The Holocaust (from the Greek ὁλόκαυστος holókaustos: hólos, "whole" and kaustós, "burnt"),[2] also known as The Shoah (Hebrew: השואה, HaShoah, "calamity"; Yiddish: חורבן, Churben or Hurban
Saturday, August 13, 2011
MYTH of Racism
The Greek philosopher Plato in his book The Republic, written about
380 B.C, first advanced eugenics. But even before Plato's proposal
the breeding of crops and animals had been known and practiced for
more than ten thousand years. And in almost every culture or
civilization, there were concerns for the genetic quality of the
people, though they did not understand the underlying mechanism. They
could however readily see the results, and did so in breeding all
sorts, including human breeding.
During the turn of the last century, socialists, nativists,
conservatives and policy advocates of all types understood this: the
underclass was there because of poor racial hygiene or bad breeding.
Even the Jewish religion fully understood the consequences of good
breeding and racialism. The following excerpts are from "Jewish
Eugenics and Other Essays", Three Papers Read Before the New York
Board of Jewish Ministers, 1915, Bloch Publishing Company, New York,
1916. "Jewish Eugenics" By Rabbi Max Reichler:
"Who knows the cause of Israel's survival? Why did the Jew survive
the onslaughts of Time, when others, numerically and politically
stronger, succumbed? Obedience to the Law of Life, declares the
modern student of eugenics, was the saving quality which rendered the
Jewish race immune from disease and destruction. 'The Jews, ancient
and modern,' says Dr. Stanton Coit, 'have always understood the
science of eugenics, and have governed themselves in accordance with
it; hence the preservation of the Jewish race.'"
"To be sure eugenics as a science could hardly have existed among the
ancient Jews; but many eugenic rules were certainly incorporated in
the large collection of Biblical and Rabbinical laws. Indeed there
are clear indications of a conscious effort to utilize all influences
that might improve the inborn qualities of the Jewish race, and to
guard against any practice that might vitiate the purity of the race,
or 'impair the racial qualities of future generations' either
physically, mentally, or morally….
"The very founder of the Jewish race, the patriarch Abraham,
recognized the importance of certain inherited qualities, and
insisted that the wife of his 'only beloved son' should not come
from 'the daughters of the Canaanites,' but from the seed of a
superior stock.
"In justifying this seemingly narrow view of our patriarch, one of
the Rabbis significantly suggests: 'Even if the wheat of your own
clime does not appear to be of the best, its seeds will prove more
productive than others not suitable to that particular soil.'
"This contention is eugenically correct. Davenport tells of a
settlement worker of this city who made special inquiry concerning a
certain unruly and criminally inclined section of his territory, and
found that the offenders came from one village in Calabria, known
as 'the home of the brigands.' Just as there is a home of the
brigands, so there may be 'a home of the pure bloods.'
"Eugenicists also claim that though consanguineous marriages are in
most cases injurious to the progeny, yet where relatives
possess 'valuable characters, whether apparent or not, marriages
between them might be encouraged, as a means of rendering permanent a
rare and valuable family trait, which might otherwise be much less
likely to become an established characteristic.' Abraham's servant,
Eliezer, so the Midrash states, desired to offer his own daughter to
Isaac, but his master sternly rebuked him, saying: 'Thou art cursed,
and my son is blessed, and it does not behoove the cursed to mate
with the blessed, and thus deteriorate the quality of the race.'
"The aim of eugenics is to encourage the reproduction of the good
and 'blessed' human protoplasm and the elimination of the impure
and 'cursed' human protoplasm. According to Francis Galton, it is 'to
check the birthrate of the unfit, and to further the productivity of
the fit by early marriages and the rearing of healthful children….'
"Great, in the eyes of the Rabbis, was the offense of him who married
a woman from an element classed among the unfit. His act was as
reprehensible as if he had dug up every fertile field in existence
and sown it with salt. A quintuple transgression was his, for which
he will be bound hand and foot by Elijah, the great purifier, and
flogged by God himself. 'Woe unto him who deteriorates the quality of
his children and defiles the purity of his family,' is the verdict of
Elijah endorsed by God. On the other hand, the mating of two persons
possessing unique and noble traits cannot but result in the
establishment of superior and influential families. When God will
cause his Shechinah to dwell in Israel, only such which scrupulously
preserved the purity of their families, will be privileged to witness
the manifestation of the Holy Spirit….
"The marriage between the offspring of inferior stock and that of
superior stock, such as the marriage between a scholar and the
daughter of an am-haarez, or between an am-haarez and the daughter of
a scholar, was considered extremely undesirable, and was condemned
very strongly. Moreover, no Rabbi or Talmid Chacham was allowed to
take part in the celebration of such a non-eugenic union….
"A parallel to the 'rough eugenic ideal' of marrying 'health, wealth
and wisdom' is found in the words of Rabbi Akiba, who claims that 'a
father bequeaths to his child beauty, health, wealth, wisdom and
longevity.' Similarly, ugliness, sickness, poverty, stupidity and the
tendency to premature death, are transmitted from father to
offspring. Hence we are told that when Moses desired to know why some
of the righteous suffer in health and material prosperity, while
others prosper and reap success; and again, why some of the wicked
suffer, while others enjoy success and material well-being; God
explained that the righteous and wicked who thrive and flourish, are
usually the descendants of righteous parents, while those who suffer
and fail materially are the descendants of wicked parents.
"Thus the Rabbis recognized the fact that both physical and psychical
qualities were inherited, and endeavored by direct precept and law,
as well as by indirect advice and admonition, to preserve and improve
the inborn, wholesome qualities of the Jewish race. It is true that
they were willing to concede that 'a pure-bred individual may be
produced by a hybrid mated with a pure bred,' for they found examples
of that nature in Ruth the Moabitess, Naamah the Ammonitess, Hezekiah
and Mordecai. As a general eugenic rule, however, they maintained
that one cannot produce 'a clean thing out of an unclean,' and
discouraged any kind of intermarriage even with proselytes [converts
to Judaism]. Their ideal was a race healthy in body and in spirit,
pure and undefiled, devoid of any admixture of inferior human
"Such an ideal, though apparently narrow and chauvinistic, has its
eugenic value, as the following suggestive quotation from a well-
known eugenist clearly indicates. 'Families in which good and noble
qualities of mind and body have become hereditary, form a natural
aristocracy; and if such families take pride in recording their
pedigrees, marry among themselves, and establish a predominant
fertility, they can assure success and position to the majority of
their descendants in any political future. They can become the
guardians and trustees of a sound inborn heritage, which,
incorruptible and undefiled, they can preserve in purity and vigor
throughout whatever period of ignorance and decay may be in store for
the nation at large. Neglect to hand on undimmed the priceless
germinal qualities which such families possess, can be regarded only
as betrayal of a sacred trust.'"
It is obvious from this scholarly work that eugenics was a part of
Judaism's religious writings and practices since the very beginning
and that to a large extent Judaism was and is a eugenic religion
(MacDonald 1994). And it was a simple formula. Those males, who were
intelligent, especially in scholarly readings and debating the
scriptures, were married to the daughters of the wealthy Jews, who no
doubt were above average in intelligence as were their offspring.
Jews who were not successful or who were not scholarly tended to
defect, under almost constant persecutions, to a safer haven among
the Christians.
Over the last few decades for the first time in history, the charge
of racism has been used to attack eugenics. If you are a eugenicist
then you are a racist (I have reviewed nine books on eugenics and
genetic engineering, published in The Mankind Quarterly, Spring 2001,
pages 315-50. My original article submitted to Mankind Quarterly is
available at http://
The latest and in my opinion the best book on eugenics is Eugenics: A
Reassessment by Richard Lynn, 2001, published by Praeger Press as
part of the "Human Evolution, Behavior, and Intelligence" series
edited by Seymour W. Itzkoff. This book is a remarkable compilation
of the current issue of eugenics and how it has returned and what we
can expect in the coming battle where everything labeled eugenic will
be attacked as racist. I will use it as my primary source for showing
why the charge of racism is used to try and deter the eugenicists'
exponential growth in human genetic engineering and why they abhor
The Left, led by Marxists like Montagu, Boaz, Gould, Lewontin, Rose,
Kamin et al., captured the reins of ideological propaganda and
convinced the West that "race" did not exist and that eugenics was
pseudoscience. They managed to do this through sheer force of
character and the willing passiveness of the public to believe what
they were told - repetition and almost total control of the media by
the Left made the indoctrination rather easy. Deception along with
moral duplicity allowed these intellectual terrorists to neuter
Western society into believing in equalitarianism - or a false belief
that under the skin all humans were absolutely equal in every way. We
are just now freeing ourselves from those shackles that were placed
upon us to keep us from challenging the very concept of racial
differences and group evolutionary strategies.
The book covers eugenics from top to bottom so I will discuss just
some of the most interesting or informative aspects of the book as it
relates to eugenics. First, Lynn finally puts to rest the notion that
equates Nazism/racism with eugenics and eugenics with the Holocaust.
Galton argued in 1869 that immigration of Russian and Polish Jews
into England was eugenic for the overall improvement of the genetic
capital of England: they were welcomed because of their genetic
quality. And Hitler never argued that the Jews were inferior but
quite the contrary. He argued they were of such superior stock
genetically that they were a threat to the Aryan race. Many scholars
have corrected this misinformation, and Lynn summarizes it elegantly.
In addition, Nazi Germany did not have a sterilization program for
the mentally retarded or insane that was any broader in scope than
other countries at the time. Per capita, Sweden had sterilized far
more people, as did many most Western countries. When it came to
euthanasia, there was basically one purpose for its implementation
when beginning in 1939 the Nazis needed to free up resources and make
room in the hospitals for the war effort. Euthanasia had nothing to
do with eugenics.
But ethnocentrism was in play in Germany because it was held that the
Jews had "evolved genetic qualities that made them good as middlemen
in such occupations as money lenders and traders but that they were
not good at production. They viewed the Jewish qualities
as 'specialized for a parasitic existence.' The idea that money
lenders and middlemen are parasitical and do not make a positive
contribution to a nation's economy is, of course, economically
illiterate, but it was nevertheless held by a certain number of
German biologists and geneticists in the 1930s." But others
parasitize ethnic groups when the opportunity avails itself, as
explained by Dawkins (1982) (see http:// for a discussion of ethnic parasitic
So as it turns out, Germany's eugenics' program was never very
developed or aggressive: they had war on their minds. Other countries
were much more assertive - eugenics was supported by socialists as
well as the general public. But to make a case for Marxism in the
last few decades, it was very beneficial to link the defeated and
hated Nazis with eugenics/racism. When this stuck in the public's
mind, radical environmentalism was on its way to being largely
unchallenged. And as part of this propaganda "Kamin (1974), Kevles
(1985), and Gould (1981) maintain[ed] that eugenic considerations
played a major part in the quota restrictions imposed by the act, but
Herrnstein and Murray (1994) doubt this, pointing out that no
reference to the intelligence of immigrants appears in the
Congressional records of the time. However, politicians do not always
like to put on paper their motives for passing legislation; and after
the elapse of three quarters of a century, it is impossible to assess
precisely the degree to which eugenic arguments contributed to the
national quota restrictions imposed by the 1924 Immigration Act." So
there has been a continuous and relentless distortion of history by
these perennial Marxists and for decades they did indoctrinate the
West into believing that racism/eugenicism were evils perpetrated by
the devious Anglo mind.
Today, this mindset is still in place. In numerous articles and
surveys, different racial groups are compared and typically the
status of Blacks is compared to that of Whites, and the disparity is
blamed always on racism or the government's failure to act strongly
enough to make everyone equal. Never is the point made that different
racial groups have incomes equivalent to their average IQs, with
Blacks on the bottom and Jews and East Asians at the top. It is
always taken for granted that different racial groups are on average
equally intelligent, and yet only sociologists and cultural
anthropologists still embrace this myth and perpetuate it through the
media by routinely issuing new studies and surveys that ignore
genetic differences. Lynn shatters the racial equality myth
summarizing succinctly what is known today. He even includes a
formula for estimating the expected intelligence of your children
based on the parents IQ and the average IQ of the general population
that the parents belong to.
And levels of average intelligence also have a strong impact on the
productivity of nations. Lynn and Vanhanen (See The Mankind
Quarterly, Summer 2001 and the forthcoming book IQ and the Wealth of
Nations in 2002) have studied 81 nations showing how the average
intelligence correlates with the Gross Domestic Product: [table
omitted, but can be found at
He also tackles the "if everyone is intelligent, who will mow my
lawn?" argument. With numerous examples, explanations, and hypotheses
about a future world of geniuses, he puts this conundrum to rest. In
short, even geniuses are capable of doing the dishes and mowing the
lawn. If highly intelligent Jews can share the manual workload on an
Israeli Kibbutzim, then a eugenic state of geniuses can also. I would
also venture a guess from the evidence that the only intelligent
people who would resist doing their share of the more tedious tasks
would be those with the behavioral trait of low conscientiousness.
And as I will discuss later, this is the only behavioral trait that
probably has no benefit to society and should be bred out of the
general population anyway.
Which brings us to psychopathy, conscientiousness and agreeableness.
Once we all agree that a eugenics' program should reduce genetic
disease and raise general intelligence, the only non-trivial question
left is should we tamper with human behavioral traits?
Psychometricians, astonishingly, have settled on the use of the Big-
Five behavioral factors: conscientiousness, agreeableness,
introversion-extroversion, open-mindedness, and neuroticism. Lynn
puts to rest, as do many other psychometricians, any notion that the
last three have any consequences in the workplace in general. That
is, many different combinations of these three factors can be of
benefit or a hindrance depending on the task. So Lynn concentrates on
the first two that in combination results in a psychopathic
He demonstrates convincingly that from all the available research,
psychopaths with low intelligence are responsible for society's
problems such as crime, drug addiction, unwed mothers, drug abuse,
rape, child abuse, unemployment, etc. These people are the
underclass. And they result from the combination of two behavioral
traits. They almost universally have low conscientiousness and low
agreeableness or altruism. (Lynn explains that altruism would be a
better term than agreeableness but that term has now "stuck" as the
common descriptor for this behavioral trait). That is, people who are
both highly unconscientious and disagreeable are pathological, and
both of these traits are highly heritable.
From this observation, Lynn softly recommends that a eugenics'
program should include a reduction of both unconscientiousness and
disagreeableness. But I have to take issue with this recommendation.
My interpretation is that only conscientiousness has no value in
modern society, and that its elimination will eliminate the
psychopaths, especially in a nation-state with an extremely high
average intelligence. Such a society should be able to deal with the
occasionally exceptionally disagreeable person. There is no need to
get rid of disagreeableness because a highly altruistic state may be
extremely vulnerable to indoctrination and subjugation. This seems to
be why the West is now in a dysgenic spiral downward, the more
Scandinavian races have a maladaptive level of altruism
(agreeableness) that allows others to become parasitical towards
them. This is a dangerous combination and though the society may
benefit internally from altruism it can also be overtaken by other
racial groups who are far less altruistic and benevolent.
Agreeableness or altruism is interesting then not only because of the
impact this trait has on a population group or race, but also between
races. First, there does not seem to be any correlation between work
productivity and agreeableness. So in a homogeneous society it seems
that it would add little to the economy to eliminate it. But being
disagreeable does have an impact on aggressive psychopaths, or those
who are violent rather than just dysfunctional. And violence is
always a concern in a society. And we also know that Blacks are about
ten times more violent or involved in criminal activity than Whites,
so what does that tell us about Blacks, crime and behavioral types.
Lynn states that:
"The amoral, antisocial, and aggressive nature of the psychopathic
personality has been elaborated by the APA in its 1994 edition of
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). It lists
eleven features of the condition, now renamed antisocial personality
disorder. These are: (1) inability to sustain consistent work
behavior; (2) failure to conform to social norms with respect to
lawful behavior; (3) irritability and aggressivity, as indicated by
repeated physical fights or assaults; (4) repeated failure to honor
financial obligations; (5) failure to plan ahead, or impulsivity; (6)
no regard for truth, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases,
or "conning" others; (7) recklessness regarding one's own or others'
personal safety, as indicated by driving while intoxicated or
recurrent speeding; (8) inability to function as a responsible
parent; (9) failure to sustain a monogamous relationship for more
than one year; (10) lacking remorse; (11) the presence of conduct
disorder in childhood. It may be useful to note that among these
characteristics, numbers 3, 8, 9, and 11 are moral failures in regard
to social relationships, whereas the remainder are moral failures in
regard to the self and to self-discipline."
The above list looks an awful lot like a description of the people
who live in Black ghettos and lends me to conclude from what we know
about intelligence that Blacks may very well have, in addition to an
average low intelligence, an inordinately high average of
disagreeableness or lack of altruism. Rushton (1995) has looked at
the differences in behavioral traits between Blacks, Whites and East
Asians and there seems to be real differences between the three
groups. So let's look at some of this data. For example, it is often
stated that we need to have Mexican immigrants to perform jobs that
other Americans will not do. So how is that possible? Why will
Mexicans work hard for low wages but not Blacks? I must assume that
is has a lot to do with the innate pathology of Blacks - primarily,
low conscientiousness.
Lynn also notes that high self-esteem is also a characteristic of
psychopaths, and we also know from behavioral studies that low
intelligence Blacks have unusually high self-esteem. Since they
should be able to infer their relationship with regards to
intelligence in comparison to others, I have to assume that this self-
esteem is genetic rather than cultural. Which brings us to crime. Are
blacks more criminal because of their low intelligence, their innate
psychopathic personalities, or is it due to them being told by the
Left that they are being discriminated against?
If I as an Islamic imam preached hatred towards the West, and
encouraged a jihad to make things right, would I not be complicit in
exciting others to commit terrorist acts? Well, that is what the Left
has done with regards to Blacks. They have been telling Blacks to
hate Whites because we have oppressed them, rather than telling them
the truth: races differ in innate intelligence on average. It is not
oppression but fair play that makes some groups do better than
others. So if Blacks have been angered to commit even more crime than
they normally would have because they have been promised benefits and
rewards that they do not deserve, then the Left should be held
accountable for inciting Blacks towards violence. Just as the West
should not be held responsible for all the problems in the Islamic
world, Whites should not be held responsible for all the problems
among Blacks around the world. Rushton (1995) clearly shows that
Blacks everywhere are more prone to crime than Whites or East Asians.
But the increase in Black crime from animosity incited by the Left is
clearly an act of aggression and should not be tolerated. Telling
Blacks they could be as well off as Whites or telling Whites they
could be as well of as Jews if only there was no discrimination is
clearly wrong and hateful in either case. Races rise to their own
innate capabilities in free market economies.
But of course the "right-to-lifers" are just as culpable for
increased crime as is the Left. Before about 1930 people generally
accepted that crime ran in families, and that the only remedy was to
reduce the number of offspring born to the underclass before they
overran society. Eugenics was on the verge of overcoming the crime
wave from the underclass. But then abortion became legal and has
vindicated what the early eugenicists were trying to accomplish:
"The eugenic impact of abortion in the United States has been
demonstrated by Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of
Chicago, and John Donohue, a lawyer at Stanford University (Levitt &
Donohue, 1999). They noted that following the Supreme Court decision
in 1973 effectively legalizing abortion throughout the United States,
the annual numbers of abortions increased from approximately 750,000
in 1972 to approximately 1.6 million in 1980. They also noted that
most of this large increase in the numbers of abortions occurred
among the poor, blacks, and the underclass, who produce the greatest
numbers of criminals. Hence, they conclude that approximately 1
million potential criminals who would previously have been born were
aborted. They estimate that this explains about half of the reduction
in crime that occurred between 1991 and 1997. In further support of
this thesis, they found that states with the highest abortion rates
after 1973 experienced the greatest reduction in crime some 20 years
later. Furthermore, five states that allowed abortions before the
1973 Supreme Court ruling permitting abortion experienced an earlier
reduction in crime. This study demonstrates the considerable eugenic
benefits accruing from the legalization of abortion. (Lynn 2000)
Lynn then deals with the mechanisms for reducing genetic disease and
increasing intelligence. First, he points out that detractors of
eugenics are correct in their pessimism of completely eliminating
recessive genetic diseases because as they are reduced they become
ever more difficult to select against. But he notes that in ten
generations, half of all recessive genetic disease alleles could be
eliminated. This in combination with genetic testing of the fetus
could make the complete elimination of the alleles unnecessary. The
genetic disease itself would seldom be expressed in a child.
With regards to increasing intelligence eugenically, he makes a good
case for how relatively easy it is. Since the heritability of
intelligence is so high at around 80% compared to say behavioral
factors around 50% or a little less, intelligence is a no-brainer for
eugenics. And with new technologies, remarkable jumps can be made in
just one generation. He shows how if a normal couple would just
genetically select the potentially most intelligent embryos for
implantation, the intelligence of the children selected would
increase by 15 IQ points. Yes - 15 IQ points in every generation up
to the theoretical maximum of about 200 without any new mutations.
All we need to do is identify the intelligence genes, and this should
be possible in just a few shorts years (Plomin's prediction - not
Lynn's). Eugenic selection for intelligence via genetic testing of
embryos followed by in vitro fertilization (IVF) is just a few years
away. And the advantages would be passed on to every generation that
follows! Now that is one hell of a rate of return on your money.
Spend it up front before the child is even born, and the returns are
Up until the last two chapters of the book, Lynn just provides us
with what eugenics can do, the mechanics, and ethical foundations for
its use. In these final chapters however he states what I also think
is the obvious, but he is much more sanguine about the outcome. Let
me try to summarize his perspective and then I will embellish it.
Basically the West is too altruistic or genetically high in
agreeableness (I can't think of any better term) to institute an
effective eugenics' program. But the East is capable of making these
tough-minded decisions, and especially China. They have already fully
embraced a eugenics' policy and as the ruling totalitarian oligarchs
shift from communism to nationalism, this lone nation with over a
billion people will arise as the world power. They will use a
combination of eugenics with a population that is already second to
none in intelligence (aside from the Ashkenazi Jews) and along with
their size will grow in power and technology. But here is where Lynn
and I differ. He thinks that once China has dominated the world, we
will enter a period of peace even if it is without democracy.
I see a different outcome, based on human nature. There is no point
having power unless one can use it to dominate others. As the Chinese
eugenic nation-state expands, they will not make peace with other
races but they will instead subjugate others, as ethnocentrism has
shown us all racial groups will try to do to others. In addition,
they will use the females of other subjugated races to raise their
children. That is, human slaves will be used as surrogate mothers.
This new elite race of East Asians will not tolerate their own women
having to suffer the pains of bearing children when there is a
plentiful supply of foreign breeders available. These slave breeders
will be kept in perfectly controlled environments for this breeding
purpose, to assure that the elite women do not have to suffer any
inconveniences. And after birth, East Asian professional caretakers
will raise the children so that again, the elite will not have to be
bothered by the inconvenience of annoying children. Sound impossible?
Read Lynn's book and see which scenario seems more plausible.
But of course, the above plausibility is not really even relevant.
What is important is that once eugenics becomes commonplace, and it
is recognized that the most intelligent races will dominate the
world, then the arms race in eugenics will commence. It may happen
within one nation-state, it may happen by way of collective cults, it
may happen by the wealthiest using the technology aggressively. But
it will happen and it will not happen equally to all races or
peoples. And this is what an evolutionary arms race is all about. The
next 100 years will see a new human species arise - or the
destruction of all humans. But one thing is sure; it will not be
peaceably negotiated away. Eugenics is happening now! And it will be
accelerating at an exponential rate over the next few decades.
The charges of scientific racism then will be used to try and stop
this very natural progression of humans wanting to achieve higher
levels of perfection for their offspring through directed evolution.
But as was stated in Chapter Four, humans are concerned first with
egotism, then nepotism, followed by altruism. All humans are going to
want the best for their children before yielding to their altruistic
sense of raising everyone up equally, especially those outside of
their own group - the troublesome and dangerous other. Ethnocentrism
will make this battle very salient as racial groups compete or try to
prevent other racial groups from advancing. And unlike economic
competition, the acquisition of genetic perfection is forever to be
transferred onto the future generations. The implications for this
genetic arms race is really staggering in scope. It will surely
result in a zero sum game or winner-takes-all. Once any one racial
group gets very far ahead, and maintains their cohesiveness, it will
be very difficult for any other groups to overtake the leader aside
from warfare, terror or government sponsored genocide.
So eugenics can improve the genetic capital of parent's children, a
race of people, a nation-state, or even a cult or religion similar to
Judaism's eugenics. How racism will be linked with eugenics then will
determine what group is winning and which group is losing. Whether
eugenics is individual, national, universalist, or global doesn't
matter because it is already well on its way. (For an outline of a
modern reformulation of a eugenic religion, one that can prosper in a
globalist world, see http://
Charges of racism are conveniently inserted into arguments for
individual freedom over the rights of society even as individual
rights versus societies rights changes rather quickly. Again, with
the bombing of the World Trade Center, we see citizens willing to
give up individual rights under the perceived threat of harm - no
matter how distant or real it really is. It seems that the whole set
of arguments for individual rights over societal rights is more an
issue by issue means of social manipulation. But the fact is they are
linked and one cannot be pursued without the other. As Lynn points
"Yet in the late twentieth century, people with HIV and AIDS were
allowed complete liberty in the Western democracies, including the
liberty of infecting others, and were allowed to travel freely and to
enter the countries without any checks on whether they had HIV or
AIDS. Some of those with these conditions have inflicted high social
and individual costs in spreading the infection. They have been
allowed to do so because of the priority accorded to individual
rights over social rights.
"In the second half of the twentieth century, a component of this
general trend was an increasing acceptance of the right of those with
genetic diseases and disorders, those with mental retardation, and
criminals to have children, despite the social costs imposed by the
genetic transmission of these pathologies; and this right came to be
regarded as more legitimate than the social right of society to
curtail the reproductive liberties of these groups. The fact that
social rights ultimately involve the welfare of actual human beings
was overlooked. Eugenics is premised on the assertion of social
rights and in particular the right of the state to curtail
reproductive liberties in the interests of preserving and promoting
the genetic quality of the population. It was this change in values
toward according greater precedence to individual rights at the
expense of social rights that was the fundamental reason for the
rejection of eugenics in the Western democracies in the closing
decades of the twentieth century."
Again, think of the single issue of HIV and AIDS. If we looked at
this as a health problem not unlike we look now at terrorists,
infected people with HIV would have been quarantined. Simply put, HIV
infected people have killed millions more by freely spreading the
disease in liberal societies. And I would contend that this was
allowed to happen not because of an overriding concern with
individual rights but because the Left was using it as a means to
push radical egalitarianism. It was a way of again using charges of
racism to promote homosexual rights thus leading to more suffering
and death. Had society undertaken early testing and quarantine, the
disease could have been contained.
The reality is that societies routinely prohibit or enforce many
behaviors for the good of the nation, and it is only the set of
current controlled behaviors that changes. We control who can drive a
car, what kind of dogs people may own because some are more dangerous
(this is a rather recent phenomenon), security checks at airports are
now far more stringent, citizens are asked to go to war and lose
their lives whether they believe in the war[s] or not, they are
coerced to live together in integrated communities even if the
heterogynous people don't get along, people are not allowed to smoke
pot even in the privacy or their own homes, etc. ad infinitum.
In every nation only the things prohibited change overall, humans are
coerced into behaving according to the current value system. And
eugenics is the same. Once it is recognized fully just how important
a nation's average genetic quality benefits the society as a whole in
terms of economic viability, good health, low crime, and a myriad of
other socially desirable factors the more it will be demanded that
the underclass of pathological behavior and the average intelligence
of the nation be given more attention. Those nations that cannot
produce the bombs are subject to having others drop the bombs on them
as we are seeing now in Afghanistan. And as nations compete, and we
come to abandon the dogma of equalitarianism and recognize that many
population groups will never escape poverty and despair because of
their genetic handicaps, the more eugenics will be embraced as the
only economical way to improve the nation-state.
Even more importantly is that eugenics is already all around us but
goes by many names but eugenics. Lynn states, "The reason the medical
profession has sought to deny that these procedures are eugenic is
that by the last two decades of the twentieth century any procedure
that could be identified as eugenic was automatically condemned.… And
Abby Lippman (1991) suggests that the denial that these procedures
are eugenic is hypocritical, writing, 'Though the word eugenics is
scrupulously avoided in most biomedical reports about prenatal
diagnosis, except where it is strongly disclaimed as a motive for
intervention, this is disingenuous. Prenatal diagnosis presupposes
that certain fetal conditions are intrinsically undesirable.'"
The consensus today is moving towards accepting that people have an
obligation not to bring defective children into the world when
genetic testing makes it preventable. And those who do so for various
reasons usually expect and even demand that others pay the cost for
the care and treatment of these unwelcome children. They would never
have been allowed to survive in the past if our current technology
had been available to them. In our evolutionary past, children who
were defective were routinely killed at birth (Hrdy 1999).
It seems evident then that eugenics will continue to be called racist
as long as it is politically useful for those who use the term for
political gain. This is usually political activists who have an
agenda that may not always be obvious. But there is one group where
it is very transparent. Lynn states:
"The second social change that took place in the second half of the
twentieth century that will make it more difficult to rehabilitate
eugenics consists of the growth of groups hostile to eugenics. These
consist of ideologically committed civil liberties groups and of a
variety of special interest groups, all of which have a common cause
in placing the liberties of the individual above social well-being.
Two powerful special interest groups in particular can be expected to
oppose eugenic programs. The first of these consists of the
administrators, social workers, medical workers, psychologists,
educators, and the like, whose careers have been built on catering
for the needs of the mentally retarded, criminals, and psychopaths
and who have identified with the interests of these 'clients,' as
they have become known. These would inevitably oppose eugenic
proposals designed to reduce the numbers of the social problem groups
on whose existence their own careers depend and with whom they have
come to empathize.
"A second special interest group that would be expected to oppose any
attempt to rehabilitate eugenics is the racial and ethnic minorities
that would be disproportionately affected by eugenic policies.
Foremost among these are African Americans and Hispanics in the
United States and Africans in Europe, whose low average intelligence
and high crime rates would make them disproportionately subject to
sterilization and restrictions on immigration. Any proposal to
introduce eugenic programs of sterilization and immigration control
would inevitably be rigorously opposed by these groups and their
advocates. By the closing decades of the twentieth century, it had
become politically impossible in the United States for either the
Republican or the Democratic parties to reduce immigration, let alone
to introduce selective acceptance criteria, because of the voting
power of the African Americans and Hispanics, who naturally favor the
admission of increasing numbers of their own racial and ethnic
groups. This problem is also present throughout Europe where,
although the ethnic and racial minorities are fewer in number, they
are still sufficiently numerous to deter political leaders from
introducing measures calculated to offend them. The same problem of
adverse impact would also be present in any attempt to introduce
measures of positive eugenics, such as the provision of financial
incentives for high-earning elites to have children.
Disproportionately fewer of the ethnic and racial minorities would
qualify, except for the Asians, and on this account they would be
likely to oppose measures of this kind."
So it may be difficult in the West to overcome the obstacles for a
eugenic national program. But Lynn argues that in the East, in such
countries as China, Singapore, Taiwan, etc., eugenics has and will
continue to be of national concern. And with East Asians already
above average intelligence, they may well win the eugenic arms race.
But in the West, individuals with their economic resources will
increasingly turn to eugenics to give the best possible opportunities
to their children. From assortative mating - the simple awareness of
one's mate's intelligence and pedigree - to genetic testing,
increasingly the aware parents will apply every eugenic means they
can to have the best babies they can. One very exciting prospect is
embryo selection, where numerous embryos are fertilized and allowed
to divide into eight cells each. Then, a cell from each will be
genetically tested and the best one[s] will be implanted to produce
the best possible child. Not only will the child be free of genetic
defects to the limit of the technology, but the embryos can also be
selected for example to have the highest intelligence. We are very
close, thanks to the Human Genome Project, of beginning to identify
the dozen or so anticipated genetic alleles that contribute to
Now think of the economic investment and the future prospects for
families - and/or members of a eugenic religion - that chooses to
invest in the genetic quality of their children. For example, a
couple could spend say $50,000 upfront to select an almost defect-
free child with say an intelligence of 130 rather than say a normal
child with an intelligence of 110. The added 20 points will make a
tremendous difference in the more intelligent child's education. They
could be educated at home, allowed to learn at their own pace, or use
computers for their education, etc. In addition, they will be able to
get into almost any university and also obtain scholarships. Or,
within a few years take advantage of on-line universities at a
fraction of the cost of going to a university. Having an IQ of 130
versus 110 can translate into many thousands of dollars in reducing
educational costs and in one's lifetime earning. And, this genetic
investment can now be passed on to the next generation.
As Lynn shows, each generation can easily increase their average IQ
(of the eugenic group under consideration) by 15 points. By the
second generation, traditional schooling would be mostly a waste of
time. With and average IQ exceeding 145 these children would be bored
in traditional classrooms and will essentially be able to self-
educate themselves with little direction. And by the third
generation, with an average IQ of 160, boredom or lack of challenge
would be the greatest detriment for these children. However, these
children will no longer be rare. They will grow up with others just
like them and will be able to interact and be challenged by each
other. They may never even experience in any real fashion the other's
lack of intelligence - that is they will be raised and associate with
primarily others like themselves. And they will have the money and
the power to separate themselves in gated enclaves rather than
dealing too intimately with the underclass. Speciation by this time
will have begun. And that does not even include new methods of
genetic alteration.
Lynn summarizes this speciation process:
"When this point is reached, the two populations will begin to
diverge genetically. A gulf will open up between the embryo-selected
children and the 'unplanned,' as those conceived by sexual
intercourse may come to be known. If, as seems probable, the parents
of the unplanned come from the bottom 10 percent to 20 percent of the
population for intelligence, their mean IQ would be around 80 and the
mean IQs of their children around 84. The remaining 80 percent to 90
percent of the population who had their children by embryo selection
would have a mean IQ of about 110. By using embryo selection they
could have children with IQs about 15 points higher than their own,
giving their children a mean IQ of around 125. Thus, in the first
generation there would be a difference of around 40 IQ points between
the average IQ of the embryo-selected and that of the unplanned. This
gap would increase by around 15 IQ points in each subsequent
generation because the embryo-selected would continue to have
children whose IQs would be around 15 IQ points higher than their
own, while the IQs of the unplanned would remain the same. Thus, in
the second generation the intelligence gap between the embryo-
selected and the unplanned would increase from around 40 IQ points to
around 55 IQ points. This would give the embryo-selected children a
huge advantage in schools, colleges, occupations, and incomes. The
embryo-selected children would also be selected for sound personality
traits, and this would give them an additional advantage in their
education, careers, and socioeconomic status. This will lead to the
emergence of a caste society containing two genetically
differentiated castes - the embryo-selected and the unplanned."
Racism and eugenics are linked only in the minds of those who oppose
any recognition of human differences, primarily the Left with some
residual resistance from religion. But as Lynn shows, socialism and
communism are the two ideologies still promoting a radical
environmentalism. Attacking eugenics is just one part of the dogma,
but an important one. As eugenic practices spread through nations and
individuals alike, it will be hard to argue for a malleable social
order than can be planned from above by the self-appointed elite.
Attacks on eugenics like attacks on racism are nothing more than a
means to gaining power by one group over another through a normative
moral doctrine that has no empirical basis.
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