute: The Best-Kept Secret in America

Dr. Byron T. Weeks, MD
July 31, 2001

[Editor's Note: No one deserves more credit than Dr. John Coleman for bringing to light the history and true purpose of the City of London's Tavistock Institute and its many subdivisional institutions and organizations which was exposed in stunning detail in his 1992 book Conspirators' Hierachy: The Story of The Cimmittee of 300. Dr Coleman has rightly complained that many NWO expose' writers who have followed in his wake, have used his original research without crediting him as the originating source and in fairness to him, it should be observed that the information presented below is a reflection of his pioneering investigations into Tavistock.)

To John Quinn

I believe Tavistock has always had secret ties to British Freemasonry.

Byron T. Weeks, MD
Col. AFUS, MC, Ret.

30 Tabernacle Street, London EC2A 4DD

Formed in 1947, the Tavistock Institute is an independent not-for-profit organization which seeks to combine research in the social sciences with professional practice. Problems of institution-building and organizational design and change are being tackled in all sectors - government, industry and commerce, health and welfare, education, etc. - nationally and internationally, and clients range from multinationals to small community groups. A growth area has been the use of a developmental approach to evaluation of new and experimental programs, particularly in health, education and community development. This has also produced new training events alongside the regular program of group relations conferences. The Institute owns and edits the monthly journal Human Relations (published by Plenum Press) which is now in its 48th year, and has recently launched (in conjunction with Sage Publications) a new journal Evaluation.

Three elements combine to make the Institute unusual, if not unique: it has the independence of being entirely self-financing, with no subsidies from the government or other sources; the action research orientation places it between, but not in, the worlds of academia and consultancy; and its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.

The ideology of American foundations was created by the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations in London. In 1921, the Duke of Bedford, Marquess of Tavistock, the 11th Duke, gave a building to the Institute to study the effect of shellshock on British soldiers who survived World War I. Its purpose was to establish the "breaking point" of men under stress, under the direction of the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare, commanded by Sir John Rawlings-Reese.

Tavistock Institute is headquartered in London. Its prophet, Sigmond Freud, settled in Maresfield Gardens when he moved to England. He was given a mansion by Princess Bonaparte. Tavistock's pioneer work in behavioral science along Freudian lines of "controlling" humans established it as the world center of foundation ideology.

Its network now extends from the University of Sussex to the U.S. through the Stanford Research Institute, Esalen, MIT, - Hudson Institute, -Heritage Foundation, Center of Strategic and International Studies at Georgetown, where State Dept. personal are trained, US Air Force Intelligence, and the Rand and Mitre corporations. The personnel of the corporations are required to undergo indoctrination at one or more of these Tavistock controlled institutions. A network of secret groups, the Mont Pelerin Society, Trilateral Commission, Ditchley Foundation, and the Club of Rome is conduit for instructions to the Tavistock network.

Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a "refugee", the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II.

In 1938, Roosevelt executed a secret agreement with Churchill which in effect ceded U.S. sovereignty to England, because it agreed to let Special Operations Executive control U.S. policies. To implement this agreement, Roosevelt sent General Donovan to London for indoctrination before setting up OSS (now the CIA) under the aegis of SOE-SIS. The entire OSS program, as well as the CIA has always worked on guidelines set up by the Tavistock Institute.

Tavistock Institute originated the mass civilian bombing raids carried out by Roosevelt and Churchill purely as a clinical experiment in mass terror, keeping records of the results as they watched the "guinea pigs" reacting under "controlled laboratory conditions". All Tavistock and American foundation techniques have a single goal---to break down the psychological strength of the individual and render him helpless to oppose the dictators of the World Order. Any technique which helps to break down the family unit, and family inculcated principles of religion, honor, patriotism and sexual behavior, is used by the Tavistock scientists as weapons of crowd control.

The methods of Freudian psychotherapy induce permanent mental illness in those who undergo this treatment by destabilizing their character. The victim is then advised to "establish new rituals of personal interaction", that is, to indulge in brief sexual encounters which actually set the participants adrift with no stable personal relationships in their lives, destroying their ability to establish or maintain a family. Tavistock Institute has developed such power in the U.S. that no one achieves prominence in any field unless he has been trained in behavioral science at Tavistock or one of its subsidiaries.

Henry Kissinger, whose meteoric rise to power is otherwise inexplicable, was a German refugee and student of Sir John Rawlings-Reese at SHAEF. Dr. Peter Bourne, a Tavistock Institute psychologist, picked Jimmy Carter for President of the U.S. solely because Carter had undergone an intensive brainwashing program administered by Admiral Hyman Rickover at Annapolis. The "experiment" in compulsory racial integration in the U.S. was organized by Ronald Lippert, of the OSS and the American Jewish Congress, and director of child training at the Commission on Community Relations. The program was designed to break down the individual's sense of personal knowledge in his identity, his racial heritage. Through the Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock controls the National Education Association. The Institute of Social Research at the National Training Lab brain washes the leading executives of business and government.

Such is the power of Tavistock that our entire space program was scrapped for nine years so that the Soviets could catch up. The hiatus was demanded in an article written by Dr. Anatol Rapport, and was promptly granted by the government, to the complete mystification of everyone connected with NASA. Another prominent Tavistock operation is the Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania. A single common denominator identifies the common Tavistock strategy---the use of drugs. The infamous MK Ultra program of the CIA, in which unsuspecting CIA officials were given LSD, and their reaction studied like "guinea pigs", resulted in several deaths.

The U.S. Government had to pay millions in damages to the families of the victims, but the culprits were never indicted. The program originated when Sandoz AG, a Swiss drug firm, owned by S.G. Warburg Co. of London, developed Lysergic Acid [LSD]. Roosevelt's advisor, James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg who wrote the Federal Reserve Act, and nephew of Max Warburg who had financed Hitler, set up the <>Institute for Policy Studies to promote the drug. The result was the LSD "counter-culture" of the 1960s, the "student revolution", which was financed by $25 million from the CIA.

Read more:
Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Dec 5, 2012, 1:00pm

The Frankfurt School
There are two approaches involved in mind-control. The first is manipulation of the individual, to fulfill specific tasks, and the second is indoctrination of entire societies, to comply with certain objectives. MK-Ultra grew out of the experimentation in psychiatry related to the field of eugenics, first developed by the Germans prior to WWII. Through the Tavistock Institute, three families, the Rockefellers, Warburgs, and Harrimans, together with British Crown agencies, jointly sponsored much of these social engineering projects, which called for the killing or sterilization of people whose heredity made them a public burden.[5]

The Tavistock Institute’s projects were a follow-up on the work of the German scientists, known as Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, or the Frankfurt School, which focused on the study and criticism of culture developed from the thought of Freud. As an atheist, Freud believed that conventional morality is an unatural repression of the sexual urges imposed during childhood. David Bakan, in Sigmund Freud and The Jewish Mystical Tradition, has shown that Freud was a “crypto-Shabbatean”. Freud, when he was made aware of the Lurianic Kabbalah exclaimed “This is gold!” and asked why these ideas had never previously been brought to his attention.

In his book Moses and Monotheism, Freud makes clear that, as in the case of the Pharaohs of Egypt, incest confers god-like status on its perpetrators. In the same book, Freud claims that Moses was an Egyptian, in an attempt to discredit the origin of the Law conferred by him. Commenting on these passages, Bakan claims that Freud was a follower of Shabbetai Zevi, and that his attack on Moses was an attempt to abolish the law in the same way that Zevi did.

The Frankfurt School converged on the thesis that mass media could be used to induce “regressive mental states, atomizing individuals and producing increased lability”, in other words, creating passivity by fostering alienation. Following the Tavistock Institute’s study of war psychosis, and its breakdown of individual personality, as Wolf describes, in Brainwashing: How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare:

From their work, an evil thesis emerged: Through the use of terror, man can be reduced to a childlike and submissive state, in which his powers of reason are clouded, and in which his emotional response to various situations and stimuli can become predictable, or in Tavistockian terms, “profitable.” By controlling the levels of anxiety, it is possible to induce a similar state in large groups of people, whose behavior can then be controlled and manipulated by the oligarchical forces for whom Tavistock worked.

When the Frankfurt School researchers relocated to America, they were established at Columbia University in New York, where they also had links the Radio Research Institute at Princeton University. While All Souls College at Oxford University was the base for Round Table operations in England, the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, established by Abraham Flexner, the prominent education theorist, of the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, was the center of activities in America.[9]

Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined with the Frankfurt School in this effort at mass social engineering, explained the basis of the strategy, in his 1951 book, The Impact of Science on Society:
Physiology and psychology afford fields for scientific technique which still await development. Two great men, Pavlov and Freud, have laid the foundation. I do not accept the view that they are in any essential conflict, but what structure will be built on their foundations is still in doubt. I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called “education.” Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.

...The subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship... The social psychologists of the future will have a number of classes of school children on whom they will try different methods of producing an unshakable conviction that snow is black. Various results will soon be arrived at. First, that the influence of home is obstructive. Second, that not much can be done unless indoctrination begins before the age of ten. Third, that verses set to music and repeatedly intoned are very effective. Fourth, that the opinion that snow is white must be held to show a morbid taste for eccentricity. But I anticipate. It is for future scientists to make these maxims precise and discover exactly how much it costs per head to make children believe that snow is black, and how much less it would cost to make them believe it is dark gray.

...Although this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.

Re: Introduction to the Tavistock Institute
Post by admin on Dec 5, 2012, 2:22pm

In 1958, Cleon Skousen, assistant FBI Director, published a book called "The Naked Communist". From that book, certain parts were entered into the Congressional Records of the U.S.. This was the basic program used to merge the United States and Russia into a World Government under the authority of the United Nations.

In this book he wrote about art:

"Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression - nude movies, books, perverted art, etc..."
--"The Naked Communist", by W. Cleon Skousen, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 58-14464, copyright 1958

One of the most famous destroyers of art was the occultist and Illuminist Andy Warhol with his so-called pop-art. He said in an interview something to the effect that fine art is dead - this is the art of the New Era (referring to his own art). He was a big puppet for the Illuminati Elite. By degrading the art they also degrade the human population. Picasso once said that to be able to create a good "alternative" art form, you basically must be an excellent painter in a traditional way first. He was so right, and if you look at his early work, you can see he was mastering traditional painting as well. But those his words seem to have been forgotten and buried, just per the plan, unfortunately.
Andy Warhol


"Control art critics and directors of art museums. 'Our plan is to create ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.'" --(ibid)

This has already been taken care of.