re:How The CATTLE are HERDED into the SLAUGHTERHOUSE (You are the CATT
1)who started and embraced globalization, to the detriment of American manufacturing ? The Global elitist group at Davos
2)Remember, if America lacks intrinsic economic growth an economy can grow thru extrinsic growth (i.e. wars of conquest, mergers and acquisitions).
We will attack Iran !!!!
3)99% of American are sheep. Go to any DMV and notice how the public quietly stands in the lines just to get a ticket to stand in line !! After standing in line for 12 minutes, I raised my voice and got instant support from the DMV office mgr.
4)ENFORCERS (police) to insure more docile sheep. More trivial laws are being made daily, more cops are giving trivial tickets daily. Why ? Govt is broke and so the masses can lose their 'pioneering American DNA" and get used to subserviency.
But you know, even if you inform people....99% of the people just don't care. The majority of people do NOT aspire to become a worl thinker. The majority just want to watch sports and enjoy their perceived stable lifestyle. WHile the really smart just pursue acquiring wealth.
So in turn....the world population is getting what they will accept.
4) Illegal immigrants make even more docile sheep.
How The CATTLE are HERDED into the SLAUGHTERHOUSE (You are the CATTLE)
What I try and do is to bring the past to the present to show you you're living through a big, big long-term business plan. Nothing is left to chance by those who already ruled the world a long time ago and they even gave you an idea called democracy to keep you from having rebellions every few years. You vote the present bunch out and you get a new guy in and you have hope that they'll be different from the last bunch. But it's one agenda because every group that comes in, party that comes in, in every country, signs all these treaties and agreements with the United Nations and with various organizations associated with them, and they become binding and they are running our lives. Private companies and charities and foundations basically, all run by the foundations, are running our lives. And the foundations themselves are the fronts for the big international money bank boys that got together to form the Royal Institute for International Affairs a long time ago, also called the Council on Foreign Relations. It has branches across the world; all top politicians are members of it. All the leaders definitely are. And their own historian with their own version of history verified that too, Carroll Quigley.
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How The CATTLE are HERDED into the SLAUGHTERHOUSE (You are the CATTLE)
So we are living through a planned agenda and the Brave New World they are bringing in is not a nice happy world of multiculturalism and friends across the sea and all that, it's the opposite, it's eugenics, it's depopulation for a society that is post-industrial for the vast majority of the public. And they are bringing in a society of high tech to manage basically, the few very elite families across the world. They don't need so many laborers anymore and workers for this high tech society. And they claim that too many people anyway are unproductive, and just like farm animals you don't keep them around once they stop producing milk if they're cows. You get rid of them; that's what they're doing to the public. Now it's time to convince the public to go along with it and see it their way, that you know we really should just give ourselves up for the euthanasia pill, and be sterilized too, and do the right thing. They call it "doing the right thing" actually. Some of the top eugenicists have come out openly and talked about altering our genes to make us do the right thing. In other words whatever the government tells you to do, you will do. And this is not science fiction; we're in it. This is mainstream stuff. And they can come out with it now because they have the public so brainwashed, shell shocked, and dizzy and dumb, that they can actually say this in the open. And there are no riots in the streets or anything going on. People who are coming out talking about killing us off are getting away with it and the public are not responding at all. It's quite something to live through this. We are the best-informed slaves that have ever existed. And this is the scientific dictatorship because the sciences are ruling your minds, all of your minds and your bodies now too through your food and vaccinations. And Huxley for instance said the same thing, that such a dictatorship could last forever. There would be no reason to see it overthrown. Back with more after this.
{Break ♫}
Hi folks. We're back Cutting Through the Matrix and as I said you know we are living through an amazing time in history where we are overloaded with data to begin with. We're meant to watch data day by day and be downloaded. It doesn't matter how much data you consume, your head is going to delete most of it anyway because you can't handle it all, it's overload of data. And the big boys themselves including Sunstein and others who are into neurosciences have mentioned this, that the average person can't handle it. And what they try and do every day is to get you addicted to following them actually, to actually following what they're doing and it creates fear in you. And fear itself makes you addicted; you will tune in the next day to get more fear. That's a fact because otherwise you think your life might be at stake if you miss something. So fear is addictive and they know this at the top. It can make you actually listen to more, find out more and more fear. Basically you know the big agenda. The big agenda was written out a long time ago. And the big players involved in the making of the agenda right down to intergenerational changes right up to the present time where we'd be. And these guys lived back in the 1930's, 40's, up to the 1970's and wrote their books about it. They gave us the present culture and even the culture to come. They're not finished yet. And so they have destroyed everything that bonded people together, from the family unit to the local communities and so on. It's all been replaced by government agencies as they said, to take care of the fallout and of course that's power over the people. It standardizes the power as well; it makes it uniform across not just countries but the whole world now under UNICEF and various other United Nations programs. And they're on a roll into the scientific rearing of children, etcetera. As I mentioned last night Scotland is a test bed for it, basically from pre-birth, neonatal, to your whole life through. They're going to monitor you with psychologists and psychiatrists and behavior modification experts and all the rest of it to make sure that every child is completely manufactured, the closest you can get to Huxley's "Brave New World" idea without actually going into cloning.
So we're living through an agenda that was spelled out in detail a long time ago. The rest of it is filler. Now the wars I've mentioned before are actually perpetual wars. The military's magazine itself, Parameters magazine, came out with that years ago, this is now perpetual war. So for the rest of your lives get used to perpetual war because there is a whole list of countries large and small to take out yet over many, many, many years. And they've also reared in the West the soldiers. They have reared them with x-boxes and all the different video games to make sure that they will join the military for fun and action and all of that kind of thing. And they've got no end of recruits actually. They have no problem with recruits.
So everything is planned that way, even altering society to suit the times that are coming. It's interesting if you go into the books written by Bernays who was the guy who, he was trained by experts behind the scenes. You never have someone like an expert that truly comes out of nowhere. They always say that he's a genius and all this stuff, like Freud and Einstein; these guys are fronts for organizations that already exist. And when you read Bernays' stuff, this guy understood the human psychology and psychiatry better than even modern psychologists do and psychiatrists because he was trained by the best people who had studied populations down generations in different countries for thousands of years. And he mentioned all of this too, he said something called social adjustment, that's part of the propagandists' (or public relations as they call it now) schedule, is to alter the clientele. Not just the product you are selling to them or the idea you are selling to them, you alter the clientele to suit you and what you're selling them. Part of that is to do with propaganda in school of course; that's how you are prepped for subsequent propaganda throughout your whole life. And you swallow what you're told in school including your fake histories, and of course anything down the road that contradicts it you will think is crazy or a conspiracy theory. It works very well. So you're primed for subsequent propaganda by schooling. That's an essential part of it, as Jacques Ellul said as well. We're all trained that way.
So as I say the main thing is you're living through a planned agenda. It's completely eugenical in its essence and they're on a roll now. Don't get into the arguments even over climate change for instance. What they give you is an agenda they have. Climate change is an excuse to bring in a big agenda. Global Warming is a big excuse to bring in the agenda. As I've said many times before, the Club of Rome came out with this agenda. They were given the task by the United Nations -- it's on their own website, and they've got their own book out on it too, from the Club of Rome -- to find a way to unite the world and to make the people go under authority, to take on an authoritarian type of world government. And the best way to do it of course is a war situation. And they blamed man as being at war with the planet you see. That would fit the bill, they said, global warming, pestilence, starvation, drought would fit the bill. Out of all the other things they looked at that's what they chose. That's why nothing is going to change it. So you can use all the logic and reality and reasoning you want, it won't make any difference. It's the same with the ongoing wars, "Oh they shouldn't do that because," or "we know that the U.S. or Britain is instigating it"; we know all that. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter one bit. And folk get caught up in the arguing down below, trying to use reason, rather than saying this is the agenda, it's written in stone and regardless of the excuse they use they're going to go ahead with it. And they do go ahead with it. It's as simple as that. So as I say we're the best informed slaves that ever existed and yet there are so many techniques still played on us to get us caught up in it as well so that we can't reason properly.
I've mentioned before that when you watch a horror movie for instance, it's a very simple recipe. All movies are recipes, formulas and you can use the same ones over and over again. And with horror movies you always identify with the people in it. The guy generally with the guy, at least it used to be in the old days, and the girl with the woman, the heroine. And you see them, their lives are in danger, your blood pressure goes up, your pulse goes up, and you identify with the situation they're in. Even if it's a lousy movie you'll watch it to the end because the primitive part of your brain is adapted to that, to look out for injury to yourself, for guarding your own life, fight or flight and all that. And so you can't turn your head away from it. So in other words it's the same technique that's used for fear and mainstream is full of fear you see. It keeps you on edge every day.
You understand total control always uses fear from governments. And to control people, especially when you're fleecing them as well, because you are in a system of a tiny minority of them and all the rest of you. Believe you, that's as simple as that. That's how they talk about themselves at the top. And that little bunch at the top are living off all of you. They've lived awfully well for an awful long time. And the technique is to use fear, uncertainty for losing your home, your job, and all the rest of it. So many uncertainties. All these added fears and worries. And they keep you going up and down. They haven't given a generation peace for well over a couple of hundred years. Not a single generation has had peace and they don't intend to. And the reason for it being, if you're at peace for a while you will grudgingly move from the field that you're chewing in, the cud, when they try to get you to move to another field with less grass in it and chew the cud. You will be indignant you see. So they keep you moving all the time. And even in their own books to do with warfare, manuals and so on and writings by experts over the last couple of hundred years, they have mentioned this fact. It's very difficult to start a population that are healthy and happy and content and self-sufficient. So you take away their self-sufficiency and then you've got them on edge. Now they have to really worry every day; do I have that job at the end of the week, do I not have it, do I have the house at the end of the week, do I not have it? Can I pay the rent? Can I pay the mortgage? Whatever it happens to be. They've got you going up and down. And now they've got you with this global casino of the stock market where everything apart we're told, we're supposed to believe everything is up on it you see and it's all run by experts that have crashed us many times, plundered us, you can't count how many times. And of course they're going to do it again, and again, and again. And then the eventual outcome of it will be austerity. It's all your fault. All of you were complicit in causing this to happen. Because they always blame the victim, that's what the abuser does, always. And the trick with this one is, is that we're trained to look at the perpetrators as experts to help us out of the mess that they claim that we've created. Isn't that wonderful? This is psychological warfare. It's a perfected science. Very old science and you're taught in every generation that the system you're born into is normal because your parents probably didn't know it wasn't. Their indoctrination worked on them.
Now as I say we're the most informed slaves that have ever existed and of course the problem is, what do you do about it. And everyone has got a lot of different ideas of what you do about it. The one thing is you can never say we should do this because never in history have the public all got together in any country and stood up collectively against anything. It doesn't happen. It hasn't happened. It won't happen, it's not human nature.
Those who are doing better than others are the last ones to try it because they'll think well I'm okay Jack. That's how it works too. The ones at the bottom always get hit first, and even they are chaotic even amongst themselves. So, you'll never get the collective to stand up together and do the right thing on anything actually. It just doesn't happen. Dzerzhinsky was one of the top guys for the Soviet system and he said the same thing in his day because they had already done it on the Ukrainians and the people in Russia, they starved millions to death on purpose. And he says will the people ever rebel against the Soviet system, the Bolshevik system? He says, "No". He says, "You can beat them", he says, "You can starve them", he says, "You can put their backs against the wall to shoot them. Will they turn round and fight?" He says, "No, they'll turn round and eat their dead". Now that's a sad statement but it's awfully true and government counts on that. All governments, all tyrannies count on that, all of them. That's nature. So you have to find other ways around this, even for yourselves. And don't always say 'we' or 'all of us'. Back with more after this break.
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Hi folks. I'm back, we're Cutting Through the Matrix and I've been going on about depopulation agendas that are out in the open today and that are blossoming actually all the time. There is more and more every day but this one is similar to the one I read yesterday and the day before. It's similar but it goes a bit further in some areas. The:
"2011 report, funded by the European Commission and World Wildlife Fund,"
Alan: Now the World Wildlife Fund is a private foundation again. The foundations run the world you understand.
". . .models draconian population control measures, personal carbon taxes,"
Alan: I said that years ago, the whole point is we're all going to go under this con of carbon taxes which is the big stick for control, for control purposes. It's nothing to do with carbon in the atmosphere or anything else. It's for control purposes. And believe you me, that is going to be one of the biggest sticks that they have, right down to personal consumption of food and everything.
". . .government-controlled media, and the legalization of voluntary and assisted suicide in all EU countries."
Alan: That's under this super-soviet parliament they have for all over the EU now.
"The EU-funded think tank project named the One Planet Economy Network produced a document in 2011 which has received no attention at all in mainstream or alternative media outlets. Until now, that is. The document titled Scenarios towards a One Planet Economy in Europe. . ."
Alan: And I'll put the link up at cuttingthroughthematrix.com tonight.
". . .consists of several scenarios or "paths" which the EU may follow to reach an envisioned "One Planet Economy"."
Alan: "One Planet Economy". See, you understand, I've said before your countries are big businesses. Your bosses at the top see the country with all of the little businesses as one business. That's how they see it. And now it's "One Planet Economy".
"Funded by the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme. . ."
Alan: It sounds just like something out of the Soviet Union.
". . .and the World Wildlife Fund the document meticulously follows an Agenda 21-type scenario."
Alan: This is the agenda for the 21st century.
"Within the document, saturated with terms like "sustainability" and "ecological footprint", the author's outline four different paths towards what the group describes as a "one planet economy". As is stated at the very beginning of the report: There are four narratives that provide alternative, albeit not necessarily ideal, visions of the transition toward a One Planet Economy in Europe by 2050."
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