Lunar Influence on the Electrochemical Production of
Colloidal Silver
by Michael Theroux
It is well known that the quality of homemade
electrochemical colloidal silver varies with every
batch made. While some of this variance can occur due
to mechanical and/or operator malfunction, such as
improper voltage due to low batteries, the use of
impure waters (other than distilled), incorrect
duration of electrode contact, etc., there are other
factors which play an important role in producing high
quality electrochemical silver colloids.
The research work of Eugen and Lily Kolisko in the
1920s and 30s introduced the idea that certain
celestial events had a profound effect on metals, and
that the ancient traditional relationships between
specific metals and planets could be demonstrated via
laboratory experiment. The process of these
experiments involved placing cylinders of special
filter paper into dishes which held measured amounts
of the various metal salts. Then, the capillary
patterns which subsequently emerged, could be studied
with reference to specific solar system events (a
complete detailed description of the experimental
process is contained in the book, The Metal-Planet
Relationship by Nick Kollerstrom, available from
BSRF). Early on, the Koliskos observed the effects
that the moon’s phases had on solutions of silver
chloride, and that profound effects could be viewed
during lunar eclipses.
This information prompted the idea that lunar
influence could produce exceptional differences in the
quality of electrochemically produced colloidal
silver. We immediately began preparing the necessary
experimental equipment for the upcoming lunar eclipse
(March 23, 1997, 8:45PM PST). Two CS-300 colloidal
silver generators were used for the electrochemical
process and a digital countdown timer would ensure
that each batch ran for the exact prescribed time of
20 minutes. The first and second of four batches were
initiated just prior to, and during the eclipse, and
the last two just after the eclipse. The electrodes
were checked and cleaned before each batch was run to
assure a consistent voltage throughout the
experimental run. The water used was distilled and was
provided from the same bottle, and then pre-measured
into 8 oz. glasses of identical size and make. Normal
batches of colloidal silver produced in this way yield
a count of about 6000 to 8000 ppb (parts per billion)
of silver.
It had been noted with earlier batches of colloidal
silver that a simple taste test easily detected
differences in quality. Some batches would produce a
heavy metallic taste, while others had no
distinguishing differences from plain distilled water.
After the eclipse experiment was completed, an initial
taste test was conducted on the four batches. The
first batches run just before and during the eclipse
were perceptually absent of the characteristic
metallic taste usually associated with a strong batch
of colloidal silver. The two batches after the eclipse
proved very metallic in taste. These samples along
with a control were then taken to a local lab for
analysis. The results shown in Figure 1 indicate that
the amount of silver began to decrease nearing the
eclipse, with a reduction to 1900 ppb during the
eclipse. The last batch revealed a rise toward normal
This data strongly suggests a lunar influence on the
electrochemical production of colloidal silver. But,
the lunar influece presides over other factors which
are a part of the experimental test setup. Most are
familiar with the lunar effect on tides, and going
back into the distant past, many understood that the
moon exerts a powerful influence on water itself.
Folklore and fact abound with tales of lunar influence
upon water, moisture, and other liquids. Plutarch
instructed that the full moon caused such an increase
in moisture that it made timber, wheat, and other
grains which were cut at this time more likely to
become decayed and rotten. If cut at the new moon,
they would be dry and brittle.
The medieval medical practise of bleeding was to be
governed according to lunar phases and their attendant
proportions of moisture. Dr. E. J. Andrews, in 1960,
confirmed that bleeding is worse around full moons
than at any other time. Thousands of post-op records
were compared to the dates of lunar phases showing a
remarkable 82 percent of post-op bleeding episodes
occurred on or around the full moon. Several other
researchers and doctors would confirm his findings.
The medicinal effects of many folk remedies were also
governed by the phases of the moon due to fluctuating
moisture content. Bread was said to rise and leaven
better during a full moon, owing to a better retention
of moisture. There is a vast catalog of such
correspondences between the moon and water, and more
still with recent scientific investigations. G.
Piccardi, a pioneer on water structure and water
activation, demonstrated that cosmic energy forces are
important factors in the modification of standardized
laboratory chemical and phase-change experiments. He
also discovered a dynamic and energetic movement to
the Earth’s path in orbit that corresponds to seasonal
The moon is not without its effects on electricity and
electrical conductivity. Variations have been recorded
in the electrostatic strength of the atmosphere caused
by lunar-phase influenced fluctuations in ionization.
H.S. Burr discovered that the electrical potential of
trees climaxed during full moons, and was unrelated to
fluctuations in barometric pressure, humidity, or the
weather. The only outside influence the tree’s
electrical potential fluctuation kept pace with was
that of the changing phases of the moon. L. Ravitz
found that people also possessed peaks of potential
difference in accord with full and new moons. E.K.
Bigg observed over an 81 year period that magnetic
storms peaked in intensity just after full moons, and
were lightest around new moons. Disturbances in the
earth’s magnetic field have been found to follow lunar
It is obvious that these associations indicate that
the entire process of the electrochemical production
of colloidal silver is ruled by lunar influence. For
that matter, all chemical processes are inextricably
directed by celestial authority. It is essential to
understand then, when the most propitious times occur
to conceive these suspensions. With respect to the
production of colloidal silver, lunar influence tables
must be consulted. We know that tides are a direct
manifestation of lunar forces, but there are also
atmospheric tides which play an important role in the
understanding of how the moon affects chemical
reactions. D’Alembert, in 1746, was the first to
discover lunar tides in the earth’s atmosphere.
Atmospheric tides attend daily and monthly lunar
cycles similar to ocean tides. High tide is observed
when the moon is directly overhead or on the exact
opposite side of the earth. This is called upper and
lower transit respectively, or "souths" and "norths".
The highest atmospheric tide can be measured as air
pressure, and occurs at lower transit every day. These
daily high tides peak twice a month at new and full
moons. The highest tides occur when the full or new
moon is at perigee (closest approach to the earth),
and higher still when the new or full moon at perigee
crosses the ecliptic, or geometrical plane formed by
the path of the earth’s orbit.
From a quantitative viewpoint, these tides are
extremely small causing the barometer to rise only
.001 inches in a day. This influence is location
dependant, and may be as much as three times higher
near he equator as it is in middle latitudes. This
still seems too quantitatively minuscule to have any
effect on silver electrodes in an 8 oz. glass of
Here we must turn to the work of John Alden Knight. In
the mid 1920s, while fishing with a friend, he was
told about the folkloric "moon-up/moon-down" theory.
The basic premise is that fish feed only at certain
times of the day, and that the best times could be
found when the moon was either "southing" or
"northing". Knight went on to develop this theory over
the next few decades into what is now known as the
"Solunar" (combining Sun and Moon) theory. Of course,
this theory didn’t just apply to fish, and he would
discover that animals, including humans, would become
more active and have more energy at these times than
at all other times of the day. One might wonder why
they wake up in the middle of the night full of energy
only to consult the tables Knight created, and find
that a Solunar period was in progress. These periods
last anywhere from 1½ to 3 hours dependant on the
moon’s relationship to other celestial processes.
Minor Solunar periods are indicated during the rising
and setting times of the moon, and Major periods are
indicated during the two transits. These periods are,
of course, location dependant, and Knight has created
tables which are available for every major fishing
location in the country (see references). The easiest
way to roughly calculate this for yourself is to add 6
hours to the rise and set times for the moon. If you
are connected to the Internet, you can obtain moon
rise and set times for your local area for the entire
year by going to the Naval Observatory’s website at
Once you have these, simply add 6 hours to the daily
rise or set time to find the major periods.
These appear to be the best times for the production
of colloidal silver. If on a new or full moon, even
better. Although we haven’t had lab tests done on
every batch (the cost is $40 per sample), taste tests
and light yellow color confirm a fairly good batch
every time they have been made during major Solunar
periods. Minor periods produce a somewhat fair batch,
and in-between times have consistently yielded a poor
quality colloid.
Other moon factors to consider are high and low
runs/rides, and the traditional full moon names. When
the moon "Runs High", or "Rides Low" on the equator,
this refers to how high the moon is in the sky that
day. The moon is always highest for that day when it
souths, but its height above the southern horizon at
southing varies during the month. It’s at its highest
above the horizon when it souths on a "Runs High" day.
It’s at its lowest on a "Rides Low" day, which happens
about two weeks later. On the celestial equator, the
moon is about halfway between these extremes and this
occurs twice during the month. This is caused by the
interaction of the moon’s phases and the seasons. For
the Northern hemisphere the midsummer full moon is
always low in the sky, whereas the midwinter full moon
is nearly overhead.
The traditional names of the full moons for each month
of the year represent the qualities possessed by each
individual moon. For example, "Harvest Moon" in
September was said to be responsible for the ripening
of produce. To the Romans, Diana’s day fell at the
time of the Harvest Full Moon, and offerings were made
to her at this time to ensure the ripening of their
fruits. Some of the names associated with each month’s
full moon are derived from the traditional Algonquin
Native American or Colonial Full Moon Names as
January Wolf Moon, Old Moon, Winter Moon, Yule Moon.
February Snow Moon, Hunger Moon, Trapper’s Moon.
March Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sap Moon.
April Pink Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon, Fish Moon, Egg
oon, Planter’s Moon.
May Flower Moon, Corn Plant Moon, Milk Moon.
June Strawberry Moon, Rose Moon, Honey Moon, Hot Moon.
July Buck Moon, Thunder Moon, Summer Moon, Hay Moon.
August Sturgeon Moon, Red Moon, Green Corn Moon, Dog
Days Moon, Wood Cutter’s Moon.
September Harvest Moon, Fruit Moon, Dying Grass Moon.
October Hunter’s Moon.
November Beaver Moon, Frosty Moon.
December Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon.
While this is fascinating from the standpoint of
folklore, no correlations have yet been made between
these full moon names and their respective qualitative
influences. The Solunar theory seems to hold true at
all times of the year, but can be slightly altered by
these other factors, and delicate adjustments to your
tables (plus or minus a maximum of 45 minutes) would
then be in order.
As you become familiar with these Solunar periods, you
will also begin to notice how many other daily events
are directed by the moon’s influence. Once the
connection has been made, there is no turning back,
and many new discoveries concerning celestial
influences will surely appear in time. The practical
benefits of these correspondences are starting to
reveal themselves to us in many ways, and hopefully
will point us in the direction of a greater quality of
scientific endeavors.
1. Moon Up — Moon Down: The Story of the Solunar
Theory by Johm Alden Knight, Solunar Sales Co., 1972.
2. Moon Madness — And Other Effects of the Full Moon
by Paul Katzeff, Citadel Press, 1981.
3. The Metal - Planet Relationship: A Study of
Celestial Influence by Nick Kollerstrom, Borderland
Sciences Research Foundation, 1993.
4. Metal Power — The Soul Life of the Planets, by
Alison Davidson, Borderland Sciences Research
Foundation, 1991 (out of print).
5. The Chemical Basis of Medical Climatology by
Georgio Piccardi, Charles C. Thomas, 1962.
6. Climate and the Affairs of Men by Nels Winkless III
and Iben Browning, Fraser Publishing, 1975.
7. "Planetary Influences on the Matter of the Earth",
by Trevor James Constable, Round Robin - The Journal
of Borderland Research, Vol. 18, No. 2, March 1962.
8. Personal correspondence — Jack Payne, Solunar
Services, Rushville, IN 46173 (Solunar tables may be
purchased here for $30 a year).
9. Luna _97 Lunar Almanac Version 2.10, clySmic
software, 1997,
10. Geo-cosmic relations; the earth and its macro
environment - Proceedings of the First International
Congress on Geo-cosmic Relations, Amsterdam, 1989.
G.J.M. Tomassen, Pudoc, Wageningen, 1990.
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